Gibson Electric Guitars

Gibson 335 S Electric Guitars 
In 1980 to 81 gibson introduced the gibson 335 s custom guitar , it was a solidbody , mahogany WOOD , & had unbound..... 

In 1994 gibson introduced a small number of limited edition centennial models which included some of their acoustic and electric models .... 

In 1983 Gibson Introduced a Les paul Style Shaped solid body electric guitar and named it the gibson challenger.... 

In 1982 Gibson came out with an electric gibson odd shaped guitar , it had a solidbody with an offset v-type... 

Gibsons' mission to build doubleneck electric guitars started in 1958 ,it preserved or even enhanced the company's considerable... 

The Gibson explorer electric guitar was introduced in 1958 , the guitar was designed to look futuristic ,it had a symmetricaL...... 

Gibson firebird electric guitars are a combination between fender style guitars and the gibson explorers . In early 60s gibson firebirds ... 

In 1957 gibson announced the flying V electric guitar but were only in production in 1958 , the unusual futuristic shape of the guitar fascinated people ...... 

In 1957 humbuckers (PAF) replace the 2 p-90 pickups . In mid 1958 the gibson les paul goldtop model was renamed the gibson les paul standard which branched out to other gibson electric guitars ....... 

The gibson marauder , this guitar was intended to coincide and compliment the gibson grabber bass which are .... 

In the late 50s gibson had plans to manufacture a solid body electric guitar solely for beginners and students, a guitar that was plain, simple and everyone could of afford.. 

In 1993 gibson introducted 3 variation models of the night hawk , the gibson nighthawk custom which had a flame maple top , single cut les paul style ... 

Three RD electric guitar models were made ( RD Standard , RD Custom , and the gibson RD Artist) , one of the more interesting features of these guitars is that....

In mid 1975 gibson produced the gibson s-1 guitar but released it for sale on the market in 1976.....

Until this day these SG gibson guitars are some of the most popular electric guitars ever made....


  1. I had a question, you might be able to answer...I heard that electric guitar sales because really popular in the 1960s (especially in '64 w/ the Beatles playing Fenders)

    Do you have any idea where I could find a year by year list of the number of electric guitars sold year by year in the 60s.

    --RC of

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    i dont know where to get such info , but you can try a vintage guitar price guide which lists years of all electric guitars not only gibson but fender, gretsch, rickenbacker, and many more .

  3. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gibson 335 s Deluxe. This guitar came in many colors. There is the tobacco "sunburst," a greenish "sunburst," and a red. I believe the natural finish of the "Firebrand" model may also have come in a deluxe.

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM

    those were custom colors that were made in fewer numbers ,i wrote it at the bottom of the page.

  5. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I have a 1964 Gibson SG Completely original from factory with six digit serial number made before John Lennons guitar which sold recently for 567,000.00 dollars. I am Interested in selling it. History about guitar. I was told that it had appeared on the ed sullivan show at one time.

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    one question for you gibson experts. A friend of mine bought (early 90's) a Gibson guitar that I've never been able to identify. Still I'm curious to know what it was. It was a black Gibson, with a body not too different from a fender (tele). It had white binding around the body and it has a headstock a bit similar to the one of explorer, that is fenderish but pointy...Any clue?

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    i cant think of any gibson electric guitar with a fender style tele body from the ninies ,

    basically this site covers older gibson guitars however some of our viewers might know .....

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    i have an exployer has two single coils one humbucker with kayler pro whammy coil tap volumne button three switches for pick ups lock nut and is gothic color i bought it back in early 1980 new i have never seen another like it does anyone know anything about this guitar?

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    During the eighties gibson made many versions of the explorer , they were quite popular , but some of them never caught on and didnt last long on the market .

    Im pretty sure you have the explorer III model with the black hardware and kahler vibrato systems which were made only in 1985 .

    If you have this guitar its valued at $650 to $800

    PS : You can tell the exact year by the serial number ...

  10. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Hi, I have a little mystery to figure out. I can't identify my The serial number is 835467 with no made in usa stamp. It has a lyre plate below the whammy. Dual chromed pickups. I saw a picture of a 1963 sg std. and it looked identical to it...I'm very confused. Pls. email me at

  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    all gibson sg models with serial numbers stamped in back of the peghead with no made in the usa below it were made in 1961 to 1970 , your serial number indicates that your sg was made in 1966 .

  12. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I have a 1981 Gibson Firebird "Tobacco Sunburst". Just wondering what's it worth? Original Paint,case. When will it be considered "vintage"? It has a stamp on the back of the headstock that says "second" because of some flaw in the paint. I couldn't find the flaw. I paid $749 in 1981 for it.

  13. Anonymous12:09 PM

    gibson only made 2 firebird guitars during the early 80s ...

    the firebird 1 > reissue of the firebird 76 ,

    and the firebird 2 with maple body and tp6 tailpieces

    These guitars are already somewhat collectable because they didn't make much and were discontinued in 1982 . However the original firebirds are more sought after ( 60s-70s ) and worth much more ...

  14. Anonymous9:45 AM

    i have several of the Norlin era Gibsons:
    - challenger 1
    - marauder
    - s-1
    - invader
    - sonex 180 deluxe
    The p-ups require "good" amplification to get good tonality (and some actually sound better through solid-state than tubes (sacrilege . . . )), but the tonal variations on these is hard to recreate today. But the best thing is the necks/frets - which are wide and smooth as silk, no bumpy slides - absolutely the best playing guitars i own - (including a PRS, LP custom, strat, et al) - If you are looking for an LP custom sound then get one - or perhaps put some burstbuckers in one of these . . .
    These guys are still relatively cheap and have been going up in price regularly - you can't go wrong -

  15. Anonymous2:29 PM

    TOTALLY AGREE ! ... oldies but goodies !

  16. Anonymous2:31 PM

    i own 2 marauders and i wouldnt trade them for the world , great guitars to modify ... best part is that you can pick them up for cheap ...

  17. Anonymous1:19 AM

    I was on ebay one day just checking out Gibson guitars when I came across a few crazy ones. I kept looking and I found a Gibson "the Paul". I had never heard of one before so I typed it into Google and ur site came up. I actually bought the guitar due to ur info and also some reviews and honestly I am in love. Thanks much

  18. Anonymous7:46 PM

    they are great solid guitars ,,, and not expensive at all ..

  19. Anonymous7:50 PM

    i have "the paul" guitar, picked it up at $250 back in the eighties and still love it today .. great guitar for the price they are selling today //

  20. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I've been searching for info (just curious) about the ES-Artist model in this site with no results.Isn't it already considered "vintage"? (first run was manufactured in 1979 which means 28 years now).

  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This site is not finished yet ,,, more reviews should be submitted by the end of the month ... The gibson es-artist was introduced in 1979 and was short lived in 1985 ... its valued at $2400 to $2650 assuming its in excellent condition and all original .

  22. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Help! i recently bought a Gibson LP Custom, serial number 99215208. the serial number dates to 1975, but my question is.. there is no "made in usa" stamp on it... is that normal? everything i read says it should have a made in usa stamp...

    im so concerned, because of all the counterfeits going around.

    everything else on the guitar looks legit... just threw me off with the serial number...

    please help!

  23. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I have a 1976 Explorer which is 31 years old now. Do you know how many Gibson produced that year?
    Why is the market value low on this guitar.

  24. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I have a 1966 Gibson ES 335 TD and just noticed that the headstock logo has no dot over the i in Gibson. Is that common?

  25. Anonymous10:04 PM

    yes its common there were some years that had logo changes .

  26. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I recently purchased a gibson b-6 lap steel in excellant condition. The best I can tell it is from the mid 50's. The serial number on the headstock is 615222. Is there anything else you can tell me about this guitar?

  27. Anonymous1:50 PM

    yeah I had a question. I have a 65 gibson sg standard and was waondering if anybody knew a good place on the web where I can list it to sell. It has its original case and everything.

  28. Anonymous7:15 PM

    i was looking to buy either a corvus I or II and found a few here and there going for at least $500-$650. i know they are very unique guitars but are they really worth that much? that and i am 16 and new to the whole vintage thing, owning only a strat thats only a few years old and a seagull acoustic. how can i be sure its not a cheap knock off?

  29. Anonymous12:37 PM

    i have a gibson electric with the number 83635519. can some one tell me what it is

  30. Anonymous7:16 AM

    im looking for info on a baby-blue ,kalamazoo made in usa is on the face of the head. i know this giutar is at least35 to 40 years old it was my fathers. i remember seeing it since tyhe early 60" there is no #'s on the plate on the back

  31. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I had a 1956 Les Paul Special TV I sold 10 years ago for $2000 that was a factory refin. I see the current prices are up to $25,000 now and am shocked. Being a refin what would the guitar be worth at todays prices that won't indicate it in blue books?

  32. I am in the market for a Gibson Les Paul, are there any models to avoid since they have a higher chance of losing value? ie BFG?

  33. I have a small GIBSON electric Hawaiian Guitar with a serial number on the back 481-8. Does anybody have an idea what year it was made?

  34. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Hi there .. as far as I can see from the number you wrote your guitar may be from around 1936-37 .. but I am not quite sure .. Is it a lab steel or something ?

  35. Anonymous6:24 AM

    i recently saw a concert of huey lewis and the news from the 1980's. chris hayes was playing what appears to be a gibson guitar, but i have never seen one like this. it looked like a les paul jr. double cutaway with wide binding and an explorer headstock. can anyone tell me what this guitar is. thanks,

  36. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Hi there ;) as far as I can see the guitar Huey`s guitarist is playing is a 80 something Gibson Spirit XPL ...

  37. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I have a guitar that I hope to find info about and possible value: It is a Les Paul Signature.
    My dad bought it in 1982 and it was used, possibly a modle from the 70's. It is a thin hollowbody, black top, natural sides with ivory edging, the head piece has the Gibson logo and "Les Paul Signature" in script. It was "varitone" or stereo with two pickups and dual jacks. The back of the headpiece is stamped
    "Made in I have not been able to
    USA" find a serial no. There is a white tag inside the body that lists the Modle as "Les Paul Signature. and was manufactured in Kalamazoo. Any and all help woud be appreciated

  38. I'm trying to figure out when my Gibson Kalamazoo KG2 was made (

    My Step-father gave it to me in the mid-80's, said he bought it new over 15 years before that. The back of the headstock is stamped 793824, but I can't find the number on any list, anyone help me identify when it was made?

  39. I have a Gibson Flying V XPL 1985black, w/Kahler...stock. Does anyone know what the value might be..

  40. I have a Gibson Flying V XPL 1985, black/kahler stock. Does anybody know what it might be worth...

  41. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Its sorta similar to the firebird only with single pick up killswitches???

  42. Anonymous1:55 AM

    An 85-year-old Hawaiian guitar player just passed away in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, leaving behind a Gibson Elektraharp (George L's E-66), presented to him in 1961. Works perfectly, all parts original except for a couple of tuning pegs, broken and replaced with ordinary guitar tuning pegs.
    Would anyone know what something like this is worth? By the way, I'm asking out of curiosity. The family isn't willing to part with it. Thank you vey much.

  43. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I have 1976 LPC. Original equipment, no modifications, small button scratches barely noticeable. No belt scratches. Some tarnished gold. Stored f/ 15 years. Rarely played

    It's a Pancake body. Some reviews are good/some bad Pancakes. Not been able to find real facts to say Pancakes did/didn't improve the guitars. What is your opinion on the pancake body vs. solid body? I am happy with the sound and it has great action.

    Appraised by George Gruhn. Worth is $2,750. I have noticed others
    selling theirs f/ higher price. Why do you think that is?. Some in good condition/some not.

    I heard if the last three serial # below 500 it was made in Kalamazoo.
    Above 500, made in Nashville. What do you think?

    The serial number indicates' 76, can't tell me what lot number, what day and month it was made. Called Gibson they don't know how to interpret the serial # scheme for that year other than 00 indicates '76. Do you know who to interpret the whole serial number?

  44. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I have what I believe to be a 1965 SG Special.#317875.Looks like an original,mint ,yellow lined case.It has the spring steel vibrato.Dot neck.Looks to have an original ivory soap bar in the bridge position and a Dimarzio with a spliter in the neck.It hasnt been routed out.Someone in the seventies sanded it down it looks like and its all original mahogany.They sanded the headstock black paint off also and left the Gibson logo which looks perfect but needs to be painted black and look right..I want to restore it.Then neck is straight,but the fret board is scaloped.Is it worth the effort?How can I find out the original color?Any direction?Whats it worth versus a REASONABLE resto.?Thanks.

  45. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Anyone know when and where a Chet Aykins CEC with a serial number of MTCEC012 was made?

  46. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I am trying to find the value of a 2003 Gibson 50th Anniversary Corvette Guitar. There were only 50 made, and they came with a hardcase and a display case. The guitar was from the custom shop, double cutaway with P90's. Any info would be appreciated.

  47. Anonymous10:15 PM

    i have a gybson i was told it was a 1966 but i am not sure the guitar seems to be in good shape has a few battle scars i was just wondering if the year was correct serial number is 966916 thank you

  48. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Can anyone help,I have a 1981 Gibson Lucille prototype (as far as I know with info from Gibson)which is different to the production model in a number of ways. I know it was made in the Kalamazoo Plant by the serial number, Has anyone got any history of the development of this model ncluding the prototypes. It will never be sold but I would like to know more about it. Thanks Dave

  49. Can anyone tell me what my 1965 Gibson electric guitar serial#82437510 is worth?

  50. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Did Gibson ever have a guitar called the "Saturday Night Special"..or a name like that? Paul Stanley of KISS played a Gibson guitar in the early 70's that was white w/ a black pick guard and had a Les-Paul style head stock. The body was very thin compared to most Gibson's and had a single cutaway and similar body style of a Les-Paul but just a little more rounded yet very flat on top. The pick guard was flat on the body unlike most Les-Pauls and had a different shape. Any help?

  51. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Is there someone on here that answers the questions?

  52. Also, forgot to mention that I have a Gibson Roy Smeck Radio Grande Hawaiian steel acoustic with original case that I picked up for $40 at a house sale years ago. Appears to be in original condition, some wear, but, overall, very clean. Any idea as to how to verify its age, and what its value may be?

  53. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Hi - I wonder if this guitar is of interest.
    Below is a sky drive link to some photos of my Gibson Les Paul Special
    Is anyone able to tell me when and where this might have been made? Note I have put Grover tuners on, but retained the original Gibson tuners.

  54. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Hi there.
    I have a Gibson explorer which has been in my possesion many years it appears to be totaly
    original the serial no. is 967366 with no made in the
    U.S.A. all the hardwear very worn gold plate and the
    pegs are gold plate Gibson deluxe.Can anyone help
    with its value please.

  55. Hi,

    I am looking to get a value of an old SG I have. It's full name is Epiphone Pierced SG from the E series. I have been in contact with Epiphone and What I can tell you about it is; this model was available only in 2001 and at these days was introduced as “New”. The suggested price for this guitar in 2001 was: 829USD.

    However instead of me listing out all the details, here is a page full of all the spec that is set out very well. Complete with pictures.


  56. Anonymous3:21 PM

    How can you have an advertisement here for a company that makes Chines counterfeit copies of American made guitars? Is there no shame?

  57. Do the "standard," all-body SG pickguards fit on SG-1s?

  58. Anonymous11:12 AM

    What would a 1992 Les paul all gold in good condition, apart from a couple of dings, be worth. I'm told it's the only year they made them all gold

  59. I have a 1982 epiphone special, made in USA with a gibson headstock, any info appreiciated, and how much it's worth

  60. Anonymous12:14 PM


  61. Anonymous2:00 AM

    GIBSOPHILES PLEASE HELP - I was discussing the Variax guitars with a friend. I told him about a Les Paul style guitar I saw Australian Blues legend Phil Manning playing in 1974. It has switches, similar to Fender Jaguar switches, that copy different then contemporary guitars. Unlike the Variax it was really just changing tone to immitate for example certain Fender 'brighter' tones. I said I would find out what it was but search as I may I just can't find it. It was extant '73 - '75 and seemed to disappear after that. - Pat

  62. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Recently purchased what I believe to be a 1959 Gibson Les Paul 'Burst at a flea market. Seems to have original case. Some fading, but still retains a fair amount of red in the finish. I have researched the serial number, and it appears to be legitimate. I bought it along with a small brown Gibson amplifier (practice?), and although the amplifier has a great deal of wear, it works perfectly well. Where may I determine its current market value?

  63. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I was offered for sale a gibson les paul originally purchased in 2002. The guitar is serial number 020750460. Can you value it for me. Thanks.

  64. Anonymous8:17 PM

    i have a gibson les paul deluxe with serial#408870. it is bluefleck in color. it looks factory. i bought in 1975. is there such a color?

  65. I am going to look at a 1981 Gibson SG Firebrand Deluxe. It is black, which is apparently somewhat rare for this model. It seems to be in great condition, just haven't played for myself yet. Says it is all original, just had some headstock pro-repair. Has Stamped Velvet Brick Pickups and new Gibson top hat knobs. Any idea what a good price would be for this? I don't see much info out there on it.


  66. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I have a 1968 Kalamazoo solid body Gibson SG Starburst double cutaway with all original parts. Does anyone know how much my guitar is worth today. I paid $350 in 1970 for it. Email
    Many thanks for any information you may have as to its value.

  67. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I'm looking for some clarification if anyone can help. I have a black LP SN-00125367, with "Made In USA" above the SN (SN & "made in usa" in ink). I believe its a '76. The face of the peg head says, "Gibson" in gold leaf across the top, and then, "Les Paul" with "Model" beneath the "Les Paul" signature insignia. Nothing on the truss rod cover (its just black). Trapezoid fret markers in pearl, starting at fret #3 (no fret marker on #1) Pickups and border are cream, and each of the two pickups have 2 rows of screws across their face. Can anyone identify? Possible value? Thanks for your time, and great site!

  68. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I own a Gibson Sonex Artist.
    As far as I know a guitar you don't see every day.
    Who can tell me more about this one.
    I only saw 1 page on the Internet.
    Is this one expensive?
    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  69. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have a 1992 Gibson Deluxe Les Paul Custom Shop, Hall of Fame Edition, made in USA, tuners have Gibson Deluxe on them, ALL GOLD guitar. I am the original owner and had it special ordered from Apple Music, in Portland Oregon. I can't find out any kind of info on this. Do you have the amount of guitars made and approximate value. I was told by someone all that comes up is Rare when they researched it. Serial number: 92761303

  70. Hi,
    I once owned a chery sunburst 1974 Gibson Les Paul Standard (original owner, by the way), with a flamed two piece maple top. I sold it years ago (cause I was an idiot), and I've been on a mad search to buy it back for years now. The serial # is 417514, and it is truly a one of a kind Les Paul. Any help finding it, is highly appreciated!
    It's the guitar in my photo!!

  71. When I was a teenager I had a Gibson and I have never seen a guitar like it since. Can somebody tell me what it was. It was shaped like an SG. It had two red single coil gibson stamped pickups (looked like strat pickups). Each pickup was mounted in a separate elongated oval chrome plated plate. Another elongated oval chrome plate contained the controls, like a tele. It was cherry red. I have looked for years and cannot find one like it.

  72. hello there, why have you forgotten Gibson The paul-models?

  73. Anonymous7:57 AM

    So much to know about Gibsons! I have a white 1981 Gibson Sonex deluxe 180.Had it for a while.Just wanted to know if this is something increasing in value?

  74. Does anybody know how much a Gibson Les Paul model #184148 in great condition would go for?

  75. I'm looking to sell my Gibson Les Paul Special. I bought it new in the winter of 1961-62. It's a pilot model that was manufactured, apparently from miscellaneous parts-on-hand, during the year that Les Paul was phasing out of the company, and it bears the double overstamped serial numbers that he required of the Gibson Co.

    It's cherry red with two P-90 pickups and a factory installed Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. It's 100% original and although there's a little wear, it works perfectly and includes the original cardboard simulated alligator case.

    Is anyone interested in making an offer, or do you have any questions or comments?

  76. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I'm looking to sell my Gibson Les Paul Special. I bought it new in the winter of 1961-62. It's a pilot model that was manufactured, apparently from miscellaneous parts-on-hand, during the year that Les Paul was phasing out of the company, and it bears the double overstamped serial numbers that he required of the Gibson Co.

    It's cherry red with two P-90 pickups and a factory installed Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. It's 100% original and although there's a little wear, it works perfectly and includes the original cardboard simulated alligator case.

    Does anyone have any questions or comments or is anyone interested in making an offer?


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