Brief History Of Orville Gibson & The Gibson Company

Orville H. Gibson was a musician and a woodcrafter (luthier) who enjoyed Building musical instruments such as arch-top guitars, mandolins, and harps. The earliest electric Gibson guitar ever recorded or seen had a perfectly solid wooden rectangular one piece body.

In 1896 Orville Gibson opened a little store and kept on experimenting and creating innovating new ways on how to build stringed instruments. 

In 1902 Gibson was bought out by investors who called their business Mandolin Guitar Manufacturing Company From 1902 to 1944. Some of the finest Gibson guitars were produced during these years and now are considered highly collectible. A brief list of these guitars include the:
  • Gibson L-5 arch-top introduced in 1922
  • Gibson f-5 mandolin - 1923
  • Super Jumbo flat top guitars - 1934
  • Gibson Es-150 with Charlie Christian Pickups - 1936-37
  • The First Single Gibson arch-tops -1939
  • J-45 Flat top introduced in 1942
In 1944 the company was purchased by CMI which stands for Chicago Musical Instrument Company. In 1944 to 1968-69 more fabulous Gibson guitars were produced that are now household names like:
  • The single cut Gibson es-175 guitar - 1949
  • Les Paul solid body p-90 pickups - 1952
  • Eb-1 Violin - 1953
  • Les Paul Customs With PAF hum-buckers - 1955
  • Single cut thin-line es-225t - 1955
  • The ever famous Gibson Byrd-land - 1955
  • Double Cutaway semi hollow es-335 - 1958
  • Gibson flying v explorers - 1958
  • First EDS 1275 Gibson double necks - 1958
  • Gibson Hummingbird -1959
  • Gibson Barney Kessel - 1960
  • Sg Les Paul - 1961
  • Gibson Thunderbird Bass - 1963

Note : In 1957 CMI then purchased Epiphone guitar company transferring production from Philadelphia to the Gibson plant in Kalamazoo until 1969 when Epiphone guitars were built in Japan .

In 1968 Gibson started making reissues of the Les Paul customs and standards.

In late 1969 The company was purchased by a company called Norlin. During 1969 to 1984 more outstanding Gibson guitars were made such as :

  • Gibson L series were introduced in 1972
  • Nashville Tennesse Guitar - 1974
  • Gibson BB KING - 1980
  • Chet Atkins -1982

In 1984 production at kalamazoo Ended.

In 1985 Gibson sold to a group called Henry Juskewiscz. In 1985 to this present day Gibson is always strong , introducing more models such as Chet Atkins country gentlemen and many more .

When you buy a vintage Gibson guitar you are not only buying a fine guitar but the history that goes with it as well .

Theres no other manufacturer that has produced a greater variety of professional and prestigious quality guitar models than Gibson. Every guitar model that Gibson ever built has its own history and story, there are no two alike even if they share the same name.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    This is an amazing blog, this really give you a clue of how much does a gibson guitar cost

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I toured the Gibson factory in Kalamazoo before manufacturing was moved to Nashville. Many of the same people who worked there stayed in town. A group of them are crafting the Heritage guitar; aptly named, since the Gibson heritage is forever in the hands of the craftspeople who made such beautiful instruments.

    From the Heritage website:
    Heritage Guitar Inc. of 225 Parsons Street in Kalamazoo, Michigan was incorporated on April 1, 1985.
    The idea to start Heritage Guitar began when the Gibson Guitar Corporation closed its Kalamazoo, Michigan factory in September of 1984 and moved all production to its other plant in Nashville, Tennessee (in operation since 1975). When this took place, some of the employees were asked to move to Nashville. However, since their families had spent many years in Kalamazoo, it made it difficult to uproot and move. Therefore 3 men, Jim Deurloo, Marvin Lamb, and JP Moats, decided to start a guitar manufacturing business. In 1985 when the company was incorporated, 2 other former Gibson Guitar Corporation employees, Bill Paige and Mike Korpak, joined as owners. Mike left the company in 1985.

    The founders biggest resource is and was the group of craftsmen they could draw from to begin operations. The owners themselves each had in excess of 25 years of hands on experience in making guitars. To this day each of the owners is directly involved in the manufacturing of each instrument.

    Heritage started operations in the oldest of five buildings formerly owned and operated by Gibson Guitar Corporation. That building was completed in 1917 and has been a center for guitar manufacturing ever since. Much of the machinery that Heritage uses today, was purchased from Gibson Guitar Corporation.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    this blog is awesome ... keep it up , wish you covered fender too .

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    great info guys. love gibson guitars and knowing a little about their history makes me luv them even more ...

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Do you guys know anything about the strike in the mid 1950's. If so please e-mail me at

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    GIbson guitars are fantabulous and there is no beating them. plain and simple as that.

  7. I was just given an ES125 1942 sunburst with a bridge pickup Nickle plated, 14 3/4 lower bout, 10 1/4 upper bout. 3 1/4 depth, 24 3/4 scale length, all original other than nice repalcement tuners and the original hard case all in very nice shape, no cracks. I got it from the original owner. Serial # 7469H-15 on the inside of the black of the guitar. The #15 is in red pencil and it is all very readable. I need to know the value. Please contact me via email with anything you can tell me about this guitar. It has one vol. knob and one tone knob. Very nice guitar! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

  8. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Great description of your guitar , its definitely an early 40's ,its valued at $1400 to $1600 . You can probably fetch more if you sell it to the right buyer ... these guitars are rare but not really much in demand .. they were extremely popular during there times ,they were affordable but played very well though ... ( es-125 guitars were student models )

  9. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I have a J-45 I bought in 1969-70 Ser # 906685. I was told that it ws the last one built by Gibson That seems to be incorrect. Anyone have information on that number.

    Campbell River BC

  10. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I was given an electic gibson les paul custom in white, but i dont see a serial number on it. the silver plate in the back has some faded numbers stamped on it and the numbers that i can read are 532 but it looks as if there is at least a faded 0 preceeding the 532. the bell on the front looks like the les paul custom was inscribed instead of stamped. the switch in front (i think its called a pick up switch) also have the word rhythm and treble inscribed instead of stamped. this seems to be an older guitar and has been in storage for over 15 years. can you please help me to find out if this is authentic and do all gibson les paul's have serial numbers on the outside or is there some where on the inside that it would tell me.
    thanks, Mari

  11. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I have a J-45 I bought in 1969-70 Ser # 906685 ...

    your guitar was made during the early 70s , according to your serial number .

  12. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I was given an electic gibson les paul custom ..

    most gibson guitars have the serial numbers in back of the peghead ... unless its was made during the 30s , 40s or 50s ..

    would have to see a picture of your guitar .

  13. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Hi My name is Scott and my father recently passed away and left me a c-o-classic Gibson guitar number 874634 with a white square label inside and it is stamped on the top of the Head as well. On the label inside it says Gibson, Inc. Kalamazoo, Mich. U.S.A. at the bottom union made. On the neck the frets are marked on the top edge of the neck in pearl white. It has a triple ring Black and yellow around the hole. The neck is two piece neck with a lighter color wood separating the two. On the head The neck is cut out for the string tensioner and the the keys are mounted flat against the neck and point down. The Gibson logo is slanted in gold and the dot on the I is connected to the G. Can anyone give me a value and date. I believe it was manufactured in the late 40's but need so help identifing the date and value. I do not want to sell, but want to insure for its value. Can anyone help. Please email me at Thanks for your help.

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    the serial number indicates that it was made in 1967 , c-o classical guitars were introduced in 1962 and discontinued in 1971 ..

    your guitar is valued at $400 to $450

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I have a beautiful flattop serial#S-3253 with a square Kalamazoo label. Any idea it's value? n Sioux in Seattle

  16. I have an old J-160E Custom acoustic electric that my Dad bought for me sometime in the 60's. It has an orange sticker visible thru the soundhole that says it J-160E Custom from Kalamazoo, MI and made in the USA. Serial number A86005. I am trying to get the year it was manifactured. Gibson hasn't been any help. Does anyone know?
    Thanks, Greg

  17. Sorry, I left out one of the numbers on the serial number. It is A860054
    Thanks Greg

  18. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Hi. what a great site. been reading for hours..

    I have a Gibson F-25 acoustic guitar. in good condition, all original, including soft shell case.

    some varnish cracks, scuffs, etc on guitar back. lightly used.

    Serial number is 300495. machine heads say Kluson Deluxe.

    any info on a ballpark worth would be appreciated. I've had this guitar for 30 years and curious of its worth.

  19. Anonymous7:06 PM

    i have recently bought a gibson accoustic and i think it was created in the 40s or 50s and would like to know the value of it
    thanks sincerly D.S

  20. Anonymous3:40 PM

    greg, saw your posting while I was looking up my guitar serial number etc...

    look at website

    if you look towards the bottom of the list, you see a line that reads:

    A + 6 digits 1973-1975

    this may be your guitar, not sure though. but give the whole article a once over..


  21. I saw Les Paul play in 1974 as part of a promotion for Gibson. Another great jazz guitar player was with him. Does anyone have any info about this?
    Bob Farmer

  22. I saw Les Paul once in 1974 at a gibson sponsored event in Portland Or. There was another really good jazz guitar player with him. Anybody have any info about this?


  23. OOPS. My real name is Newby Dumass.

  24. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I bought a Gibson Les Paul Custom 1979 (Silverburst). Then I realized that it has no "made in USA" stamp on below its serial number. The serial number is #70169571. I have read that some products don't have this stamp because it is forgotten while being manufactured. I checked all the electronics and pick-ups and they look original. But I am worried that the guitar might be fake due to the missing stamp. I would be grateful if any one knows anything about this and inform me about that. Thanks a lot.

  25. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Thanks a lot for your help.
    The owner of 1979 Gibson Custom Silverburst.(No USA stamp)

  26. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Hi there! Anyone interested in a vintage Gibson J 160 E Custom Acoustic/Electric? It once belonged to Ernest Tubb (Bluegrass Musician circa 1952 - 1960) We have had it appraised and were shocked to find that it was worth $4,000 - $6,000 at a music shop in our area! It was passed down from my husband's grandfather and is actually a pre-Lennon guitar in great condition. We are not musically inclined and would love to sell this beautiful piece of history to someone who could give it a proper home and all the TLC it so richly deserves. If anyone is interested - make us a decent offer and we'll be happy to verify it's value.

  27. I just inherited an older Gibson Guitar, I believe it is from the late 40's or the early 50's. It is a flattop with number 15692 on the back of the neck, the only other markings I could find are J45; ADJ Bridge. If anyone could give me a ballpark figure I would appreciate it. George

  28. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Thanks for the blog. Fantastic. I have a Gibson 1976 es335td (Walnut)in beautiful condition. It only had one unusual thing when I purchased it. The paper norlin era label was missing. I can't see any glue residue or trace of this label. After looking online at other '76 models that were identical I notice others missing the label. This model has the coil tap and has a decal or something with the model, make, serial number on the back of the headstock. I just wondered if there were some years that they didn't bother with the labels over at Gibson or something. I also wondered if that really impacts the value of the instrument. I can't find any other flaws. Thanks

  29. Anonymous12:34 PM

    vintage 1952 Gibson Les Paul STD Gold Top in amazing condition for sale! Call for details!

    Aiden at Guitar Center in Clackamas, OR - 503.764.8879

  30. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I was given an Epiphone Gibson, telecaster style,in black, ,with two pick ups, s/n 0110321.I think its about 20 yrs old.any info please,would be greatfull.

  31. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I have an older gibson that I'm trying to identify. There isn't any numbers on the inside or stamped on the neck that I can see. I believe it is from the late 20's to early 30's. If anyone would like to see pics of it you can e-mail me and I will send you the pics. thanks

  32. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I OLD BRO of Old Bro And The Ancestors use to starve just to buy another Gibson Les Paul Jr. or LP or SG jr.although had a deep apprecation for archtop electrics started playing in early 60's and Idustrial themal crush slowed me down in 88',anyway I met the great Pete Moreno and Arron Cowles Ex Gibson luthier and others with a long history at Kalamazoo plant and went off on there own greatness

  33. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Hi Iam glad i found this site.
    I have a 1961-1962 Les Paul SG with the case. My question is that I cant locate any serial number, or is it possible there isnt one
    Thanks Chip

  34. Anonymous1:37 AM


  35. Anonymous6:46 PM

    i have a gibson sj #960441 its color is a red stareburst it looks like a hummingbird but i know its not could anyone help it also has a oversiced pickgard

  36. HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN A G ibson Classic later than a C-1 say C-2 and up .I have never seen a C-4 ,C-6 or C-8 IT FUNNY BUT THE ONLY ONES YOU SEE ARE THE C-0 or the C-1'S . Please let me know

  37. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I've been reading alot about all the Gibson L styles from the 1920's but cannot find any mention of an L-7. Ours is black, serial #72567 which is still legible in pencil on the label inside the hole. the hard shell case is in nice shape too. thanks.

  38. Anonymous5:45 PM

    What is the difference between Standard and Custom les pauls?

  39. Hi, this blog has kept me up for most of the night. I've just bought a beautiful Gibson Gospel serial 00162684 which tells me it's a 76. A Fishman pickup and Grover machine heads all in. Is there any way of finding out where it was built?

    Thanks for all the great info

  40. Anonymous5:14 PM

    hello. i just picked up a Gibson hummingbird prototype. it says in the sound hole Gibson hummingbird Kalamazoo Mich. not for resale. prototype. can anyone tell me anything about this guitar, i had a friend who works for heritage look at it. it,s definitely a Gibson. i,m just trying to get a value . i believe it,s very rare.thanks, mark

  41. Anonymous6:17 PM

    stepfather inherited gibson. inside number 1307 stanmped in black ink with handwritten red 23 next to it. thinks its color is starburst. 7 pearl dots on neck. tuning has white ivory tuning knobs. widest is 14 3/4inches. has orginal case, picks, and extra string from at most year of 1935. any idea how much its worth or actual year?

  42. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I have a Gibson sj ser#1988 31. I would like to know the date and value of this instrument. Replacement tuners, two small cracks in top professionally repaired.

  43. Ever heard of a Gibson ES335TD. its a double cutaway solid body guitar. Black/grey sunburst.

  44. Anonymous6:34 AM

    hello ! I have a Gibson Acoustic Electric Guitar L 125 in Mint Condition ! Could you please tell me its value? Thank you, so much ! Cindy

  45. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Hello, again ! The Gibson L125 is a 1961 ! Sorry !

  46. I am going to purchase a Gibson J-45 Rosewood Modern Classic...all the retailers descriptions say that the fretboard is rosewood... however, if you go to the official Gibson website... their decription for this guitar says the fretboard is ebony.... any comments? I want the ebony!

  47. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I have to sell 1966 gibson es 335 stereo good
    condition original tail piece and inserts bridge
    and 1967 eb3 bass good condition anyone know
    asking price should be?

  48. What a fantastic blog... I have a ES335TD serial number 72479032, so I know it was made in Sept of '79, but what I don't know is if I own the original case. Any identification tips? Also, any info on the pickups would be great. I'm not much of a "tech" guy so I'd greatly appreciate some input from you guys in the know.

  49. Anonymous9:18 AM

    My Father-in law has a Kalamazoo guitar with DK - 1011 on the back of the neck on the bottom of the head piece any idea of the worth? He siad he bought it in 38 or 39 I think. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  50. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I have a 7string lap steel made between 1937 and 1942 the only numbers ican find are 556-76.Would appreciate any info you might have as to

  51. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Hi can u help me with a Gibson possibly a 1991 serial number 94031098. Can u give me any insight on value and the markings/signature on the front? Thanks.

  52. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I have a guitar from the early 60's that looks similar to a SG Les Paul Standard bu with 1 pick up and only 2 knobs instead of 4.

  53. I have a 1954 Gibson acoustic which I bought from a pawn shop in Greenwich Village in 1967. It must have belonged to a mad flat-picker because the wood around the sound hole is worn thin. I never restored the instrument, liking the patina. A previous owner converted the pegs to Grover. Serial number: X8893 25
    Anyone have any info on this guitar? I've loved it for over 40 years!

  54. RE: my earlier post. The number stamped inside the guitar is the FON not serial. I cannot find a serial number which must mean that my Gibson is a lower-end model. Finish is sunburst. Flat top acoustic.
    FON: X8893 25

    I'm guessing that the guitar was manufactured in 1954.

    The instrument has the original finish, a few cracks front and back, and is very well-worn.

    Just curious how much the guitar is worth, and where it resides in vintage guitar hierarchy.

  55. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have a Gibson J2000 - perfect condition - 1992 - Brazilian Rosewood. Has anyone any idea how much it is worth? Thank you. I can send photos if it helps. Thanks

  56. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Gibson cutaway J2000 1992 Brazilian Rosewood - any idea what it is worth?

    Thank you


  57. Anonymous7:17 PM

    i'm trying to fig out what gibson es125 my dad has the inside is inked t5235 space3 then it is smeard so we know its a 1958 but it also has two knobs and it is a thick body if you could please tell me thank you my e-mail is

  58. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I have an electric guitar that was given to me by a friend that got it from one of our school teachers that bought it at a yard sale. I am trying to figure out what kind of guitar it is. I resemble a gibson sg but i haven't been able to find a sg that is exactly like this. there is no brand name on the guitar only a sticker with a number on the bottom back side of the neck, and a inlay of a butterfly on the head of the guitar. there are four nobs towards the bottom of the right side and two switches towards the top of the right side. it is red with a black panel that crosses from the top right behind the strings and down the right side. im sure if it was a gibson it would have the name at the head of the guitar as most gibson do. i don't know very much about guitars so if my description is confusing i apologize. if anyone has any idea what type of guitar i have please email me at

  59. Anonymous8:33 PM

    i just posted a comment describing a guitar that i received from my friend who got it from a teacher of ours. i described a sticker with a number that is on the guitar. i want to make a correction and say that it is on the back of the neck at the TOP. i also want to add that the number is ( 559-1412 ) there isn't a dash but a dot between the two sets of numbers *not sure if that makes a difference but just in case*

  60. Anonymous3:51 PM

    i have a gibson acoustic and in the inside of the body near the neck it has x8749 28. does anybody know anything about this guitar?

  61. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I have a Gibson Les john Model Seiel # 3 1643
    any info that might add to my knowlege would be appreciated.

  62. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hi folks,
    I've bought a 69 SG standard off of e-bay. It has the vibrato with the Lyre etched tail piece. The vibrato arm looks too new to be original. I have located a 1968 gibson sg special vibrato tremolo unit for sale, it do's not have the tailpiece. Can someone tell me if the 1968 gibson sg special vibrato tremolo unit, would be identical to the one on my 69 SG Standard? Amy help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

  63. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I am looking for info on a guitar I have. it is made just like a gibson lespaul it weights about 20lbs and I have been told it dates to about 1947. I have pictures but can not post them here. william sears 3308088481

  64. Mrcottagelifer4:58 PM

    I have a 65 C-1, in near mint condition. I searched North America for months to find a gibson calssical in this condition. Along the way, I looked at several other models, including C-2 and C-4 as well as C-6 Richard Pick. I just couldn't get the higher model in this condition. They are certainly harder to find than C-0 or C-1 but if you look hard you will find them.

  65. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I have a 1982 les paul standard where the gibson logo has the closed B and O but a tail comes off of the top of the O on to the N as opposed to the bottom of it, anyone help?

  66. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if someone knows what the original selling prices were in 1971 for Gibson guitars?
    The reason I ask is in 1971 I bought a new SG deluxe for $295 (I still have it and the receipt) I wonder why I didn't buy a les paul or the hollow body model.
    I figure they must have been a lot more money.
    Anybody know what they sold for in 71?

  67. Just the information I needed..Thanks!

  68. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Anyon find that Gibsons are moreish? I started by falling in lust at the age of 17 with a B45-12, then a SG, then a SG custom and so on. Yep I sold some to buy others, but still ended up with 10 in my (sotto voice) late 50's. Sadly someone bought and smashed my original 64 B45-12 over a critics head years ago and I should be content with what I've got BUT I allways find myself 'looking at that nice J45' etc etc. LOL Doesnt seem to happen so much with other brands.

  69. This blog is really informative and interesting.
    Thanks for the information.

  70. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I have a 2007 Gibson SG-3 with 57 Classics and 57 Classic Plus pickups and gold hardware and Heritage Cherry finish. They stopped making them sometime in 2007. Nowadays sellers on ebay are making claims that only 400 were made. 200 in Ebony and 200 in Heritage Cherry. Can anyone verify or debunk this claim. Gibson can't or won't say how many of this model was made in 2007. Anyh and all help is welcome. Thanks Mark

  71. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I too have seen these claims on ebay about the Gibson SG-3. Not sure if they are accurate or are trying too get more money for the guitars than they are worth?

  72. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I have an old Gibson SG serial number 90456 in ink on the back of the head. It has the trapazoid inlays, maestro vibrato. According to my research that makes it a 1959 SG built in Kalamazoo. Is that correct? and how much do you think it could be worth if its in excellent shape w/ original purple lined case?

  73. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I have a 1937 Gibson "Capital" Please help with pricing. I want to sell this and want to know the right price. Thank you. Marcelo

  74. Anonymous11:43 AM

    i have a old gibson epiphone with the identifaction sticker missing. the only numbers i could find was 92.1016 inside the guitar, could anybody help me.

  75. Anonymous2:24 PM

    i have a acoustic guitar gibson serial# 966749 there is gibson on the headstock with no dot on the i its inlaid i think its a j45

  76. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I have a 1968 Gibson 905592 Base Violin called a Beatles guitar. Does anyone know the value of this guitar?

  77. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I have a Gold bigsby B5 without the screw mount in front of the spring.I believe its off of a 74 sg custom,would that be right?whats it worth?

  78. I have a 1956 humming bird classical with nylon strings from Gibson. I was wondering how much it was worth and have more info on it. You can catAct me @ Thank-you

    1. I also have nylon string classical guitar with a hummingbird on the pick guard and a sticker with the model # G135. Any idea if its a gibson or a knock of?

  79. Anonymous6:59 PM

    i have an epi special and it sucks after 1 year of playing

  80. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I am looking at buying a guitar that is listed as a Gibson Hummingbird but there is an issue I have with it. The Hummingbird was first introduced in 1960 but this one has the old type script logo that was phased out in 1948. No numbers are found on it but that is not totally unusual for old Gibson's. Does anyone have any input that might help me determine if it is in fact a real Hummingbird? Thanks Mitch

  81. Anonymous8:51 AM

    hi everyone i have a really strange one
    its a 1940 gibson es 150 with the metal charlie christian has a weird pickguard that holds the pickup in the looks like a es 120 or a les paul jr from the early 50's.i was told it was a 40's gibson factory has only the # 21 in it?no trussrod? pots say 1939?pickguard is really thick same material as the bakelite knobs.the knobs are the right year.but i have never seen anything like this.pickup is the right year.original wiring but its in the neck position on a flipper type pickguard. made from 40's plastic material.transition prototype perfect condition but how can i tell if its a factory prototype or did they make a few then move the pickup to the bridge position?does anyone know about this pre war era 1940 metal charlie chrisrian pickup neck to bridge move and why? any info email me at thanks Bry

  82. Anonymous4:32 PM

    i have a gibson acoustic with s # 829584 the logo is slanted in gold and dot for the i is connected to the G its not a big guitar but has a nicc sound. it has a black pick guard with no lable inside. what model is this. does anybody know?

  83. Anonymous7:44 PM

    How do you tell the difference between an ES-330 and an ES-335? I have a 1961 cherry (ES-330?) serial #30394 and I believe a 1972 ES-335 cherry serial #926947 MADE IN USA. I have looked all over this site and it seems they ES-330 series has no information. Am I missing something?

  84. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Hello! I have a Gibson acoustic-electric guitar & case I'm trying to find out some information on. It's a blue EC-20, serial # 92868008, made in Boseman, Montana. I can't find another one to know how much it's worth. Is it rare? It has a few lines (cracks?) in the outside that do not go through. They're ~6in. long, but difficult to see unless the light hits it just right. How much does something like that affect the value? If anyone could tell me anything, I would appreciate it. I'd like to be knowledgeable when I try to sell it. Thank you!

  85. Anonymous5:37 AM

    can any body help i have a gibson j40 that i have had for years.there is no number on it just USA where the number should be. the labell says kalamazoo michigan.any ideas of year or value

  86. Hi there! My uncle has asked me to help him value his Gibson CO Classic guitar that he bought in 1962. Serial #: 182876. If anyone can help please email me on Many thanks!

  87. today i went to a pawn shop and found a gibson hummingbird it looks to be authentic from pics i have seen but the only thing i can find is a sticker/serial number on the inside that says wondering if its probably real or just a pretty knock off

  88. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I got a gibson sg standard from my father...I think it was made the mid 60's. The number on it is ( D 27264 ). What year do you think it? Whats it worth?....I would say its in fair condition.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hi all,
    I would like to buy a ES-150 CC, I'm a professional jazz musician and would like to use it for my regular gigs, rehearsals, etc. As this guitars where made from 1936-1939 I rekon, I'm affraid to buy in the internet a guitar that is going to have problems, or I couldn't dig it in. Do you think the best is to buy a reissue? what are the differences between them? I saw a reissue at guitar house of tulsa for $3.250. I would apreciate any help :)

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Hi, I have a Gibson SJ Deluxe, Model #A302073. (Made in USA). Orange label, Union made: Good condition, some checking throughout lacquer. Front is orangish in the middle to rust at the edges. Sides and back are a darker goldish brown with a black line running vertical down the middle of the back. The pick guard is screwed on and the frets are pearl. The case is original and in good condition. Can you tell me what the set is worth? Thank you...BJH

  93. Have a eg 5468 autistic . Need to know the year and value. Please help

  94. my Gibson has 4130 21 stamped inside looks like the 41 has underline I cant find that number anywhere on the web how old is it? what kind of value does it have?


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