Gibson Acoustic Archtop Guitars

Gibson Barney Kessel 
Barney Kessel guitars of the Early sixties models with PAFS are moving in the 6500 -7200 range. The BK's are guitars that are rapidly going up in the vintage market... 

In 1988 to present Gibson continues production on the BB King Lucille which was called bb king custom from 1980 to 88. Still has the same features... 

In Mid 1955 The Gibson Byrdland was introduced and has famoused the music industry over with its Thin line arch top, rounded single cutaway.... 

It had a full body, single cutaway arch top, single or dual floating pick ups and fancy inlays... 

This guitar was and is the most popular out of all the Chet Atkin models, they were introduced in 1986 and still in production . Its a thin line arch top... 

Gibson Es guitar models of arch top guitars include, es-100, 125, es-135, es-150 and more.... 

The guitar was an arch top acoustic guitar , had a single rounded cutaway, one floating mini hum bucking pickup, gold hardware, multiple binding front... 

The guitar is a single cutaway arch top acoustic guitar , has bound f-holes , multiple bound tops and back , one mini hum bucker, gold plated hardware... 

The Gibson l-1 was first introduced as an acoustic arch top guitar and then became a flat top , read more about it ..... 

The Gibson L-2 was also introduced as an acoustic Gibson arch top guitar and then became a flat top in 1929 , read the full review... 

In 1902 to 1920 there was 4 Gibson arch top acoustic guitars from the L series models that were dispersed on the market...

Gibson introduced a finer grand concert size guitar model with the same timbers and old style design like the L1 and L3 called the Gibson l4.... 

The Gibson L-12, L-7 and the L-10 were Gibson L models that were produced in the late 20s early 30s after the famous L-5 arch top acoustic guitar... 

In 1935 The Gibson L-30 was introduced with a 14 3/4" wide body, standard flat back, had an adjustable bridge, trapeze tailpiece... 

In 1974 Gibson introduced the Howard Roberts guitars which was originally an Epiphone model. It had an arched 16" wide full depth maple body....

These Gibson guitars were considered the most prestigious guitars of its time and is known to be the base model design from which other future.... 

Gibson also produced a more simple version with the same performance of the super 400 and named it the Gibson super 300.... 

In 1934 Gibson famoused the music world over with another extraordinary guitar which was the largest and most expensive arch top guitar ever produced by any manufacturer...


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Hello... we definitely need some info on this page about the history of the Gibson L5, from 1923 to present. Look forward to it!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    a review of the gibson l-5 will be posted by the end of the month .

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Have a Acoustic Gibson Guitar 12 String Flat Top. Model number b35 832. I've been trying to find a price on it at your website and have been unable to do so. Could you please help me in finding out how much it is worth.

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    In 1971, I had Gibson build me a non-cutaway Super 400, which I added a DeArmond detachable floating pickup to. I payed $1350.00 for the guitar! I had to wait 6 months for it's arrival. It was the most beautiful guitar I've ever owned, and it sounded beautiful too! But in my quest to find guitars with certain characteristics, I traded it after a few years. Moral of the story, never let go of a truly high quality instrument. Just add to the collection. Now, I couldn't afford another Super 400 to save my life!
    On the other hand, who wants to have an extremely valuable guitar sitting on the bandstand during a break?

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I'm looking for info on an OLD Gibson, so far think it was made in 1936, very little info on the guitar itself..F stop holes, B-26, headstock logo pearl inlaid GIBSON in script, all black, Braziian FB with pearl dots. Made in U.S.A. back of headstock, 3/inline tuners, trapeze tailpiece, elevated pickguard.

    Anyone else have one like it?

  6. I have a 94 Gibson blues king small body guitar.I don't like the sound from the under saddle pickup it came with.It sounds brassy.The problem is that the guitar has a volume and tone control on the top just like the Gibson J-160.Does anyone know what kind of acoustic pickup would I need that will work with both the volume and tone control pots on this guitar.The pickup in the guitar now is passive.The guitar is a centennial edition.I don't know if a passive soundhole pickup would work or not.I hope someone can help.
    Thanks Mark

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anyone help me ID my 1968 Gibson? If so, drop me a line at Thanks - Red

    Here's the description:
    1968 all mahogany, flattop folk (steel string) acoustic, all mahogany body, gold silkscreen Gibson logo printed on black peghead, sold at the time (’68) for $99. Single black circle surrounds sound hole; adjustable bridge is darker. “Tortoiseshell” pick guard. Mahogany binding, darker rosewood fretboard, ivory/plastic on the tuning pegs, ivory-colored nut.

  8. Anonymous6:57 PM

    How about this one. Old Gibson, it was old back in 70's. Acoustic. Reddish Brown smaller body. I believe someone once said it was a B-26 but that was a long time ago. Words "Only a Gibson is good enough" under Gibson logo. Number 2669 stamped inside the body. Bridge base is warped. Other than that it is in excellent condition. Anyone know what it may be worth?

  9. I think you might be lucky to get $500 to $600 out of it if your lucky.They just were not that desirable guitars.That's the Gibson b-26 I'm talking about.

  10. Hello everybody,
    My name is : Pascal from Paris (France)
    I have the chance to have a SUPER 300 totally original from 1952.You could see my guitar on the book : Acoustic guitars(Dave Hunter) Page 94.
    MY E-MAIL :


  11. Anonymous10:42 PM

    hi all-i have serial number 891949 impressed into the headstock of my plain unfinished acoutic 6 steel string gibson. The O hole has nothing fancy only a black line surrounding it .There is no "Made in USA" stamped on it. I bought it in 1969-70 in a well known reputable store in Manhattan on MacDougal street (or around there-still might be there). It has a narrower neck than most guitars I've tried .It has a traditional type pick gaurd. The wood on the front is lighter than that on the back, sides. Someone wants to buy it from me but I have no idea what it is worth and I have a sentimental attachment to it anyway. still curious tho.

  12. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I have a 1937 gibson super 400 in excellent condition. All original w/ohsc case in Ok shape , it works fine.
    Hate to say it but I want to sell it, where is the best place to find its true value. I hear prices from 9000.00 to 14000.00

  13. have a super400 id 98731, thought it was from 1946. but you state they werent made then. do you know what year this is? thx.

  14. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Have a Super 400, # 98731. Thought it was from 1946. But you say they weren't made then. Clarity please.

  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I have a 1949 gibson L5 #A848 very nice shape with original case. Whats the value?

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    i have an acoustic j 60 iron mountain series master archetype custom one of six sunburstcustom iron mountain j60sby master luthier ren ferguson signed on the inside label and numbered #2 of 6 by ren ferguson himself. sn 01908039 gibson montana. this guitar was made specifically for gibson summerjam event in june of 2008 held at the custom shop in nashville tn., i paid 4000 dollars was told its value would increase its in immaculate condition it looks and sounds so sweet ive never heard a better sounding guitar yet, and ive had some good ones etc. martin j41 special , martin hd 28 , taylor w14 ce ,anyway any idea what its value is now two years later.

  17. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I have a 1935 Gibson L5. Blond What is the Value

  18. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I have a 1952 Archtop. Z 2715 28 What is it's value?

    מורה לגיטרה

  20. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I have a 1930's Gibson Model M, number on the back DW-1667. It was given to my aunt when she was a teenager and she is now 90. My grandfather bought it and another one as "seconds" from the Gibson Guitar Co. in Kalamazoo, MI where they were made and where we are from. It is in good shape, no case. Any idea on how much it may be worth?

  21. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I had a acoustic given by my grandmother I'm trying to figure out its worth. My sister pawned it for 20bucks. It had no pickguard and a logo that had world on the inside. My grandmother had it we think before around the 60's or 70's. My grandmother has passed one now so I can't say more detail. Please let me know of your thoughts.

  22. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I was given my grandfathers old arch top guitar. I was told by my aunt which is 72 thought he had it when she was around 17 to has f holes, volume and tone control mounted on pick guard the # i could only find are stamped insde. k1528982,4H and B8982 and it's a cut out.I'am trying to find the year and name of it.can someone please help or tell me where I might get some help.I've been to music stores,internet etc....



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