Gibson Les Paul Guitars

Gibson Ace Frehley Les Paul 
The Ace Frehley Les Paul guitar featured 3 DiMarzio pickups, a fat '59 style neck, maple top, mahogany body/neck, lightning bolt inlays on the... 

The Gibson Les Paul Artisan had a carved maple top , gold hardware, hearts and flowers inlays on the headstock and fingerboard which was its trademark ..... 

These Gibson Les Paul guitars were considered very prestigious but did not sell well until the demand got stronger during the sixties forcing the Gibson company to make reissues (with minor changes) in 1968 .... 

In 1969 the Gibson LP deluxe featured 2 mini hum buckers, maple top, mahogany body, a gold-top finish, pantograph logo and a 3 piece neck... 

(Also Known As The Gibson Les Paul Model) Although the Gibson Les Paul model guitar is collectable and is a significant part Gibsons' Les Paul history, in 1952 to 53 they had an intonation problem due to..... 

Gibson Les Paul standard sunburst was an attractive and probably the best built overall sounding guitar of its time. In the late 50s, arch-top guitars were... 

Basically the Gibson SG standard guitars stayed the same except for some minor feature changes. In 1966 Gibson started manufacturing... 

In mid 1958 Gibson changed the body of the Les Paul junior to a double rounded cutaway slab body..

These guitars are considered classics and many guitar players today still buy them because they are workhorses....

The Gibson Les Paul recording guitars were fairly successful and led to the making of the Gibson Les Paul signature and the Gibson triumph bass in 1973... 


  1. can anyone identify a 1982 les paul-says black beauty 82 on truss rod cover-has second 4-digit serial number below the made-in-usa and has a black custom body-old style, and a les paul standard -type neck-with an ebony board... gold hardware and i know of the heritage 80 s and other reissues with old factory bodies... so i like the early 80 s lp s for their tone- any help /?/

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Yes this guitar is one of 4 guitars produced in 1982. Three were burned in the famous 'Smoke On The Water' fire.

    If Jimmy Page finds it he will surely pay tens of thousands for it.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I own a '56 Les Paul Special (minor mods for playability, still have original parts i.e. tuners, bridge) with a (rare?) color. It's original white. Not TV. Original P-90's. My father purchaced it new in '56 for $200. It's older than me, & in better condition...and I'm 49. I've heard various opinions over the last 30 years, but if there is an expert out there...How rare is this & how much is it worth?

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    dont sell it unless you really need the money , you can sell it for more than its worth in the price guide which is $15000 to $20000, very rare ..

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Is your 1956 LP Special single or double cutaway? Dog-ear P-90's? I have NEVER seen one in white, in person or online. Would be cool if you had the original sales receipt saying "white LP Special" on it- that would help confirm it is unique. I doubt Gibson could corroborate that it came in white from the factory. It is certainly valuable, but I have to add white guitars ganerally do not fetch the bucks sunbursts and golds do... still collectors love those old gibsons, and if it's faded to a creamy color it probably looks great. Enjoy!

  6. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Hi, just curious, the gibson les paul classics 90 to 93 had model on the headstock? Then 94 to 2006 have classic on the headstock? Now it seems gibson have gone back to putting model on the headstock for the 2007 classics. Would this be correct? Also i have a 94 les paul classic (cherry sunburst) with AAA flame in mint condition, i think they called this a premium plus. The neck seems to be inbetween a 50's and 60's not slim but not fat (strange) as my other classic i have has the conventional 60's slim tapered neck. What would be the asking price for my 94 classic? Thanks. Dave.

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I have a 1956 Les Paul Junior, all original, not a scratch and hardly played. It's complete with the original case and the tags that came with the guitar. Suddenly, people are interested in buying it, but I don't know it's true value. Any suggestions on value range or where I can get more information on value?

  8. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I have a Les Paul that the serial number was scratched off. I've tried to find out what year it is for a very long time. I got it for $300, 11 years ago. It's sun burst, pearl inlays, gold hardware and the tuning nobs have either been turned around or switched. Is there any way to find out what year it is?

  9. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Has anyone seen the movie "Stranger than Fiction" with Will Farrell? I'm trying to figure out what model of les paul is sitting in the window of the guitar shop he enters. Its black and it has what appears to be a white flower, maybe a rose on the body.

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I have a Les Paul Profesional in good condition. Original thunderbird case has been knocked around a bit. Any ideas of current value?

  11. Does anyone have an idea (or have) a Jimmy Page Tom Murphy Les Paul for sale? I have been looking but haven't been able to track one down. I would also be interested in the '04/'05 VOS Page reissue Les Paul. Please let me know. I would be most grateful. Thanks.

  12. Anonymous3:29 AM

    "Yes this guitar is one of 4 guitars produced in 1982. Three were burned in the famous 'Smoke On The Water' fire."
    The ability to travel in time is indeed a rare feature in a guitar. The "Smoke on the Water" fire happened in 1971.

    If H.G. Wells could find it, he'd pay hundreds of thousands for it.

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I have an 83 les paul custom shop vintage cherry burst with stamp and sigs in pup cavities,looks like a 59 standard with the cream appointments ,carved maple top and DOT inlys on the fretboard,Not a studio as maple topped? any ideas...greg at gregs

  14. Anonymous2:46 AM

    alhjr -I have a Jimmy Page Les Paul aged by Tom Murphy that I am considering selling

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    would anybody now the value of a 92'les paul standard with gold finishes,blonde top that has never been played?

  16. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hi guys. I'm willing to buy a second hand Gibson Les Paul Custom of 1981. Someone told me the late 70s early 80s Customs really suck. Is this true?

  17. Anonymous1:36 PM

    not true

  18. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I have a Les Paul Deluxe with 99 for the 1st numbers of serial #. It's cherry sunburst with two mini humbuckers and a third full size humbucker on the neck without a cover. The guy trying to sell it to me says its a 1968. After reading your page, I think it's more like a 77. What do you think? What is a fair price to give him for it?

  19. I have a Gibson Les paul Deluxe Goldtop with the serial number 172491. Can anyone tell me the year of this guitar? Thanks.

  20. Anonymous1:34 AM

    i bought my son an 84 les paul studio in what was white now cream crazing and minor binding issues. yes same binding as my custom. how long was the studio bound was 84 ist year and was white rare?

  21. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I got an 85 double cutaway. It has two single poles and a humbucker,a locking nut, a roller bridge,whammy bar,individual toggle switches for each pickup,a pushbutton overdrive,and single wing headstock.A pure rocker.Beautiful deep dark green,a real beauty.Any comments welcomezsirr

  22. I'm looking to buy a late 70's early 80's Les Paul Custom and I'm not sure which vintage has the fastest necks? between 75 and 84. Preferably without a volute. Also if anybody knows what year white was most common color let me know! I'm not looking to purchase from you just education about these vintages

  23. Anonymous2:09 AM

    i have gibson les paul custom,i want to know how much it cost,the serial is all original except for the pickup,i change it cause it was damage,the pickup is dimarzio gibson is very old.can you check it out?tnx

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      If your serial number is right, you prob have a bootleg guitar. There isn't 921 days in a single goes like this: ydddyrrr. Y" year, d" day of year and r" rank ( # of guitar for the day). Maybe you mixed up the 2nd 9 and the 2?

  24. Heey, I just bought a les paul double cut standard equipped with p-100s. Is there any way to tell what year it was made in? The serial number is 00540620. Any info on this guitar would be appreciated, i've never seen p-100s on another guitar before.

  25. Anonymous2:41 PM

    To Aaron: The first and fifth numbers in the serial number are the year. This indicates yours was made in2000. Guitar Junkie

  26. Anonymous5:45 PM

    i got a gibson thats like 5 years old. the serial number is 00293555

    its shaped just like the les paul, but only has two knobs. the tuners say gibson deluxe.. it is wooden and red. anyone help?

  27. Anonymous4:34 PM

    My dad had a 1980 gibson les paul standard and it got stolen.We found the people who stole the guitar but they had pawned it and we werent able to get it back.I would love to be able to get him another one of course i know it wont be the same but it would still be cool , so if anyone knows of a web site were i can find one please let me know.

  28. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Ebay would be the best place to find a used Les Paul at a reasonable price. Good luck.


  29. Anonymous6:33 PM

    what is a gibson les paul studio serial#80414513 made in usa, and what is the value of it. I have to sell it but have no idea what to ask for it.

    Thank you

  30. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Would love to see some pics and know more about the silver sunburst Les Pauls that came out in the late 70's. Been looking, but can't seem to find one.


  31. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hey !
    Cool blog. I'll be back often.

    Does anyone have an opinion about the value of a 1997 Les Paul Custom Shop Historic 58 Reissue ?

  32. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I have a 1967 Les Paul Standard I believe the color is called a brown sunburst. I checked the serial numbers and in fact it is an original. It is in near perfect condition as I played it in a band but handled it like a new born baby!
    Can anyone tell me the value range?

  33. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I saw a 1982 LP Standard the other day with three P-90's. The guy said it was all original (other than the stoptail replacement). Never seen this before. Has anyone seen this?

  34. can anyone identify a 3/4 Gibson Les Paul (style) with 2 pickups. The trus rod cover says "Les Paul" and the shape is clearly a Les Paul, although smaller. It has 2 pickguards. One that is on the surface of the guitar (black)--sort of like the Melody Maker, but slightly different and then a smaller one that is attached at an angle (white). There is a serial number on a small plate on the reverse of the headstock. 4 knobs. Looks super retro. Do you think it could have been someone's homemade guitar for their kid?

  35. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I have a 2004 Les Paul Special Edition that is black cherry with nickel hardware. Along with the serial #, it also has 94/275 on it. I have kept it all orginal.
    Not looking to sell as it is my favorite guitar but am curious to what type of price an instrument lie this would bring. Thanks for someones help.

  36. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I have 1960 les paul sunburst#7163
    with 5 latch brown burst case with gibson titan amp.#120146 This has been in family from oct.1963 there is no damage to any items at all could this be of value to someone?

  37. Anonymous3:56 PM

    If what you are saying is true , what you have is not a guitar, it is an annuity. This could be worth a medium sized fortune so be very diligent in research before you even consider selling it. Guitar Junkie

  38. Anonymous6:01 PM

    To Guitar Junkie
    Thank you for your input. Please tell me what makes my 1960 Sunburst draw your input?

  39. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Early sixties lps are the holy grail for guitar afficianados. First, they ain't making anymore of them,and this in itself makes people want them. And if yours is in the condition you say it's in that makes it even more desirable.Guitar Junkie

  40. I own a 1978 TV Yellow Les Paul Special that I bought used in 1981. I have not been able to find any info on this guitar so far. I did find a Gibson catalog from 1978 online that showed the Les Paul Specail but tit did not offer the guitar in TV Yellow. I am not sure if this was a rare color for that year or a short run,etc. Any info will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to someone responding to my post. Thank you very much!

  41. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hello, I am currently selling a 1956 Gibson Les Paul TV Junior (refinished), with original amp, receipt (matching serial #.s) and guitar strings/boxes on ebay. The auction closes on November 9, 2008 and can be viewed at:

  42. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hello, I just picked up a 1980 Wine Red Gibson Les Paul Standard with all original parts except for the tuning keys, which have been altered (same keys though). Original Case included. Pick Guard still in tact and guitar in generally good condition. The serial number is 82530605. Can anyone help me figure out what this is worth?

  43. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Good find. It appears to be a 1980 LesPaul, and because it's in good condition, and does not have original tuning keys, valuation is in the range of $1000.00 - 1300.00.

  44. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hello everybody, I'm looking for the tuners (how they are called, where to find,...) used on LP Custom from 1981 (mine is a whine red). The Tuners have a "fold-out" handle that makes it faster to put on new string. Info is greatly appreciated!

  45. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Yo Dude i've just bought a 1988 Gibson LP standard in wine red and i havn't been able to find out any info on this Guitar, so if anyone can help i'd be very greatfull, Thanx : ) B

  46. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I'm looking for any info about the "Les Paul Signature" model guitar. My dad bought his in 82, By the S/N it is a 74, possibly a 73. All help would be great

  47. Anonymous9:39 PM

    i have a 1956 gibson les paul special tobacco sunburst
    all original in excellent condition
    with original case
    i am looking to sell
    $30,000.00 canadian.

  48. Is a Les Paul Special SL a good guitar for 350 bucks? One is listed on craigslist and not sure if its a good deal or not, don't know much about them.

  49. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Can anyone advise me on any information on a Gibson Les Paul Gold Custom Shop Edition. It came with a tan pick guard not installed. It was purchased in 1988 serial # 83146 and I haven't been able to locate any info. on it. I'm not sure if I want to sell or insure it. Any info will be great.

  50. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I own a 1990 Les Paul Std . It came with dual creme humbuckers with exposed coils is this a rare pickup?

  51. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Does aneyone now the value or history of a 1981 Gipson Les Paul 25/50 Aniversery in very good condition with proe hard case?

  52. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Looking for an early 70's LP Recording model. Anyone have one for sale?

  53. Anonymous7:15 PM

    My brother has a Gibson Les Paul Artisan serial #06201384. It looks like some of the pictures online but it has the three gold pick ups and a sparkling gold pick guard with Gibson on it. Can anyone tell me when it was made and what it is worth? I haven't seen anything like it online.

  54. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Hello, I have a gibson les paul custom sunburst I bought in Andys guitar shop (London) in 1993 which is a 1969 model - serial number 103129. any information on this guitar? as Andy's have been taken over by another company and everyone says there was no sunburst 1969 model, despite my having the original receipt for it saying this. any ideas of price, history?

  55. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hello. I have an old Les Paul Custom in cherry sunburst finish w/gold hardware and serial # 968366 inked on the rear of the stock with Made in USA stamped below. Any idea of the age, year, value, etc. Thanks

  56. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Looking for the year of a Gibson Melody Maker, number on back top side of the neck is 73071. Double cut-out body, starbust color. Any help in determining the year of this guitar would be greatly appreciated.

  57. The picture for the Deluxe seems inaccurate as it doesn't have the mini humbuckers.

    I found a very nice red wine Deluxe on eBay recently and wrote a piece about it here:


  58. Anonymous1:35 AM

    I own a Gibson LP Heritage 80 standard cherry sunburst. Build in 1981.
    Can anybody tell me what the value is of this guitar?

  59. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I am looking to sell a Gibson Les Paul Special serial #-923451. I believe it is a 1959 model. It is a dark cherry color. All original parts, case and amp also. Give me a ballpark range for price. I would rate the condition as "good".

  60. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Been a while since I checked this site, but in reference to my white '56 LP Special...It's single cut
    & no dog ear on pick-ups. Have no original sales slip.
    Wish I had any documentation, but who knew 53 yrs ago, that old beginner Gibsons would be worth so much.
    It has faded to the creamy color now, although Gibson claims they never made white in '56. Go figure, cause I'm lookin' at one right now, & I could post some pic's,(If I knew how to). There's no serial # as Gibson inked on the #'s back then & it's long ago worn off. Suppose it might be revealed using forensic science, but for now I'll go off dad's memory. He graduated HS in '56 & treated himself to a brand new guitar. With the economy the way it is, I'm really starting to think about selling. Hoped I'd never have to do that...but I am thinking.

  61. Anonymous3:08 AM

    my father in law has a '59 black beauty custom that he bought in a pawn shop in 1968 for $700. BUT the serial number on the head is 72588105. does this make sense? that makes it a '78!? i know that it has a white maple neck with mohogany body. 2 pickups. please help!

  62. Simon5:24 AM

    I am considering selling a 1980 LP Custom which i have owned from has "flick out" machine heads from an 82 and a gold bigsby...otherwise standard and in good condition with original hard case

  63. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The Les Paul Signature is a semi hollow (like a 335), low impedance model. The pickups are low impedance, super humbuckers! The jack on the front is for high impedance. The jack on the bout is actually a balanced, low impedance (stereo) line out. You can buy a chord right off the rack to plug into a low impedance xlr jack like on a P.A.

  64. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have an 1982 gibson les paul custom silverburst. All original. It has one minor ding on the back of the neck. I was just curious if anyone knew what it might be worth.

  65. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I have a les paul special in tobacco sunburst that was made in 1975. Any idea what it is worth. B.J

  66. To The serialization on 1957-1961 Les Pauls was different than the 1st and 5th system you're trying to use. I have a 1957 Les Paul Custom "Black Beauty" in pristine condition, PAF humbuckers, etc. It's serial number is 7 21180, which translates to 1st digit is last number of the year model, space, followed by either 4 or 5 digits indicating the production number. So, mine is 1957 production run number 21180. Your serial number would indicate a 1957, but the production run number is too long, and with no space after the year number. It looks more like a reissue serial number from mid to late 60's, probably 1968 on a guess. Do the backs of the pickups have black decals with gold font saying "Patent Applied For", or do they say "Patent Number XXXXXX(yours would have a number, not XX)"? If they have a patent number, it's a reissue.

  67. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I have a 1960 Les Paul special, cherry finish, like new. I've owned since new. How can I find out what its worth and how to sell it.
    Thanks. GJ

  68. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I`ll pay anything $for a 1959 Les Paul pickguard extention(tenon cover)goes above top pup under neck.Real little piece.

  69. Anonymous11:38 AM

    HI, the picture you have posted next to the Gibson Les Paul Deluxe title is not a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe. It has full size pickups amkeing it a Gibson Les Paul Standard or a modified Deluxe and should be noted as such.


  70. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I have a 1978 les paul custom in cherry sunburst its in excellent condition any ideas what its worth, thanks

  71. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Ihave a 59 les paul specail.double cutaway with the neck position pickup mounted about 1/4 inch where the neck meets the body .I was told most of thhese necks broke thhat's why gibson moved the pickup position futher down thhe body.I had the neck reinforced does it still retain its value?

  72. Anonymous1:20 PM


    I have a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe Gold Top 1970. Perfect condition with original case. Would anybody know how much this is worth? I am looking to possibly sell it.


  73. Anonymous4:38 AM


    I can't find my Vintage Guitar price guide, but I would guess it's worth around $5,000.

  74. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Looking for the value range for a 1967 Les Paul Custom color black/gold hardware. Origianl Pickups - replaced tuners and nut - refretted - added Les Trem. I purchased it in 1978 for $450 and it was in very poor shape. The backside had been scuffed pretty badly by a belt buckle right to the wood. Who would do such a thing?! Still sounds and plays great. Thanks for any info. Serial # 891529

  75. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Does anybody have, or know someone that has a Niel Schon Custom Shop Les Paul they would be willing to sell or trade? I'm very motivated and haven't had any luck lately finding one in a long time. I have a beautiful 1990 Ibanez Universe 7 String Multicolor Steve Vai model I'd be willing to trade if interested.

  76. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I have a 1978 Gibson Les Paul custom. Black with gold hardware, in good condition (light scratching). Everything works and is original. Any ideas on how much its worth?

  77. Anonymous8:20 AM

    got a les paul custom off craigslist for $250. the serial is 8o352530. its an ugly oranginsh color with all original everything. the tuning pegs say gibson on the back of them m they are gold.
    any idea what this is worth?

    thanks a ton ive searched the web over and over with not much luck

    its in really decent condition

    if interested email at sharade at junocom ill sell it

  78. Allan8:06 AM

    Realistically your 1978 Gibson Les Paul Custom black can bring anywhere from $2000.00 to $3000.00 depending on condition.

  79. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Not seeing the guitar, I don't know for sure what it is, but I'm willing to bet it's a imported copy, and probably worth just about what you paid for it.

  80. Anonymous4:51 PM

    anyone know about a 74 gibson les paul with black and white swirl

  81. Brian Hale2:03 PM

    hey, i got a 1967 black gibson sg i'm considering selling. it's all original with the exception of a new paint job poorly dont by the previous owner. a few nicks and scratches but still solid and in excellent playable condition. i dont think its any special edition, no tremolo or triple bucker, just a standard sg.

    i'm lookin for a rough ballpark on what these guitars usually sell for, any ideas?

    email at

  82. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I have a 1998 les paul gold top showcase edition with p90's and it's signed by Les Paul on the pick guard. Anyone know what it's worth. Maybe I shouldn't play it. anyone want to buy it?

  83. Anonymous9:10 AM

    hey, got a blk 80-82 standard. Pots say both. It has the thin binding strip in the cut away and the bridge studs go staight into the wood. My 78 deluxe, 87 custom 85 standard, and 99 standard do not have these appointments, but my 70-73 custom does. Does any one know why?

  84. Anonymous4:48 PM

    A friend of mine has acquired a 1976 Les Paul Custom, which I have not been able to find cataloged anywhere. Can anyone out there give me any input as to what he really has. It is a natural finish, triple pickup, with gold hardware. The maple cap is plain grain, not figured, the two piece mahogany body is full-width sandwiched, rather than full thickness, and it is far and away the heaviest Les Paul I have ever picked up, and believe me, I know heavy. This one has no competition in that respect. But the biggest detail is the neck is three piece maple, capped with an ebony fretboard. Yes I am sure, MAPLE. Yes, I am sure it is genuine Gibson, and yes, I am sure about the date, and yes it is original finish. Anyone out there got any idea what he has found?


  85. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Hi, I have a wine Red 1980 Les Paul Deluxe in Pretty good nick. How much is it worth?

  86. Billy from ELMER FUNK6:51 AM

    I have a 93? Les Paul Custom Florentine custom shop it's has an AAAA flamed, trans. blue finish w/ gold hardware. Sounds AWESOME!!!! Don't see any around are they going up in price?? Thank you goodnight!!LOL

  87. Anonymous10:16 PM

    How much is a 1993 black beauty worth today. Excellent condition.

    To find the serial number, sometimes the number is in the cavity when you remove the pickups. It could also be signed and dated there as well, for those of you looking for the age of your guitar.

  88. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I have a 79' white with gold triple pick up custom. Basically a Black Beauty in white. Any info on these ,can't find another like it?

  89. Hi - I have a 1975 Les Paul Standard in tobacco sunburst (exactly like Jimmie Page played 'back in the day') I bought this new and have had it ever since. It's all original except for the addition of a PAF-90 pickup in the bridge position and the replacement of the plastic cord-jack plate with a custom steel plate.

    Although I played it quite a bit in the early days, it is in near mint condition. One or two minor nicks (under 1mm dia.) and virtually no scratches whatsoever. I also have the (slightly beat-up) original hard-shell case.

    I am seriously thinking of selling it and need a reliable price estimate.

  90. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I found this on the web to be worn with pride by Les Paul owners...

    "My axe is a les paul" t-shirt. Kinda cool.

  91. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I have a 1967 Gibson Les Paul Custom. It has a number, 118389. Does anyone know or how can I find out what it is worth?

  92. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Vintage 1957 Gibson Les Paul Custom for sale

  93. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I'm looking to sell a 1980-1982 Les Paul Black Beauty Custom w/ gold machine heads and mother of pearl inlay. I am the second owner. How do I find out what its worth?

  94. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I have a 1980 Les Paul Standard( Limited Edition)
    It has all of the vintage features.I bought it for
    $695.Does anybody know what it's worth

  95. Anonymous11:04 AM

    To Guitar Junkie
    I have done all the looking,talking,and showing my 1960sunburst that I think I can. Everyone wants to sell it for me at a 35% to 45% comm. They say it is worth 300,000. to 650,000.. Thankyou for telling me to be carefull. I am go to try and sell it on my own. Wish me luck.

  96. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Anyone ever hear of a gibson harp guitar 1902 worlds fair? My dad died 15 years ago at age 75 he collected intruments his whole life and we still have them( at least 100 . My mother gave them to me. I have just started looking at the book he left that lists the instruments and the harp guitar was one.

  97. Anonymous10:28 AM

    hi folks
    Can anyone identify a Gibson Melody Maker series 91623865 humbucker pick up, plastic string tuning- like an SG, black plastic tone- volume tuning, plectrum plate not covering under the strings as the melody makers from 2007, colour red, single cut, like a les paul, not faded. No tremolo.
    The descrption corresponds to the humbucker melody maker produced between 1983 and 1988 but from the series number the guitar seems produced in 1993...and in that perio we either have the all american series melody maker and it cannot be as ithis series was double cut + tremolo; the other series of the 90s is the les paul melody maker but it had a tremolo and no plastic tuning knobs.
    Or the info i have seen about the Humbucker melody maker being produced only until 1988 (Wikopedia) are not correct? I suspect this is a Humbucker Melody Maker corresponing in all details to wikpeia description...can anyone give some hints?

  98. Anonymous7:43 AM

    In 1963 I got a Christmas present..a used Gibson Les Paul Custom SGw/ original case/amp. Anyhow, its white with 3 gold humbuckers, Vibrato side pull tail/lots of inlay,gold plate, and original except some ratty gold parts were replated a few years back.Even showed it to Les himself 4 years ago at the iRIDIUM..AND LEARNED THIS WAS THE "UNapproved" model so it had a short production run. Love it as Ive owned it now for 46+years and would be curious as to the value. Any Help??

  99. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I have a 1958 TV yellow Les Paul Special single cutaway ser # 8-1827 in fair to good condition. It has been played many years. All orig except Grover tuners and a bridge that has set screws so it can be strobed. It was bought in 1958 for me and I have had it ever since. I read on this website that Humbuckers replaced the P-90's in 1957 but mine are black and very strong. Can't count how may speakers I have blown out over the years in my Fender amps. Did the article mean 1957 in other models of Gibson, not the Les Paul? Could someone confirm the age through the serial number? Also, could someone venture a guess the possible value of this guitar?

  100. Anonymous11:19 AM

    For Christmas 1963, I was given a used Les Paul Custom with amp...a year or 2 old at the time. The guitar has the SG body, 3 pickups, all gold plating in as-new condition, lots of mother of pearl on ebony neck with a plate at the bottom that says Les Paul Custom., white body, with a little patina/age showing from almost 50 years, excellent original case. I dont have the amp or original strap I HAD 47 years ago....alas..but I'd like to get an idea of its value. I've seen some BIG numbers in some guitar mags, but??

  101. Anonymous5:54 AM

    That Christmas gift is BIG $$$$$$$. Maintain the guitar and amp. If you don't play, learn or sell it to someone who will afford it AND play it. I've been playing 50 years and played one of those LP's when I was 10 at Lyon and Healy in downtown Chicago. Gibson put the Les Paul name on the SG body for a very short time. Les didn't care for the neck on the SG. Since Gibson was making some money with the original body and Les was da Man, They listened. And.... That guitar you have was the top of that line. That's a great axe. I'm jealous! Enjoy

  102. wayne7:00 PM

    I own a 1978 TV Yellow Les Paul Special that I bought used in 1981. I have not been able to find any info on this guitar so far. I did find a Gibson catalog from 1978 online that showed the Les Paul Specail but tit did not offer the guitar in TV Yellow. I am not sure if this was a rare color for that year or a short run,etc. Any info will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to someone responding to my post. Thank you very much!

    i have an 78 yellow body, yellow fretboard, black tuning block, pearl inlays outlined in white strips. have never seen another like it. 70248140 I assume it was made january 24th 1978 140th les paul custom out of kalamazoo, michigan. No "made in usa" stamp. Id like to just see another one.

  103. hey guys, looking for some info on a les paul i got a couple of days ago. It's black with pearl inlays and ivory(now cream) bindings.Two silver pickups and gold"bonnett" knobs.No "made in USA" on back and ink stamp serial # is 0 9605. Guitar is in excellent shape. Also has "bumblebee" type capacitors behind knobs. any help?

  104. Anonymous8:28 AM

    can anyone tell me the value of a 1959 SG Les Paul TV Special? Its all original with the original alligator case and in excellent condition (no buckle rash, no chips, no scratches).. Im guessing maybe $30K? Am I way off?

  105. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Can anyone give me any info on a 1979 Gibson Les Paul Custom Electric, wine red, gold hardware with 3 humbucker pick-ups? I bought this guitar from either Sam Ash or Manny's in NYC in 1983, sold it to a friend in 1995. I recently bought the guitar back. It is kind of beat up, plays great...I have looked on line extensively, and even wrote to Gibson, sent pics, but they can only tell me what I already know from the serial number. Gibson said that their records of serial numbers only go back to the late 1980s. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  106. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I got a 98' Gibson Les Paul Special SL. Any Idea how much it is worth or any info on it?

  107. I own a 1999 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe Limited Edition, serial number 92639684, with a wine red finish. Does anybody foresee this model/color (in great condition) being worth big bucks in the future, like the vintage sparkle tops from the 1950-'60's are worth now?
    It says limited edition on the back of the headstock, where can I find out how many were produced? Any information would be great!

  108. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I have a Les Paul Custom 1980 in tobaco burst. It's in used condition with some wear and tear.Any idea how much it's worth?

  109. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Hello Friends: I was wondering what if any value is lost when someone modifys a vintage guitar?
    I have located a vintage 1978 Gibson Les Paul, I believe its a Standard ! It orginially had just to pickups but had a third was put into the middle of others, also the Guitar has now 5 knobs on it so one was added, in addition they put in Pickup selector switches, 3 total. So with the above modifications what would this be worth? The guitar has wear and a good look but they are asking 1600.00 for it, they say without the mods that it would be worth much more.
    Well than very much Bill Winchell

  110. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Hi folks.

    A friend of mine is trying to sell a 1980 Les Paul Custom, Blonde, all parts are original, w/case.

    Anyone knows how much its worth?

  111. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Can anybody tell me if they have ever seen a 1993 L P Classic Triple humbuckers gold hardware tobacco sunburst?

  112. jim devol10:59 AM

    good day to all,I have a 69gibson sg sam ash 200. w/original chrome hardware,2 2way channel switches w/ volume and tone,original tune-o-matic bridge, need a little cosmetic work,cherry sunburst finish,pearl dotted inlay on rosewood fretboard, solid magogany bodyand bonded maghony neck in orignal hardwood case ser#617103 made in usa and it sounds great for sale nnot sure on value had several guitar shop look at it, new

  113. i have a gibson les paul junior with the toggle switch inbetween the volume and tone controls. can any one tell me more about it

  114. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I own a 1976 Gibson Les Paul Cherry sunburst custom lefty, I've owned it for 2o years now, only mods are pick ups EMG's 81 and an 85, still have original pick ups though.It plays beautifully. Anyone know what this guitar may be worth? Thanks Gary P.

  115. Anonymous4:36 PM

    hello! i have a les paul custom sereal # 416889 MADE IN USA white in colour though has gone a nice yellow? GROVER MACHINE HEADS, BLACK TOP HAT PICKUPS.any help would be great!! THANKS jay D.

  116. Hi I have a Gibson SG custom and I would like to find the value of it, not sure on the year, been told its between 1961-1964, it is in good condition and I have pictures if that would help find the value.It has a dark cherry finish. My email is if you could help me in any way I would appreciate it...

  117. Anonymous7:43 AM

    In response to the post above: "I have a 1967 Les Paul Standard I believe the color is called a brown sunburst. I checked the serial numbers and in fact it is an original. It is in near perfect condition as I played it in a band but handled it like a new born baby!
    Can anyone tell me the value range?

    They didn't make any single cut Les Paul's from 1960 to 1968. So the guitar you have is not a 1967.
    J.Baldwin (Gibson Collector and Historian)

  118. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Pro in Black with ivory inlay, serial #71248595 in very good condition. Very minor scratches on the back. I bought it used in 1979 and it has the original case (excellent condition). Have put 8-10 hours play time on it in the past 30 years. I'm looking to find out the year, if made in Kalamazoo, and the approximate value of the guitar. Can send pictures if needed. Email address is

  119. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Pro that I bought in 1979. It's black with ivory inlay. Great condition with very light scratches on the back. Serial #71248595. Original case in excellent condition. Guitar has been played a maximum of 8 - 10 hours while I have owned it the last 30 years. Looking to find out the year it was made, where it was made, and the approximate value of the guitar. Pictures available if needed. My email is Thanks...any help would really be appreciated!

  120. I have acopy the emblem say's "CREST" with abalone or fake inlays and all gold colerd tuners & pickups etc. can any tell me about this guitar? oh yeah it needs a pickgaurd
    Thanks Brian.

  121. This is a copy that say's "crest" on the headstock, I have no history on this guitar I would like to get any feed back Please.
    Thanks Brian. P.S. it needs apick gaurd.

  122. Looking to find some info on a Les Paul I used to own..........Im pretty sure it was a Standard. Serial # 109xxx. It had the trapezoid fret marker inlays that started on the 3rd fret.....not the block inlays starting on the 1st fret like a ....Custom???? No volute.

    Not sure what color it was originally. When I got it, it had been sanded down to wood and the binding was gone from around the body. It did have binding at one time cause the groove was still there. and it did have the "carved" top. It had the Grover type tuners.....not the ivory looking ones. the serial # was did not have "made in usa" going by the info I had to be a 60s model???
    Unfortunately I dont have any pics.....or the guitar either. It was stolen back in the early 90s. I still look for it.....ran across the serial number while doing some organizing the other Im on the hunt again. :D

  123. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I have a 83 Standard in Wine Red, with a Kahler "style" tremelo on it, but it says Gibson on the tremelo with the "US Pat app'd for" on it. Serial number 80663537. Were these actually Kahler Tremelos, or were they a product of Gibson ... or a combination of the two?
    I've had the Tremolo locked down for years because the last guitar tech that looked at it said that tremelo use would eventually damage the guitar, that the necks were not really designed to take the abuse.
    Any comments?

  124. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I have a vintage 1978 Gibson Les Paul Custom with 3 Pickups. Collector Grade. Black with gold hardware, in good condition. Everything works perfect and is guaranteed original. Pictures will be provided upon request. E-mail:

    Market Value? Any potential buyers?

  125. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I have a 1956 Les Paul Special TV Yellow. Have any idea what it is worth. Have been offered 4500.

  126. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have an Black 20th anniversary Les Paul. Owned for 21 years and well played. Any Idea of value?

  127. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I recently got back an SG shaped guitar that my brother bought from me in the early 80's. Says Gibson LP junior on the headstock. All original, no cracks or breaks. Has the original case and a little brochure with the specs sheet on it. The case is a little beat but the guitar is in pretty good shape. Pretty vibrant red color, some fading on the top of the neck. Was never gigged with, he used it when he got his music degree in Boston. 5 digit serial, 982**. Any idea what it is worth? Great guitar, really has the 'it' factor going on. Broken in perfectly and just a real toneful and easy to play guitar.

  128. Anonymous4:06 PM

    hello I have a 1975 Gibson Les Paul custom two tone natural is in excellent condition all original was wondering the price range

  129. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I have a 1963 Les Paul Jr. that was in poor condition. It belonged to my grandfather. It had been painted and I kept all of the original parts. I recently had it reconditioned with the original cherry finish. The headstok was damaged as well and has been repaired. We left the original identifiers on the face of the headstock intact. It is in perfect condition and looks fantastic. I have had several professional guitarists play it and want to purchase it. I would like to know if anyone would know what this would be worth since there was some damage and it has been reconditioned.

    Thanks, Joe

  130. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hello - Does anyone know anything about a 1978 Gibson Les Paul double sunburst? Made in Kalamazoo, MI in 1978. Mint condition. Signed. I have been told it was #9 out of 28 produced. ??
    Thanks, M.

  131. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Need help. I inherited a 1978 Gibson Les Paul double sunburst? Supposedly #9 out of 28 produced. Mint condition. Signed on back plate. Letter from Les Paul and picture of Les Paul at local music shop was included. Any thoughts??

    Thanks, Megan

  132. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I just wanna know how much a Les Paul electric guitar cost in 1952 for my daughter's project... it's due tomorrow!!! Help!

  133. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Hi. I have a 1973 Les Paul Custom, serial number 967932. What I don't understand is how the serial number reflects the year. (I bought it new in 74. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  134. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hi I have a les paul Serial# 055611 stamped on the back of head stock and No Made In USA on it. The truss rod cover says deluxe on it. Conflicting info, this # is a 67' date but deluxe was not made until 68. Any Ideas on Date Model or Value? Thanks

  135. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I have a 74' Les Paul, Signature. It has the original gold finish which is crackled and crazed. The humbuckers were removed before I got the guitar 20 years ago and other pick-ups were slipped in their place. But at least no material was removed and the original style pick-ups and rings should go back. From the little research I have done the, the humbuckers on this model were embossed with the Gibson name and I was told I will never find these correct pick-ups for the guitar. Is this true? I also will need the rings that enclose the pick-ups. Is there another Gibson humbucker and ring that will fit the opening correctly and at least make the guitar not look like it has been butchered! Would the Gibson factory be able to help me if I sent it in to them. Would really like to restore it! Any ideas, thoughts, etc, would be greatly appreciated.

  136. Anonymous3:08 AM

    hi alhjr,im interested in purchasing your jimmy page les paul .myemail is

  137. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I bought a Gibson serial #176180. It had been poorly painted so I desided to refinish it. I was wondering what kind of paint to use. I also would like to know more info about it. It has 2 pickups but 3 holes(2 small 1 large} that has been filled between the 4 knob hole.What were they for?It has the classic diamond shape on the head and square inlayes at the frets. What might it be worth?It was Black.

  138. I bought a Gibson serial #176180. It had been poorly painted so I desided to refinish it. I was wondering what kind of paint to use. I also would like to know more info about it. It has 2 pickups but 3 holes(2 small 1 large} that has been filled between the 4 knob hole.What were they for?It has the classic diamond shape on the head and square inlayes at the frets. What might it be worth?It was Black.It also has MADE IN USA under serial#

  139. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Ok I may be 15 and everything but if someone can help me out. I am looking for a 1960 LP Custom Black Beauty for my dad. I appreciate the help.

  140. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Can someone tell me about a "double" sunburst? I have a 1978 mint (never played) with hard case. I don't know what's important to note, but I can't find out anything about this double sunburst. My understanding is that it was a manufacturing error, but increases the value. How can I tell if this is a double sunburst, or if this even exists?

  141. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I have as reissued 1958 Les Paul Special that was issued in 1978 as a 20th Anniversary Model. The serial number is 398269. This guitar is exactly like the TV Yellow models seen every where, this model has a sunburst finish with P-90's. I have seen thousands of TV yellow but no sunburst. Please give me any information concerning the origin and facts of this instrument. Thanks in advance, Bob

  142. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I have a gibson les paul xr-1csb sunburst I can't find it on any site anywhere it in mint condition do you know anything about this one

  143. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Looking for the gentleman that wanted to install a whammy bar on a 1957 gibson les paul junior. There was a response on installing it because of the decreasing the value. I own a 1957 les paul jr that has 3 alterations that were already on the guitar when I purchased it. the first alteration was it was painted white. 2nd alteration was the tone knob was switched to a toggle switch which made a deep bass sound, the other position gave ita brighter sound. The third alteration was a whammy bar was installed, looks professionally installed. This whammy bar is very old because it is so thick, very well built. The strings on the neck lay so low that you would assume that the strings would buzz on the fret bars, but they dont.very playable. The only problem with the guitar is the tuning keys were actually peeling off in my fingers when i recently tried the guitar because it had been so long since i had played it. It has the original 4 digit serial #. If you are still out there and still interested in the 57 jr with whammy bar ,post a response here so I could give you contact information. I would be willing to part with this guitar for the right price

  144. Anonymous1:42 PM

    i have a 1967 les paul custom blk beauty , got it at a storeage auction. its all original, grover keys. was looking to sell it. what is a good site for that.. and how much is one of these worth i've seen sum pisted for $3500.00 up to 18,000.00 i'm confused

  145. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hola amigos alguien sabe de las gibson les paul custom leghacy

  146. Needs some Help!!!12:47 AM

    Need help!! I inherited a 1978 Gibson Les Paul double sunburst. Supposedly #9 out of 28 produced from Kalamazoo , Michigan. Mint condition. Signed on back plate. Letter from Les Paul and picture of Les Paul at local music shop was included. It has a sunburst on the front and also on the back and along the back of the neck. The serial number is 70768129. I have lookd all over the web for a "double sunburst" but can't seem to come across anything or any pictures of what my guitar looks like.... very confused! Took it to a local music shop and he said he had also never seen the back sunburst like that. Wanted to charge me for research and I thought I would poke around and see what I can come up with first. Any thoughts... ? or reply here. Thanks!!!

  147. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I have a 1980 Gibson Les Paul Custom in very good to excellent condition. Gold plated hardware,clear cherry in color.I was offered $1,800 for it at Guitar center and was wondering that was a fair price?

    Thanks in advance.


  148. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have a 1974 les paul signature that the low impedence transformer has been removed from. dose anyone know where I can get the guts from another one???? I recovered my stollen guitar after it was takem from me 17 yrs ago and someone rewired it !!! HELP !!! Thanks...

  149. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I have a 1964 les paul gibson and the is serial number 071757, could someone tell me how much you this its wroth? I only find one on line and they where asking $25,000 for it.

  150. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I believe I have a 1961 Les Paul junior. Has the sharp double cut away, one P-90 pickup, serial # 33231. I have been told it is a 1958 by the serial #. Also a Les Paul custom serial #000662 around 1967 or so. Any feedback is much appreciated. I believe the custom is around 1970, the serial # is pressed into the head stock. Any help of clarification will be greatly appreciated.

  151. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I have a 60's style Les Paul Junior. I've been told it's a 1958 however the body has double cutaway in sharp 60's point as opposed to rounded '50's style body. One P-90, serial# is 33231. Also a Les Paul Custom serial # 000662 which I am told is from around 1967 as the serial # is pressed into the headstock in an oval sort of design. Would someone help me clarify what I have? Thanks < to mail me. Thanks,

  152. I have a 1969 Les Paul Professional with original case, low imp. chord w adapter, etc... any idea of a value from anyone?

  153. My name is Danny J. I went to prison a few years ago,Had a friend hold 1956 second less paul guitar for me, he worked at a pawn in omaha,he had moved from omaha ne to carter lake ia and kansas (maybe birdcity???)WHERE IS MY FRIEND Jimmy M? But most of all DUDE>>>>Where's my guitar???????????????Hope to hear from you,,,DANNY J. danny

  154. hi my name is jay and i'm trying to get some help with
    a les paul standard model # 122202, as to it's value and to what year it was made.i've been playing it for about fifteen years and thinking about selling it; can anyone help!!!!

  155. Anonymous9:28 PM

    1978 Les Paul Standard, authenticated by Gibson, only mod is a new pick guard. The original was signed by Les Paul in 1992 at Fat Tuesday's NYC. Have that carefully stored. The finish is natural, no coloring. Any ideas on value or where to get a reliable appraisal?

  156. I have a Les Paul Custom, gold in color with a black pick guard, serial number 250334 with "Made IN USA" stamped on the back. Any idea what year it was made and what the approximate value would be?

  157. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hello Guys and girls. I know this post is a stretch but i am inquiring about a 01' Wine Red Gibson LP Standard with a Rosewood fret board, mother of pearl inlay, gold knobs and cream trim. Its defining marks are belt buckle marks in the middle of the back (i used a low strap). It has two P90 pick ups with silver covers. It was stolen from me in the last month or so in the Philadelphia area and i believe it was sold on craigslist in the Philadelphia/NJ area but could be half way across the country for all i know.(checked every pawn shop in the area). It is a guitar that i got from a friend that passed and is the only thing i have left from her. It means the world to me. If anyone has heard of a guitar that fits this description or has seen it for sale anywhere online i would appreciate any help locating it. The kid who stole it doesn't know anything about guitars and am sure he gave a low price. I appreciate any help or comments.

    - Please reply to IBP3

  158. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Addition to IBP3's post.
    The face of the red gibson LP standard 01' has the tiger stripe pattern. Close to book-bound.

    Thanks again for any help

  159. I have an original 1963-1965 cherry SG Standard with printed number on back of #275565. Everything is original and working fine which I've had since the 60's from H.S. The case is original in black with orange interior. In very good shape with some minor dings and scratches along edge on body and on top backside from playing days in High School dances associated with a teenager' handling. Otherwise nothing else, all parts are working and in good shape! Based on this site's 2009 perspective these guitars from their 2009 pricing goes from $18,000 to $25,000 with a 33% upward trend for each year, i.e. 4 years later for 2013. So figure what you should offer? Will consider reasonable offers but definitely not desperate to sell. Also, I have an all original and working tube Fender Deluxe amp in Black with silvertone facing worth quite a bit also due to vintage purposes. Looking for "private" sale only to a worthwhile candidate who'll continue caring and playing...maybe a rock musician looking for such an instrument who can afford it...? or, collector? email

  160. Hi, I have a question about a 1978 Les Paul Standard considered "rare". It was passed down to me from my Uncle who once worked at the Kalamazoo plant along with Robert Doetll. They had asked Les Paul to create a custom piece and only 35 ever went into production. It's sunburst with both cherry and tobacco, front and back. Signed and photographed with Les Paul playing it. The guitar is in better than MINT condition. I can't find much about this except for an article that I had read which has since been deleted. There was one posted on ebay in 2012 but it wouldn't show what it sold for. Does anyone have anymore information about these guitars or know someone I could get in contact with? It was produced at the Kalamazoo plant and it's number 7 I believe of the 35 made. You can email me at
    Thanks! -Katie

  161. can you help me about an indication of value of a SG Les Paul Custom 1992
    Thank you very much


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