How They Make Gibson Guitars (A Look Inside The Gibson Factory)

For those of you who haven't seen this video you may find it quite interesting, its a cool video from the Premier Guitar, it gives you a tour of the Gibson factory in Nashville Tennessee.

Also shows some of their luthiers making Les Pauls, Explorers, Firebirds, SG guitars and many more. 

The video shows us briefly how they select the woods to build the guitars, how they make guitar necks and the sanding process, how the bindings are applied to the guitar, how colors are applied with spray guns, installing truss rods and more.. 

Many people think in today's world Gibson guitars are made with big production machinery that produce guitars in mass quantities.. 

You would be surprised on how much of their guitars are carefully crafted and still made by hand by talented wood crafters... Relax, grab a coffee and enjoy the video.


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