Gibson Serial Numbers, Specs & Info

If you are having trouble dating and identifying a Gibson guitar the first thing you want to check is the serial number.. Gibson's serial number system through out the years have changed multiple times, their serial numbers can give you some valuable information on a particular guitar if you know how they worked. Here are some good pointers to remember without going into details..

1. If you are buying a vintage Gibson guitar and the seller claims that it was made in 1935 the serial number can not be more than 5 digits and can not have a letter. From 1902 to 1947 Gibson serial numbers started at 100 to 99999.

2. From 1947 to 1961 Gibson serial numbers started with an "A" usually followed by 3 to 6 digits.

3. From 1961 to 1969 Gibson gave their guitars random serial numbers, they are the hardest to identify during these years but luckily there is a guide. Below are the serial ranges and dates. For example if the guitar had this serial number: 64555 the guitar was made in 1964.

4. From 1970 to 1975 the words "MADE IN THE USA" and six digit serial numbers were pressed in back of the headstock.

5. 1975 to 1977 Gibson had 8 digit serial numbers. The first two digits of the serial numbers indicated the year. If the serial number started with 99 it was made in 1975, if it started with 00 it was made in 1976, 06 was 1977.

6. In 1977 Gibson introduced another serial number system until 2005.. The serial numbers have 8 digits. The first and fifth digit is the year. The second, third and fourth digit is the day of the year. The last three digits is the plant it was made and the rank. (001-499 Kalamazoo & 500-999 Nashville)

Example: If the serial is 80207445
Year: If you take the first and fifth digit, this guitar would be made in 1987
Day: Second, Third, Fourth digit indicates it was made on Jan-20 (20th day of the year)
Where and Rank: Last three digits indicates the guitar was made in Kalamazoo and was the 445th guitar stamped that day.

For more detailed info on Gibson serial numbers after 1975 I recommend you visit this Gibson Page, for vintage Gibson guitars before 1975 I suggest you go here Gibson Serialization by Blue Book..


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Info please:

    We got a Gibson Explorer with the Serial # of
    9:63:793 stamped into the back of the head (yes they def look like semi colons in the number)
    it also says Made in the USA
    Any info/age would be greatly appreciated?? I think it is from the early 70's??


  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    not familiar with that serial number , could be a special model , i would call gibson , they have a toll free number on their site .. maybe they can help you ..

  3. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I have gibson sg with serial number 121217 and there is the "made in usa" sign also, onthe back of the headstock. So, that is 1963 Gibson, right? Because the man who sold it to me said that is 1971 Gibson. Guitar has a switch to split neck humbucker. Unusual, isn't it? Please help.

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    the serial number indicates that it was made in the early 70s , the man who sold it to you is probably right .

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Hi, I have a Gibson guitar with the serial number 93157345 it does say Gibson SG Deluxe. Do you now the year and are you familiar with that guitar, is it a SG Special or Deluxe? Thank you for your comments. Regards from Munich, Selma

  6. Anonymous6:24 PM

    the serial number you gave indicates that it was made in 1997 .. if it says sg deluxe its an sg deluxe . These guitars were discontinued in 1999 ... a 1997 sg deluxe is valued at $900 to $1100 ( all original presuming its in good condition )

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hi, I've been trying to get a appraisal on my vintage guitar. All it says is Gibson, but the serial number is 357638. I haven't had any luck with this number because now use 8 digits now instead of 6. Any comments would be great, thanks.

  8. Anonymous10:08 PM

    according to your serial # , if you have "MADE IN U.S.A." stamped below the serial number it was made in 1974-75 . if you theres no "MADE IN U.S.A." below the serial number it was made in 1965 .

  9. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I have a single pickup cream colored Thunder bird bass. The serial number is 81896602 - made in the USA below it. Above it, it hase a Custom Shop Edition logo on it. It has stress cracks in the paint, over all condition is good. It was altered for a pick up. Someone added three small switches. They are not working as the original pick was put back in. Could you tell me the approx. value of this bass? I am interested in buying it.

    Many thanks,

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I have an L-3 series Gibson archtop acoustic with a pearl star inlay in stead of the normal logo
    serial # is 3913 in pencil
    Can anyone help me?

  11. Anonymous9:10 PM

    what do you want to know ?

  12. Anonymous9:12 PM

    where is the serial number on the guitar.

  13. Anonymous6:32 PM

    serial number:
    any help is cool

  14. Anonymous8:15 PM

    your serial number indicates that its a 1980

  15. Anonymous8:36 PM


  16. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Hello I have a guitar I would Love to find out the year, approx. value, etc. anything about this guitar I can!! Or is there an actual place I can type the serial number in and ger info on this guitar?? I have googled and gotten nowhere!! What I do know is that it is a Gibson SG the Serial number is 03563625.. I really appreciate ANY help. Thanks, Angela

  17. Anonymous1:52 PM

    According to your serial number , your guitar was made in 2003 ...

    all 8 digit serial numbers started in 1977 and up

  18. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Gibson Deluxe 1700463

    are you sure its a deluxe , gibson only started making them in 1969 ... your serial number indicates that it was made in 1964 ..

  19. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Hello, I have got a Gibson Les Paul CUSTOM with the serial number 735635 and dont know if it is 1970,1971,or 1972 model.On the back of the headstock it says made in the U.S.A. Anyone can help?


  20. Anonymous8:25 PM

    your gibson les paul custom was made 1971-72 . Theres no way to tell the exact year , its an early seventies .

  21. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hi! I have a Gibson SG with Serial Number 81296562. It Says Made in USA an have 2 humbuckers with two volume controls and 1 tone control and no pick guard. I Want to know more about my guitar because i dont have any info about it


  22. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Hi joel ,

    What Kind of sg do you have ? sg custom , sg junior , sg deluxe , Platinum , les paul ... theres lots of sg models .

  23. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Well today i discover the model! It is a SG Special with 3 knobs. Thanks for the help anyway!


  24. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Friend has a White Les Paul with 2 hums and whammy bar all in gold ...serial # 80124564...means it's a 1984...but trying to identify actual model ?? ...Custom ???

  25. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Hi. I have an Gibson SG "made in USA" #01042308. Not sure about the model it has half-moon inlays in the neck, maybe an SG Special.
    Whant to know the year, model and estimate price if posibble.

  26. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I have a Les Paul standard black electric guitar that I won in 1998 in a Coors Beer Sweepstakes. I believe there were about 5 winners total.(Not sure on this) The serial number on the neck is 92458396. I want to sell this guitar but know nothing about value - or about guitars! I have kept it in the soft case it came in since I won it- so it is unused and untouched.I also have the original guitar box that it was directly delivered to me from Gibson in. It also came with a extra truss rod cover engraved with the words "original Coors"- which I could replace with the one that was sent on the guitar if I so choose.I did not do this but kept the extra truss rod cover for who ever I sold the guitar to. Can you give me some information about my guitar and if I were to sell on Ebay how much it should go for? Would I be wise to hold on to it longer and would the value increase over time? Thanks so much! JD

  27. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Serial number on a LPC cream color:
    does anyone know what year is that please? Thanks!

  28. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Hi Guys
    I Have an Epiphone "335" which I love - I had some seth lovers put in it and it is just great. The serial number starts 1980... I thought they all started with the factory id etc
    can anyone shed any light. It also has "Gibson" in a little plate just above the nut

    thanks in advance

  29. Anonymous7:59 AM

    ok i have a gibson L5 #99406 I know the age but what stumps me and many others is that this has electric pickup. what i have read is that a 1946 l5 didnt have electric pickups but there is all most no way anyone could have put them on aftermarket the way they r on there. they have orignial gibson knobs and it look to be a set of pickups gibson put on their guitars from the factory so im just stumped any help would be cool thanks

  30. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I have a gibson rd model les paul with active electronics and a moog board in it. the sn# is 83352015 with no made in usa sign below it or above it. It has a bolt on neck, ebony finish, bright switch (toggle), and I was wondering what day of what month it was made? I know it was made in 1982 but that is all I know. I think it was the 15th instrument stamped that day but as far as the day and month go i am clueless. Can you help me?

  31. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I recently found a gibson sg for sale for $400 with the serial number 03433435. It seems like a sceaming deal. With your resources I found that its probably a 1967 but I'm not sure what series. Any help?

  32. I saw in a shop a used Gibson SG made in USA with serial number 01584420 printed in the wood, according to the guide it would have been made in 2004, it may be a weird question but, is that a good year for a Gibson SG?
    thank you

  33. Anonymous8:47 AM

    i have a black gibson serial no 019451317. trapeziods inlays. 2 humbuckers. isit a standard? the serial no seems to be more than usual ones. anyway to confirm the year of production?

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    i have a black gibson sg serial no 019451317. trapeziods inlays. 2 humbuckers. isit a standard? the serial no seems to be more than usual ones. anyway to confirm the year of production?

  35. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Hi, nice to be here. I bought a Gibson Les Paul Custom 1979 (Silverburst). Then I realized that it has no "made in USA" stamp on below its serial number. The serial number is #70169571. I have read that some products don't have this stamp because it is forgotten while being manufactured. I checked all body-shape, the electronics and pick-ups and they look original. But I am worried that the guitar might be fake due to the missing stamp. I would be grateful if any one knows anything about this and inform me about that. Thanks a lot

  36. Anonymous4:14 PM

    if your truss rod cover has 2 screws its a very good chance that its a real gibson , most fake gibson guitars have 3 screws on the truss rod cover ..

  37. Anonymous6:57 PM


    Can someone give me a link so I can look it up

    I have a Gibson LesPaul Studio guitar Natural finish no shine or nuttin and I love it. But it has nothing else. I would like to know the Model. It only has a model number of LPSTAWGAI and serial of 015960465 Yes I know it's not vintage it is an 2006 but thats all I know

  38. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Thank for your help.
    The owner of 1979 Gibson Custom Silverburst.(No USA stamp)

  39. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Custom, Cherry Sunburst, Split Diamond Pearl inlay on the headstock Les Paul Custom engraved truss rod cover, Pearl Block inlays Serial stamped on back of headstock Serial number is 728626. Made in USA also stamped on back. Any idea how old it is ?

  40. Hey! I inherited a guitar from my dad, who got the same guitar from his dad again. It`s a gibson lespaul with the serial 010167 stampd back in the neck. does that tell you guys anything ?

  41. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Yes Hello, I have a gibson sg and the serial number is 82434565 and it does not have a made in the usa stamp or anything. I was needing help to identify the exact model and date of production. Thank You

    Jesse McClure

  42. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Info please: Gibson Serial # is in ink not pressed in like the 60's and later. The serial # is 052470. Is this a 1955 sg special. It has 2 soapbar type pickup, 2 squre switches (not toggle type) 2 control knobs and a small pick guard.

  43. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Hey, i have a vintage gibosn es- 150 d the serieal number is 102336 wondering when it was made and approx. value? any help is greatly appreciated.

  44. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hi, this is a fantastic meeting place full of interesting info. Thanks for making it available.

    I've got a Cherryburst Les Paul that has "1960" inscribed on the pickguard along with "Les Paul Model" and "Classic" on the head.

    The serial number is S 0171.

    I was told it was a '93 reissue of a '60.

    Can anyone tell me the particulars of this guitar by chance?


  45. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Sorry, the above serial number should be 3 0171 and not S 0171 as I have it.


  46. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I have a SG Special with serial number 531806 on the headstock - am I right in saying this was manufactured in 1969? Thanks. Rob.

  47. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I have a Gibson banjo that I believe is from the 20's.

    It is a 4 string (tenor), serial number 11213A-34 with an open back and with "The Gibson" written on the headstock.

    Does anyone have any idea what the particulars of this banjo might be or can someone direct me to an online site that could help me research it?


  48. My grandfather gave me his Gibson acoustic guitar. The serial number on the back of the headstock is 615446. I haven't had much luck tracking down what year it was made though. Any help would be appreciated.

  49. Hi I have a 1961-1963 gibson les paul sg guitar i can not find the serial number anywhere I checked
    on backside where the tuning pegs are and no number any advice

  50. Looking for some helpful advise. I had a gibson country gentleman stolen from our church in Dec. 2005 Just this week after 3 long years of searching we finally found the original sales slip with the ser:# 81029559 The guitar was walnut finish. It was purchased new in june of 1989. A police report was filed in Dec. 2005 , Any helpful ideas to find this guitar would be greatley appreciated. there is a Reward being offered, Church is in Front Royal VA. Contact info: Sheree' @ 540-635-7153 ext 205 or email

  51. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I have a ES125TD serial # is U3428 26

    Does anyone know when it was built and what it may be worth...It is in fairly good condition

  52. I've owned a Les Paul Artisan for 12 years with changed pickups and the serial number is missing completely. Any idea what it is worth?


  53. I've owned a Les Paul Artisan for 12 years with changed pickups and the serial number is missing completely. Any idea what it is worth?


  54. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I came across a Gibson LG1 with the o open on the Logo. The pattern is starburst with gold binding. There are inlaid pearl circles down the front.The number on the back of it is 102685. Any info on this would be great. Also, how much do craze lines matter as to value?

  55. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I have a Gibson Accoustic serial number A27772.Tells me its from 58
    It has a fon number LG1
    Now from what I know this could verry well be the 1 Gibson mistake they recalled. Ive heard they produced The LG1 style first in 58 but it got made wrong and they recalled them after producing less then 40 Any help will be appreciated Contact

  56. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Custom sn 538705. I read this as a 1969. Other 1969s I have seen have no dot over the i in Gibson on the headstock. Mind has an open o and it has a dot over the i. Does this pinpoint the age any?

  57. Hello
    I have a 1991 Eds 1275 smaller than standard body with the words "promotional use only not for resale"
    stamped on the headstock

    I cannot find any info on this.
    Can anyone tell me more Cheers

  58. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I just bought an acoustic F-Hols only w/ S/N EG-7004. Looking at the blue book PDF I still cant make out what this should be. My guess is 1939 Gibson but the 7004 I don't know where that fits.


  59. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hi, I've come across a 12 string acoustic Gibson, the serial number is imprinted on the back of the head stock. The numbers are hard to see, it looks like 51780. Any idea what year it may be? Thanks.

  60. We have an old Gibson that was my Father-in-laws.
    He bought it used and we are looking for a tailpiece for it and have not been able to locate one.
    The number on the white oval tag is A: 3647.
    Then in the top hole there is a stamped number: 1573 35.
    Any info would be great!

  61. Anonymous10:34 PM

    i have a gibson les paul classic. it has les paul "classic" on head stock, not "model" it does not have "1960" on pick guard. serial # 030617, does anyone know what date this guitar is??

  62. I have a SG from the 60s.serial 98114/It has 2 P-90 pickups,dotted rosewood fretboard,deluxe tuners,but no tremblo{wammy} bar...What year is it?the body was repainted back in the 1980s..bad I know.What is worth,in the ballpark.

  63. I have a gison firebird 12 string sunburst non reverse body two pick ups serial no 512313 I would like to know how much it is worth and also how old it is thankyou rattler

  64. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Junior, serial #513235 and was wondering if anyone knows the year and value of this guitar?
    Thanks Jo

  65. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hi folks -- I've got a 1974 Les Paul Standard with two serial numbers! One number is slightly under the "new" number, which has deeper indentations and is clearer than the other one, which looks like it's filled in with lacquer. The guitar is totally original from the factory. Can anyone explain this? My guess is it was repaired at the factory and given a new number. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks!

  66. hi, i have inherited a
    i would like to know how to tell if it is a fake or the real deal.
    it's serial number is 02005470. it has made in usa on it

    can anyone help me please..

  67. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Hey ive got a gibson melody maker with the serial number inprinted into the headstock. its got one single coil and no vibrato the seril no. is 962537. any ideas?

  68. Anonymous1:47 PM

    i have an sg11 #102267 any idea year

  69. Anonymous7:44 AM


    I Got A Gibson Les Paul With The Serial # u01102908..

    With Year Is It From?

  70. I have gibson sg with serial number 638749 and there is the "made in usa" sign also, onthe back of the headstock...Whats the year?

  71. I bought a gibson custom les paul model. I think it is a reissue (1968). Serial number on back is 056418. What year is it? What is it worth approx?

  72. i have several old Gibson humbuckers pulled from a variety of guitars over the past few decades that i'd now like to try to identify either through DC resistance readings or any other means. i don't have hopes of pinning them to any particular models of guitars as much as i'd just like to know of their general dates and/or model numbers, etc... any thoughts?

  73. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I have Gibson, Les Paul Studio on the back it has serial#80414513 made in USA. It is in mint condition. I know nothing about guitars. It was my husbands and he died a few years ago and I need to sell it. A dealer offered me $500 for it. Can anyone tell me if that was a fair offer.

    Thank you, Jeanie

  74. THE PERSON WHO POSTED THIS ASKING FOR INFO ABOUT THIS GIBSON, THAT GUITAR WAS STOLEN FROM ME BACK IN 2001 FROM TAMPA,FLORIDA>>>>>>>>Hi, nice to be here. I bought a Gibson Les Paul Custom 1979 (Silverburst). Then I realized that it has no "made in USA" stamp on below its serial number. The serial number is #70169571. I have read that some products don't have this stamp because it is forgotten while being manufactured. I checked all body-shape, the electronics and pick-ups and they look original. But I am worried that the guitar might be fake due to the missing stamp. I would be grateful if any one knows anything about this and inform me about that. Thanks a lot

  75. Anonymous4:02 AM

    I have a friend asking $1200 for a 1970s SG in cherry, with a bigsby and coil tapped pickups. My question is should I get him to lower the price because of the modifications?

  76. Anonymous4:05 AM


    I have found a guy offering his 1970s SG in cherry for $1200. My question is that as it has been modified with coil tapped pickups and a Bigsby should I demand a reduction in price?

    Thanks Dave

  77. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I have a Gibson Serial # 90116015 and i cant find any info on it. Can some one please help.

  78. Anonymous5:42 AM

    my father has a gibson j 50 adj. bridge with a serial # 78812. he is getting on in years and was curious as to the year and value. any help would be greatly appreciated.

  79. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I have a gibson southern jumbo that has a 6 digit serial number of 902735 It does not have a "made in usa" stamp anywhere on the headstock Any idea of what year this guitar is also a possible value?? It doesnt have a crack on it its been taken care of very well.Any info would be greatly appriciated!!Thanks

  80. My cherry SG is marked 00031441, with "made in USA", how old is it?

  81. My cherry SG is marked 00031441, with "made in USA", how old is it?

  82. My cherry SG is marked 00031441, with "made in USA", how old is it?

  83. Anonymous1:49 AM

    j'ai une GIBSON les paul recording.(74)??
    quelqu'un peut il m'en parler.
    qualitée,prix,et y avait il un jack special pour l'ampli FENDER acoustic qui l'accompagne.

  84. Check out this website, it decodes the serial numbers

  85. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Any help would be great.

    I have a Gibson Electric Guitar with Serial # 962539 - dark brown solid wood.


  86. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Also, it is engraved with Made in the USA

  87. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hate to bother you, but checked the Gibson serial number page, and am confused. I have a Gibson B25 3/4, and am trying to find out what year it was made. Its a Sunburst color, but cant find anything on the site that tells me for sure. The number in the headstock is 901459. BUT, there is the number "2" that is stamped right above and in between the "1" and the "4" in the stock as well. I cant find anything about that type numbering system on the Gibson site. There is no "made in the USA" stamp on it, so according to GIbson, it was made before 1970, yet the 901459 seems to say it was made in 1970!
    So needless to say, I am confused! Any help would be appreciated.

  88. Anonymous8:15 PM

    The additional 2 indicates it's a factory second. Once completed they inspect the instruments for any flaws. Often, as is the case with my Martin, you are hard pressed to find what the flaw is. But these inspectors have strict guidelines to follow and look for things the rest of us wouldn't think to. Once any flaw is found they stamp the additional 2 into the tip of the headstock. Don't let this prevent you from enjoying the instrument to the fullest. It can be something very tiny in the finish, for instance, that caused the 2 stamp. This is often referred to a B stock as well. In the case of my Martin, in 25 years of ownership I still can't tell you why it's a 2nd. But it's still a great guitar. Sadly, I can't help with the serial number ID.

  89. Anonymous7:40 AM


    I have a Gibson SG Standard that I purchased new in 1971. The serial number on the back of the head is 969102. What might the actual year be?

  90. Anonymous5:45 PM

    i would love for someone to help me with the age and value of two les pauls i just inherited one is a les paul custom serial #980271the other is a les paul custom also serial #25379 thanks for the hrlp

  91. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I have a Epiphone solid body that I believe is an Olympic; probably from the 60's. There is a serial number on the back of the headstock #272355. Do you have any info on the year of manufacture and model confirmation?

  92. I'm having a heck of a time finding out when my Gibson guitar was manufactured. It is either an ES-125 or I am told possibly an ES-140t. SN 51166

  93. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I inherited my father's twelve string, serial #188894 pressed into the back of the headstock, from what I've read am I correct in guessing it was made in '64? Inside the body (FON?) I cannot make out the 1st number or letter, but it is ink stamped like this ? 25 12 N is '64 correct? Any guess on approximate value?

  94. Greetings!
    I own a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe 6 string guitar that I'm trying to find the model year and possible ball park value. The S/N stamped on the back of the head stock just above "Made in USA" reads
    971215. It's either a 70,71, or 72 model, but I need to know which. Can you help me? Thanks for your time!!

  95. Anonymous5:16 PM


  96. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I have an acoustic Gibson guitar that was my moms when she was a kid, I'm 23 so I know its older than 30years. Serial number is 410423. Any one know the year of this guitar?

  97. Anonymous6:28 PM

    i have an old acoustic guitar with the serial number 85237 on the headstock. i have no clue what kind of guitar it is. if anyone knows, please email me at thank you.

  98. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I have a Kalamazoo USA guitar with a serial number of 508518. Any information on this serial #. Thanks

  99. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm looking at what is supposed to be a Bicentennial TBird with the rw&blue bird decal that has "76" on its tail. The serial number is 06240xxx, however, which seems to be a 1977 number. Did Gibson continue to put the red, white, & blue bird decal on the TBirds that were sold 1977-1979?

  100. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hi, I have a Les Paul Custom, natural finish with what seems to be gold plated everything, vintage unknown. The serial number on the headstock is impressed in the wood. # C 925297 with the words "Made in USA" underneath. There is a 2 printed directly above all of this. I would appreciate any kind of help to identify it.

  101. Can someone help me identify the year of my Gibson J45 (adj) it has a 6 digit ser. # beginning with 3 and ends in 62. I can't find any info.
    any help is appreciated.

  102. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hello: INFO please...I have a 1961 gibson les paul sg with a serial number of 15656....i dont know how to look up a selling price for it...if anyone could be of any help....

  103. I have inherited a beautiful old Gibson solidbody electric that I am trying to correctly identify. The serial number is 900825. There is no "made in usa" stamp. It is shaped like an SG (two horns), but my father always swore it was known first as a Les Paul Custom--before the standard Custom body shape we know today (rounded upper horn). Dual pickups, 3-pos. pickup selector w/"rhythm" & "treble," 2 vol. knobs, 2 tone knobs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  104. I forgot to mention the Gibson "Vibrola"-style tremolo on that SG/Les Paul (see previous post).

    Can you help me place the year and approximate value?

  105. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Gibson Les Paul Custom

    Serial # 61205

  106. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I have a Gibson 145
    SN is 840399
    What is the factory year date ?
    Thank and sun from South France

  107. Anonymous3:27 AM

    i have a gibson les paul, but i dont see a serial number? can someone email me about this guitar i want to sell it i kno nothign about it

  108. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Hey can anyone help me? I have a Blonde Les Paul Serial #001906 on the back of the head. From what I can tell it's from 1967. Any idea what it may be worth?

  109. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hi, I have a Gibson SG guitar with the serial number 03442469 Do you now the year and are you familiar with that guitar, is it a SG Special or ? and can you tell me what the number more mens..? Thank you for your comments. Regards from Denmark, Michael

  110. Anonymous3:31 PM

    gibson j-40 i dont the year but the serial# is 613796 could i get some info? please.

  111. Anonymous3:35 PM

    have a gibsonj-40 serial# is 613796. could anyone help me with the year it was made? I would be gratful. thanks

  112. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I have a Gibson les paul de-luxe Gold Top s/no 174254 I got it in 1977. and it has served me well since. But, I was in a guitar shop in Sheffield UK. and he told me all Gold tops were only mad in Maple, but mine is in Mahogany! can you advise please?
    Paul Blake

  113. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I have a little Gibson sunburst [student model I believe] serial # 9 9856 is on the headstock. Late 1950s-early 60s?? Not sure. Can anyone help me out with year it was made etc. Thanks

  114. Anonymous1:50 PM

    hi, my father past and gave me an electic gibson epiphone emperor v-s sunburst guitar,,
    patent # D-169,120 or its 0-169,120 and i believe it says BIGABY can any one help on info when was made and value plzzz .....debbie

  115. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Jr electric guitar. I have had for 46 years. Could you tell me what the value of it is? Thanks

  116. Anonymous2:57 PM

    1956 Gibson Les Paul Jr electric guitar. have had since 1964. can anyone tell me the value now?

  117. Anonymous3:02 PM

    1956 Gibson Les Paul JR electris seria# 04877. what is the value? Thanks.

  118. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I have a gibson dove serial number 952253,what is the vintage year? anyone know? thank you

  119. I have a gibson SG-Standard with a serial # of 06134089 and am trying to get some info on what year it was made, and how much it would be worth (has a couple of scratches on the back, and a white mark near where you hook your strap on.

    thanks, email me at

  120. I have a gibson SG-Standard, serial # 06134089
    am interested in finding out the year it was made, also the value it would have today (looking into insurance options)

    has some minor scratching on the back from my dad wearing a belt XD and a 1/2 inch long by 1cm wide white mark near where you put strap on.

    email me please, at

  121. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I have a Gibson ES335TD model # 122320. I looked up the model number and found it was manufactured in 1963. It belongs to my Father-in-law and he is near the end of his life. When he passes away we will need to sell it so there will be no disputes in the family over who got it. I need to take it into someone for some polishing up. It's been in the case for years and one of the string turn keys broke off. Otherwise it's a beautiful guitar.

  122. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I recently purchased a Gibson ES-150. It is acoustic/electric and the electric works. The serial number is Y4748 18. I believe that means the instrument was made in 1953. The info inside the case says it was made in Kalamazoo, Mich. It is in fairly excellent condition. The tuning knobs are all gone but the posts are still there. It needs to be cleaned. It has a beautiful tone. Strings are good. No cracks or scratches. There is minor wear on the upper neck board from being played. Also the back shows some wear from being played. I call it lovin'. It is in a nice hard case but the hinges are broken and there is a surface torn spot on one edge. Looks like maybe it was caught is a tight spot or something. Is there any real value to this instrument and would it be worth putting on new tuning knobs and fixing the case?

  123. Anonymous2:45 PM

    My friend has a Gibson Les paul Gold top. Serial Number (7 5718)Inked! It has the body of a 56 gold top but if I'm correct the serial Number says it was made in 57... does not make any sence..

  124. Anonymous8:35 PM

    i saw a very old gibson acoustic guitar for sale on the internet and was wondering what the price may be. The seller think the serial number is 853310 but its a little faded so hes not 100% sure. He thinks its made of all mahogany and its smaller than the average dreadnought. thanks!

  125. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I have an electric Gibson with U918 15 or U913 15 stamped on the inside of the body, anyone have any info on this?

  126. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Please help.....

    I cannot find anyone who knows the year of my Black Custom LesPaul. The Serial number on the back of the headstock reads 051170 and says "Made in the USA.

    I have not seen one like it.

  127. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I have a L-1 Gibson #47507 Can anyone tell me where the best site is to sell it? I think the year
    is 1918..
    ANY help would be great.

  128. Anonymous6:22 PM

    My brother-inlaw owns a Gibson Dove Serial #512412. Can any one date this piece of art?

  129. Anonymous1:28 PM

    My Gibson Korina Flying V serial number is 8 5135...can you tell me what I have here? Hope it's a 1958...thanks!

  130. Anonymous2:13 PM

    i have a gibson les paul standard goldtop serial number is 00170423 and i have had some say it was a reissue but im not sure could you help me figure this out

  131. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I'm trying to date an old Gibson acoustic I have had sitting around for ages. The serial on the back is 624005. I think it's from 1960 something maybe? Any help is appreciated.

  132. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I would like to know the year a gold top les paul was made serial# 18772 also has made in USA on back of head stock.

  133. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I have a Gibson Flamemco C2 with case which I purchased in 1966. I need to have this appraised for estate purposes. Is there any way of obtaining an estimate for this purpose ?

  134. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I own two very nice guitars, a 1991 Ed Foley the only Foley without the headstock logo, that I've seen. A I own a 1910 Gibson parlar guitar... proud of both.

  135. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Hi there, I have a Gibson SG Deluxe...supposedly only 400 made with a serial number of: 014170630 and a model number: SG3BFICH1 can anyone please help me with some info on this model?

  136. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Hi there, I have a Gibson SG Deluxe, model number: SD3BFICH1 and serial number: 014170630.

    Can anyone please give me some information on this guitar?


    Ice from NYC

  137. Mark L7:32 PM

    Hi out there first time on I have a 1935 L-C Gibson flat top neck stock # 213-A with a red # 9 under the number I got from my dad when he died he bought it new its in good shape but he did refinish it clear coat in the 60s for insurance does any one know what its worth thank you

  138. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I need help getting a value of my guitar for insurance...can anyone is a Gibson Les Paul Studio...Serial Number 00601382...stamped with Made in the USA under serial number. Gold hardware...tuning pegs say Deluxe. Gold colored Gibson on headstock...color is translucent red color.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated...please contact me at

  139. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I have a mahogany Gibson with serial #508696 ...Looking to find date & value of it. Thanks so much for your help!


  140. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I have a Gibson SG custom SN# 92972539, I know it is a 1992 SG custom made on Oct24th in Nashville. Another musician came over and told me it is actually that year but a 68 reissue with 4 point white pickgaurd.
    I did find the exact duplicate on a web site explaining that it was a 92 SG custom 68 reissue but the web site has disappeared. I cannot find any other info about it - any idea's

  141. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I'm looking to buy a LP Studio with the SN# 94002426. I assume it was made in 1992 and was the 426th built that day but the date is confusing. The second, third and forth numbers are 400 but that doesn't indicate a date. Am I missing something?

  142. Anonymous5:06 AM

    i have a gibson eh-150 with a serial number of 280-1 on it. what year was this lapslide made is my question. ive searched all over and i cant find any info on this serial number anywhere. please help!!!!

  143. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I understand how to translate a serial # for a Gibson.However, is there a way to verify the serial number is a match for the TYPE of guitar it is supposed to be? ie, is a jimmy page les paul really a jimmy page or just a fake using a les paul standard...

  144. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I have a rare Mahogony Red Color Les Paul Custom in perfect condition. Serial # 73519634 Made in usa is on two lines. I believe it is circa 1980.

    Can you tell me the age and the estimated value?

    Thank you

  145. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I have a Gibson Melody Maker year ranges in the 1960's. Serial number is 0998, I was wondering what the value of it would be?

  146. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I'm pretty sure its impossible to find my guitar. Its a Gibson Les paul made in 1983 on November 12th and was the 554th instrument stamped that day. serial number is 83153554. On the back of the head stock its got a little emblem that says custom shop edition. it also says studio on the front of the headstock. any help would be appreciated.

  147. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Hi there, I have a Gibson custom L-5 model, serial number: 105731
    Can anyone please give me some information on this guitar?

    pleas answer

  148. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I have a Gibson Classical Model #964958 Style C-300
    It also says Gibson Master Model inside.
    We bought it used in the late 70's or 80.
    Can't find any information on it.
    Anyone out there have any information?

  149. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I have a modified sg #94013503 what model is it

  150. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hey, I have a 1977 SG and was wondering what kind of tuners they used then? I got 500 dollars off of my appraisal because they weren't ivory but I don't think they were made with ivory tuners during that year. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  151. Anonymous4:01 PM

    hey there
    I'm trying to find out what year my Les Paul Deluxe is serial #916001 as I'm looking to sell it. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

  152. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I have a Les Paul Gold Top Deluxe serial #916001
    (etched not stamped) I think it is a 1968 but not positive with oringal case, good condition. Can anyone help as to what year it might be and its value? Thanks!

  153. Anonymous10:22 AM

    have a chance to buy a gibson solid body electric serial #555126,which makes it a 1967.owner(original)calls it a ls! model .can't find anything on it .Looks like a les paul jr, but with 2 pickups,1 set of knobs.asking 650

  154. Anonymous4:51 PM

    hola tengo una gibson modelo slash vieja el numero de serie esta borroso..alguien sabe que numero lleba esta guitarra?

  155. Anonymous5:52 PM

    i have a old gibson guitar and the only numbers i can find are inside and they are 9917 20 i was just curious as to what this particular model is and how old it is. my dad gave it to me and he bought it before i was born and i am 51 years old.

  156. I cannot figure out the year of my Gibson j50 deluxe. The neck is stamped with "A82021". Any help would be much appreciated.


  157. Anonymous6:45 PM

    can anyone tell me what year this gibson is please it's aether 8896 space then it has a 15 or it's 8896 space L5 can anyone me please.

  158. Anonymous10:51 AM

    gibson sonex-180 deluxe serial # 81522567 w/ made in usa stamped...any info???

  159. Anonymous3:41 PM

    90725817 Les Paul Custom
    Can you please provide any history or information?

  160. Gibson SG 508501 Made in USA Im guessing 74-75

  161. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I believe the GRETSCH serial num. is 2892371 what year and how much is it worth?

  162. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I have a 1974? Black Gibson Les Paul Custom
    SN 508395. There is No "Made in U.S.A" stamp below the serial number. Can you provide any information regarding this stamp?

    thank you,

  163. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I have an old Gibson acoustic guitar that my dad gave me. I can not find any serial numbers on it but it is large and made of dark wood and says "The Gibson" on the top of neck. It is in rough condition but was wondering if it is worth anything? I know that it had to be made in the 50's or older because my dad got it in the early 60's. Any help would be appreciated.

  164. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Have a Gibson B-25 short scale 3/4 . Serial number is 901459, but there is also the number 2 above, and a little to the left of the 4 in the serial number. Have not been able to find out anything about that.
    Ideas? I would appreesh.

  165. Anonymous7:28 AM

    my gibson korina les paul serial no#06212021/gold top hard ware ,has made in u.s.a.

  166. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I have an epiphone electro-acoustic guitar, it's the elvis presley limited edition model from 1996-1997, the model name on the guitar is elvis-CE/BK and the serial number is : S97100008 . I heard that it's a very rare guitar and I want to know how many of them were made? and for how much can I sell it? thanks

  167. Anonymous12:40 AM

    hello,i have a gibson sg model and the serial number is 638880.and i want to know the year of the guitar.thanks for your email is

  168. Anonymous8:17 AM

    i have ,i think a 1969 les paul deluxe, no dot over the i and open o and b....the serial number is 885942...any idea of how much this is worth...thank you

  169. Anonymous10:39 AM

    i have a gibson sg with a single black pickup set at an angle with the serial number 685893 and "made in the USA. can anyone tell me what year this is and what pickup that would be?

  170. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hello. I stumbled across a Gibson SG series with SN#001675. I researched and found that this guitar was manufactured in 1967. The condition is poor (nicks & scratches, missing tuning keys). I'm curious if there is any value, as is, or is there someone I can contact that can provide me with a list of original parts so that I can restore? My email is Thank you.

  171. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I have what appears to be a 1985 59ri refinished with a beautiful natural flame top. It was originally HCSB as it is stamped in the neck pickup pocket. It has the reissue narrow binding closed b and o in the gibson logo on the headstock, vintage style gibson deluxe tuners, what appears to be real mop inlays. The thing I don't understand is that it has a faint 8 digit serial # and a faint made in usa on the back of the headstock. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Rob

  172. Anonymous7:54 AM

    i have a gibson flattop 2309G 25STAMPED IN INK can someone give me any information on it

  173. i have what it appears to be a 1934-46 gibson jumbo. the only # on it is inside on base of neck. all it reads is 928. i cant seem to find this # anywhere i look all i can find is 92800#. this guitar is defintley in black 928. no letters. can someone give me direction to identifying it.

  174. Rob Dylan2:48 AM

    Hey man i was wondering if you could help me identify my Gibson SG i've had it for a year now and i can not find out what year it was made in... the serial number is 113499 and it and the "made in the usa" are ink stamped on the headstock not pressed in any ideas on it? if you can help me out please email me @ thank you very much.

  175. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I believe i have a 1956 Gibson Guitar, Sunburst in color. I believe its a gibson jumbo. Serial# V5264 I would like to know the approximate value of the guitar for insurance purposes.
    Please reach me at

  176. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I have a tenor banjo TB-Jr made by Gibson Mandolin Guitar Co. Kalamazoo number carved in 11071A-25 would like to know if it has any significant value....thanks....can reach me at thanks...

  177. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I have a four string Gibson (Junior) Tenor-Banjo style TB-Jr....Made by Gibson Mandolin Guitar Co....Kalamazoo
    The number carved inside of the frame is 11071A-25
    Would like to know if it should be appraised for insurance purposes(any value) or should I just learn how to play and enjoy it...thanks.....

  178. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Need to post this comment again...forgot to leave return email address....Have a Gibson Junior Tenor-Banjo Style TB-Jr....Made by Gibson Mandolin Guitar Co. in Kalamazoo....Model number carved into frame is 11071A-25...Should I have it appraised for insurance purposes or should I just learn to play and enjoy email is

  179. Anonymous12:11 AM

    looking for the value of a six string Gibson guitar...
    still in exc condition...was a gift from my parents in
    1968.... does anyone know?

  180. John Howatt2:28 PM

    I have a Gibson J-50 that has the serial number 212362 stamped on the back of the head. I bought the guitar in 1964 and need the date it was made for insurance purposes.
    Thank you

  181. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I have a Gibson J-50 with the serial number 212362 stamped on the back of the head. I bought the guitar in 1964 and I need to know the date it was made for insurance purposes.
    Thank you

  182. I inherited this guitar from my grandfather, he told me all about the story of having to put his name on a list after world war II. If i remember correct he said it was a 1947 Gibson, but i am struggling to figure much out. He painted it a few times but told me he used a specific kind that would be able to be removed w/ the right liquid. Can anyone help me figure out w/ it is? On the inside it has written 83162. Thanks!

    You can view a picture of it here.

  183. Anonymous4:20 AM


    My Super 400 CES got a weird serial number, that says : 06121/374507. It is pencil written on an oval shaped white label glued on the inside back, under the upper F-hole. Can't find any info after intense research on the Internet, Blue Books, etc. Other features of th guitar is 2 humbuckers and a natural finish. As it was highly modified by previous owner(s) (neck replaced, I guess, plus a Bigsby vibrato installed), I have nothing more to rely on to precisely identify the year. Any clue someone ? I'd greatly appreciate any piece of info regarding the year/model/estimated value, etc.

    Just in case, you can mail me at :

    Thanks for your time.


  184. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I have a SG custom electric guitar. It's number is 563193, the gold is worn etc but it's in good shape. What year is it and what would one expect it to be worth? I bought it second hand and have had it since 1980. The case is still ok, a few hard knocks but still functional.

  185. Anonymous5:31 PM

    i have a sg jr serial #550644 what year is it. there is no made in usa on it.

  186. Anonymous5:09 AM

    hey, we have a gibson acoustic guitar serial number is DK-3692 was made in 1939, just wondering roughly how much this guitar is worth? thank you.

  187. Anonymous5:45 PM

    621082 is the serial number on my 1973 gibson recording bass or triumph bass, I don't remember what they called it. I bought it new with a hardshell case and still have it but can't find one on the internet to compare price. Made In USA is stamped below the serial number.

  188. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I have a pristine (like new) Gibson LG #283048 guitar. I am curious as to any information on it. Contact MichelesAntiques at Thank you.

  189. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I have a Gibson blond solid body serial #394820 MADE IN U.S.A. stamped on the back of the head. The 2 pickups have no screw heads(smooth) and swivel. It shaped like a Les Paul with one bottom cut. The tuning heads say Gibson Deluxe. It has a Gibson hard case. What model is it? Is it a junior of some kind?

  190. I have what I believe to be an L-50 Gibson Archtop Acoustic.I'm looking for the age and possibly the exact model of this guitar. s/n# z1973 22. these nos. are located inside the bottom f-hole. Can anybody help me with this? I would sincerely appreciate it !!!! thanks

  191. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I have a Gibson mandolin and the only numbers visible stamped inside the body are 9123 70. Any info on age and type would be helpfull.Thanks

  192. I have an old gibson w/ the serial number 929530 I would love to know the year it was made and how much it is worth. Thanks so much, Lisa B.

  193. Anonymous9:38 AM

    According my the serial number of my les paul (stamped 121267 w/ Made is USA stamped also) it was made around 1970-1972. The question I have is that above the serial number, the number "2" is also stamped. I am wondering what this means. It's a heritage cherry sunburst color. Just like Jimmy pages from Song Remains the Same.

  194. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Lisa.....Your guitar was made at the
    Kalamazoo or Nashville Plant , USA
    approximately in: 1970, 1971 or 1972

  195. Here's a stumper. I have an early 1960's les paul Jr. But, it has been refinished so the serial number is gone. I can tell you that it was made in USA, was a cherry color, has a single p-90 pickup, what seems like the original hardcase, and is a double cutaway. Any ideas? I have been researching, and my dad (who refinished it in the 70's) thought it was a 1967, but mny research is coming up that they didn't make the les paul junior double cutaway in 1967.

  196. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Can anyone help... ? I have a Gibson Thunderbird 4 strings and the serial number is 92490704 and made in USA. Can anyone tell me anything they may know about this and maybe how much it may be worth?

  197. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Could someone. please, evaluate the serial number 30080565 ?? The vendor said that it´s a SG Standard (NEW and Gibson original) serial number... But I´m not sure. Someone could help me? I don´t know the meaning of these sequence of numbers...

  198. Hi I have a Gibson SG Seria# 618741 with the made in USA on the back. One of my neighbors wants to buy it but I'm not sure of its value since I played it in the 70's when I was in a band.

  199. Hi,
    I have a Gibson SG Serial Number 618741 which I've had since the 70's when I played in a band. My neighbor wants to buy it from me but I don't know what's its worth (if anything). It has Made in USA on the back.

  200. Hi,
    I have a Gibson SG Serial# 618741 with Made In The USA stamped on the back & was wondering what year this guitar is from & value.


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