Gibson Les Paul Standard

Gibson Les Paul Standard Guitars (1958 - Present)

In 1952 Gibson introduced the first Gibson Les Paul model which were and are better known as Gibson Les Paul Gold Top Guitars due to the gold top finish.

In mid 1958 Gibson replaced the gold top finish with a sunburst finish with the grain of the maple top visible until 1960 and renamed it the Gibson Les Paul standard sunburst. (59 models had a thick style neck, the 60's models had a thinner neck) 

From mid 1958 to 1960 under 2000 Gibson Les Paul standard sunburst guitars were made, all in "flame" or "tiger stripped" maple tops with cherry red back finishes. Some tops were highly flamed while others were low flamed.

Although the Gibson Les Paul Standard sunburst was an attractive and probably the best built overall sounding guitar of its time. In the late 50s, arch-top guitars were "the in thing" for jazz guitar players and Fender Stratocasters dominated the rockn' roll market because of its thin brighter sound .

In the late 60's when rock music became more bluesy and raunchier, Gibson Les Paul Standard guitars became extremely popular because of its heavy sustain and mellow tone. From then on it became not only an historic Gibson guitar but part of America's music culture as well .

Famous guitar players of today and yesterday such as Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Mick Taylor, Slash and 100's of other popular rock guitarists have played and cherished the warm tone of this guitar .

The Gibson Les Paul Standard guitars (sunburst, flame top finish) were in production from mid 1958 to 1960 .

In 1961 to 1963 Gibson changed the body of the standard model to an SG type body with 2 symmetrical pointed cutaways and was renamed the Gibson SG Les Paul Standard (made in cherry red finishes).

In 1968 Gibson reintroduced the Gibson Les Paul Standard but with a gold top finish and called it the Gibson Gold Top Les Paul Standard, also considered by many as the first gold top reissue of the original 56 gold top models .

In 1969 these guitars were renamed the Gibson Les Paul Deluxe .

In 1971 to 1975 the Les Paul Standard guitars were made only on special orders, some guitars were made with p-90 pickups and some had hum buckers, these guitars were made in gold top or sunburst finishes .

In 1976 to present the Les Paul Standard kept its name and were made in various colors such as red wine, cherry sunburst, light brown sunburst, black...

In 1983 to present Gibson also introduced the the Gibson Les Paul Flame Top Reissue, renamed the 59' Les Paul Flame top in 1991, these guitars have a flame maple top finish.

They have the original 1959 thick style neck specs, 2 hum buckers and are part of Gibsons' Historic Collection .

In 1991 to 1999 they also introduced the 60' Les Paul Flame Top, same specs but with a thinner neck much like the original 1960 Gibson Les Paul Standard .

Selling Or Buying Advice

Always consult with someone who knows vintage guitars before buying or selling. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you get a guitar price guide with detailed specs that can change the prices dramatically. Knowledge is everything when you are dealing with old and used music instruments.

Gibson Les Paul Standard Price Guide (Updated April-21-2021)
  • 1958 - 1958 > $275 000 to $340 000 (Highly Figured)
  • 1958 - 1958 > $200 000 to $250 000 (Medium Figured)
  • 1958 - 1958 > $130 000 to $180 000 (Plain Top - No Figuring)
  • 1959 - 1959 > $320 000 to $420 000 (Highly Figured *Can Sell Easily For 500k Mint*)
  • 1959 - 1959 > $230 000 to $300 000 (Medium Figured)
  • 1959 - 1959 > $150 000 to $190 000 (Plain Top - No Figuring)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $190 000 to $290 000 (Early 60's With Fat Neck)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $100 000 to $150 000 (Early 60's - Fat Neck - Plain Top)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $225 000 to $275 000 (Late 60's - Flat Neck - Highly Figured)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $150 000 to $200 000 (Late 60's - Flat Neck - Medium Figured)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $100 000 to $150 000 (Late 60's - Flat Neck - Plain Top)
  • 1961 - 1963 > $19 000 to $25 000 (Les Paul - SG Body)
  • 1968 - 1969 > $13 000 to $16 000 (Reintroduced With A Gold Top & P-90's)
  • 1971 - 1971 > $8000 to $10 000 (Les Paul Standard Gold Top - Limited Orders)
  • 1972 - 1974 > $5000 to $7000 (Les Paul Standard Gold Top - Limited Orders)
  • 1972 - 1974 > $4000 to $6000 (Les Paul Standard Sunburst - Limited Orders - P-90's)
  • 1974 - 1975 > $4000 to $6000 (Les Paul Standard Sunburst - Limited Orders - Hums)
  • 1976 - 1976 > $2500 to $3500 (Sunburst - 4 Piece Body)
  • 1977 - 1989 > $2300 to $3500 (Various Colors Available)
  • 1990 - 1993 > $2200 to $2900 (Ltd ED Colors With Sticker)
  • 1990 - 2018 > $1600 to $2200 (Figured Tops Worth A little More $2500)


  1. Dude your site is amazing......
    I have been following it for quite sometime now....

    I am blogrolling you as well.

    Keep the good posts coming....

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    have you heard of a gibson called "the paul"?. Mine looks solid walnut/ mahog? and the number is 72689529. I think that means 1979, the 268th day and the 29th guitar made at the nashville plant. But I can't find one called "the paul. Can you shed any lite for me? thanx!- will cee in San francisco

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The gibson called the paul model was introduced in 1978 and were discontinued in 1982 .

    Price Value > $650 to $950 .

    they were considered a more affordable version of the les paul guitars, will post a review soon .

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    What would you estimate the value of a 1954 Les Paul Gold Top, in the first 1000 issued? Original case, strap, etc.

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM

    i cannot value the guitar personally because on a guitar like this i will have to actually see it.

    But according to 4 different price guides its worth from $14 000 to $17 000 presuming its all original (with the wrap around not trapeze tailpiece )and good condition.

    1955 t0 1958 the les paul goltop guitars are worth much more .

  6. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I notice the pickups getting smudges on my LP 60, any suggestions for cleaning them properly without tarnishing them ??

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    It depends what kind of smudge your talking about you're best bet is to call gibson customer service 1-800-4GIBSON ..

    im sure they have qualified techs/woodcrafters who can help you.

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    i have a 1976 les paul that has deluxe on back of head and standard on front which is it. 00129964 is the serial no.

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    if the "standard" is on the truss rod cover its a les paul standard according to the info you provided .

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    If the info on the back of the headstock is a decal, with the first 2 digits "00", then it is probably a 1976 deluxe with a replaced truss rod cover

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    If the info on the back of the headstock ... great thank you.

  12. Anonymous7:40 PM


  13. Great site. I have an 89 Les Paul Standard. I've had it since new and I love it. Do u know how many were made? What's its' approximate value? Did they come with different pick ups? What can I learn from the serial number? Thanks for all your help.

  14. one more question: What's the difference in the necks? I've seen them with 60's style necks and so on? Thanks again.

  15. Anonymous7:40 PM

    1989 les paul models are valued at $2100 to $2400 according to 4 guitar price guides .Les paul models had different pickups throughout the years ,, the first models had P-90 single coil pickups then in 1976 till today they changed them to 2 standard humbucker pickups,

    How many were made in 1989 ? I think only gibson can answer that question .

    Serial numbers with 8 digits from 1977 to present .

    The first and 5th digit is the production year . The 2nd , 3rd, and 4rth digit is the day of the year . The 6th ,7th, and 8th digit is the rank of instrument for that day and the factory designation.

    Note : last 3 digit from 001 to 499 means that the guitars were made at the kalamazoo plant , last 3 digits from 500 to 999 means that the guitar were made at the tennesse plant .

    so if you have a serial number like : 70108276 the guitar was made in 1978 on january-10 and was the 276th instrument made that day in kalamazoo.

    if the serial # was 82765501 the guitar was made in 1985 on october-03 and was the 1rst instrument made that day in tennesse ..

    The difference between thinner and thicker necks is a matter of personal taste ..personally im a blues player and i like thick necks however i know guitar players that prefer playing on thin necks...

  16. Thanks. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. You've been extremely helpful.

  17. Anonymous7:51 PM

    has there ever been a factory les paul with a 'flowerpot' inlay on the headstock? i have one that i assume to be a copy, since i have never seen that particular headstock inlay on a paul (sorry, no serial #-refin).

  18. Anonymous2:51 PM

    yes , there were some Gibson les paul guitars in the 1970's and les paul basses in the 90's that had a gibson logo with the "flowerpot" inlay .

  19. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Have you seen 89s cpme in white? Also, should they say made in USA or just have the serial number?...Spin.

  20. Anonymous9:06 PM

    yes they made les paul standard guitars in various colors starting in 1987 to present , they should have "made in the usa" in back of the peghead along with the serial number.

  21. i have what i believe to be a 1975 paul deluxe sunburst sierial #763073 can you tell me when&whereit was made and its approx value its like new i purchased it in 75-76

  22. Anonymous9:48 PM

    the serial number you gave indicates that it was made in 1970-72 ... if its a les paul deluxe in excellent condition and all original its valued at $2200 to $2600 ...

  23. Anonymous1:41 PM

    i am looking at buying a 83' deluxe firebrand. what is your opinion. price wise. i have pictures. not sure how to send them

  24. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Excellent article. My question is about the serial numbers on the Custom Shop/Historic models. I recently purchased a 1954 Oxblood which (according to the tag) was inspected for shipment in 1/06. The sereal # is configured like this, 4-xxxx. I know this is how the real mccoy 50's LP's where numbered but just wondered if you had any info to share. Also, my '00 LP Classic has a 6 digit serial #, when did Gibson switch from the 8 digit. Thanks and keep the good info coming!

  25. Anonymous6:50 PM

    83' deluxe firebrand

    i really don't need a pic , 80's firebrand guitars are not very popular gibson guitars , im pretty sure yours has a walnut finish .. these guitars are hard to resell because of the color ..

    Also depends how much the seller is asking for it , personally i wouldnt pay more than $600 for it andf im being generous .

  26. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Custom Shop/Historic models

    All gibson models starting from 1977 to presnt have 8 digit serial numbers except for vintage reissues , lp classics , custom shop models or other special edition models .

    These gibson guitars have their own serial numbers and coding system ... lp classics were introduced in 1990 ,The first digit of their serial numbers represent the last digit of the year it was made .

    Custom shop guitars have a different serial number coding .The first digit of the serial number represents the year of the reissue , in your case the 4 means thats its a 1954 reisssue , if it was a 7 it would be a 1957 reissue . The 2nd digit of the serial number represents the year the guitar was made , if its a 1 it would be 2001 ... hope that helped ...... domenic

  27. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Thanks for the info one Custom/Historic LP's and LP Classic's. It cleared up my confusion.

  28. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Back in '84 I bought a LP Standard from a neighbor who happened to be a collector. He said it was a mid 70s model. S/N 509006. Has "Made in USA" stamped on the back of headstock under S/N. Tobacco sunburst. "Standard" stamped on truss rod cover. Is it possible that this model is earlier - say like a '68? Any other ways of determining the actual year?

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    all models with "made in the usa" in back of the headstock and starts with serial numbers 5xxxxx are made in 19740-75 ,,,

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Great stuff. I recently purchased a 1989 HCS Les Paul Standard, 8 digit serial number, but with a beautiful AAA flame top. Any idea of it's value? Very light like a re-issue, cool guitar. I've been playing a long time and if the bell cover was plain you would swear it was an R9 re-issue from the front. Thanks!

  31. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Im sure its beautiful , a 1989 les paul standard is listed in the price guide at $2000 to $2300 , AAA flame tops are worth more .. $2500 to $3000

  32. Anonymous1:02 PM

    HWhat were the original pickups on Les Paul standards in 1985?

  33. Anonymous8:04 PM

    most of them had factory made gibson humbuckers .

  34. Anonymous3:02 PM

    so if my lp classic serial number begins with a "0" does that mean it's a 1990 or 2000?

  35. Anonymous9:42 PM

    if it has "1960" on the pickguard and "les paul model" on the peghead its was made in 1990-93 , all models after 1993 had "les paul classic" on the peghead ,lp classic guitars were dicontinued in late 98 and were reintroduced in 2001 ..

  36. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Thanks for the valuation on my 1989 LP Flametop. Most music stores (chains) have no idea what it is. I had one guy (kid) tell me the guitar must have been re-topped because they weren't making flametops till '93-'94. I asked him if he had ever heard of "Strings and Things" or "Leo's" or "Guitar Trader" and I got a blank stare! This is a great site and a great resource. Thanks!

  37. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Ehj! I need your help once more mate!
    I've found a gibson les paul standard '59 and the serial number is 59092646 so this sounds to me that is not a '59 guitar, isn't it?
    I'd like to know it's value because I like it!
    Thanks in advance to share your knowledge!


  38. Anonymous10:23 AM

    there are many variations of the '59 les paul standard reissue ... some have flame tops , some guitas have different features and specs depending on the year ,,, also , '59 les paul standards supposed to have six digit serial numbers .. can't give you a price without seeing it .

  39. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Just trying to find out about my Gibson Les Paul Deluxe serial# 91631368. The body is all gold to include the neck and back of headstock. At the bottom of headstock on back is a sticker which says Hall of Fame Edition under the clear coat. The pick-ups are mini humbuckers. I got the guitar in 1992. I was wondering how many were made and apprx. value.

  40. Anonymous5:32 PM

    your guitar was made only in 1991 in limited quantities , its called the les paul deluxe hall of fame and valued at $1800 to $2000 , you would have to call gibson for the exact amount that were made ...

  41. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Hey thanks for the info on my Hall of Fame edition LP.

  42. Anonymous8:50 AM

    My Gibson LP Custom was built in Jan of 1978, SN# 70258078, is all original, and in near perfect condition. One interesting thing is it has a deep red / wine colored body. What is this guitar worth?

  43. Anonymous3:26 PM

    1978 lp customs are worth $2700 to $3000 in the price guide ,,, the ones with 3 pickups can be sold for a little more ...

  44. Great information and fun reading. I have a Kalamazoo Les Paul "Standard 82" guitar. Any idea how many of these guitars were made? They seem to be somewhat rare. Thanks.

  45. how much is a 1971 les paul standard worth? its in good condition with tobacco sunburst finish

  46. Anonymous9:21 AM


    Can someone advise me if 1996 was agood year les paul standard from a quality angle.


  47. Anonymous10:01 AM

    les paul guitars were always good quality guitars , during the early eighties gibson started producing them in large quantities ... some say since then they were of lesser quailty ..

  48. Anonymous11:02 AM

    1971 les paul standard

    It depends on the specs , color ...etc...ballpark figure $4500 to $5500

  49. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Kalamazoo Les Paul "Standard 82"

    thats weird , never heard of a les paul kalamazoo standard 82 ... the les paul kalamazoo was made in 1979 , they had 3 exposed humbuckers , KM on the headstock .( 1500 were made ). Whats the serial number ?

  50. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What was the quality of the 1985 les paul standard compared to 90's and more recent years?

  51. Anonymous8:26 PM

    There's hardly no difference in quality .. In 1985 Gibson sold to a group called Henry Juskewiscz .. from 1985 to present les paul guitars didn't change much .

  52. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I bought a 1990 Les Paul a while back now and i cant figure out if it is a standard or classic or what have you. I am 80 percent sure it is a standard, but still i would like to know for sure. Is there a way i can tell for sure?

  53. Anonymous8:49 PM

    post a picture online ...

  54. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I'm cosidering buying used 2005. Gibson LP Standard or vintage 1974. Les Paul standard.

    For the "new one" I was said that this guitar is custom made instrument. But I don't think so. I'm not sure that this LP is Standard model.On truss rod cover there is no "standard" sign. Serial number is 00605443
    I would also like to know month, and day of the production if you can please help me.

    1974.LP Standard's serial number is 00 237 672. I would like to know some detail about this instrument
    Sorry for may poor english.

    Thank you very much.

  55. Anonymous3:07 AM

    hey guys, enjoyed your site, very insightful. hoping you could help me in giving me a price for my 1976 Les paul Standard all original serial number 676702... used condition

    please e-mail me with any info you have on the Les Pauls of that era.

    cheers shane.

  56. Anonymous1:59 PM

    hi great page! can you please help me estimate the price for a gibson les paul custom i'm interested serial 80401524 ?

  57. Anonymous2:53 PM

    your gibson les paul custom is valued at $1700 to $2500 ...

  58. Anonymous8:48 PM

    1976 Les paul Standard ,...

    its listed in the price guides at $2500 to $3000

  59. I own a 1983 LP Standard, candy apple red and have never seen another like it, were they rare (any idea of the quantity made) and does that make it worth more? what is it's value?

  60. Anonymous6:59 PM

    1983 gibson les paul standard guitars are valued at $2000 to $2500 , natural colors tend to go for a little more ... all other colors were produced in bigger quantities ...

  61. What can you tell me, in general, about the value of a good condition, not all orginal pickups, 1976 cherry sunburst les paul custom?

  62. Anonymous6:32 PM

    2 pickups or 3 ? chrome hardware ? gold hardware ? what kind of pickups do have ? maple fret board ? ... need specs . its very dificult to value a guitar without seeing it ...

  63. Anonymous1:09 AM

    hey can you help me determine the value of a 1960 les paul standard in good conditon the gold knobs have been replaced at some point and were replaced n black thank you.

  64. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I'm considering a new LP Std (unchambered) for about $2000 vs. a 2002 Std for about $1500. Is either of these a significantly better value? Any reason to avoid 2002's or 2006/7's? Thanks!

  65. Anonymous1:45 PM

    the guitar is the same in quality ... its matter of preference .

  66. Man, you've got a great site. A few questions, I just got a Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul Reissue "Aged" Electric Guitar in Washed Cherry. Apparently it was aged by Tom Murphy since the COA was signed by him. 1. Can you tell me how to read its serial number?, 061072; 2 What's the street value of this guitar, now that it has been discontinued by Gibson?; 3 Do you (ball park) know many guitars (of each reissue) does Tom Murphy age?; 4. What's your opinion on the quality of this specific instrument. Many, many thanks, MANUEL

  67. Anonymous9:13 PM

    gibson custom shop models have their own serial number system, and are not covered in any literature , you have to call gibson for the date .

    also , custom shop les paul reissue guitars are not listed in the price guide , would have to see it .

  68. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hi Domenic

    It seems like my guitar doesn't exist!!
    As you said:
    In 1971 to 1975 the gibson les paul standard guitars were made only on special orders , some guitars were made with p-90 pickups and some had humbuckers , these guitars were made in goldtop or sunburst finishes .

    I have a les paul standard with wine red finish with the following number : 99 124099 which obviously means 1975

    What would you think about that and how will you estimate that guitar?

    Thank you and congratulation for your site!

  69. Hi

    I just bought a sunburst 1986 left handed Les Paul Custom in very good cond for 1000.00 . Does anybody know what its worth? The serial # is 80166523

  70. Hi

    I just got a 1986 left handed sunburst gibson les paul custom in excellent shape.
    serial # 80166523. Does anybody know what it is worth?

  71. Anonymous9:51 PM

    $2000 to $2300 , you can sell it a little more $2500 because its left handed // you got a good deal !

  72. Without seeing the guitar can you guestimate the value of or give a $$$ range for a 1968, LEFTY Les Paul. All original, sunburst. Thanks so much you. Cool site

  73. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I have a 1978 Les Paul Artisan. #71298026 I bought new in 1978, It is still all orginal and in excellent shape. It's all dark brown and the wood grain shows through the finish. What is the value of these? Thanks.

  74. Grate Site! I am in the process of buying an LP and I would like your ballpark value if possible. It is a 1960 LP Classic serial #9 1918 with the original case with sleepcover. It is in mint condition with the only scratches located on the pickguard. Any idea?

  75. Does anyone know what a 1960 Les Paul custom Historic collection guitar is worth?
    Probably made in 1998 or 1999. It's in mint condition with
    hard case.
    Thanks ,Dan

  76. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I have a LES PAUL standard 1976 made in kalamazoo.
    Do you know how is the value?It's in perfect conditions...

    David(trio nestlè)

  77. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I saw a 1997 LP Classic in a shop, with 1960 on the pick guard. Looked to be in good shape but the previous owner removed the laquer from the back of the neck. Feels OK but looks strange. Shop owner told me it's not that unusual for player to do this but I never heard that before. What do you think? How will it affect value?

  78. Anonymous8:00 PM

    What do you think a 1959 Les Paul standard with double cream leads that is in very good condition, all original parts, very little use and moderate flame is worth in September 2007?

  79. Anonymous4:20 PM

    i dont think any body can answer your question without seeing the guitar .. 50s les pauls are extremely valuable and sought after by many collectors . Theres many factors that can affect the price

  80. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What's the value of the "New" production '59 VOS reissues? I know what they are asking retail and what you can buy them from a dealer ..

    But what I'm asking is since they aren't really '59's and are only manufactured and supposedly made exactly to 59 specs .. what is their actual value on a secondary market.

    Brand New '59 VOS Cherry Sunburst.. Never played.

  81. Anonymous3:00 PM

    how can I verify a 1974 tobacco sunburst Les Paul that I own is authentic?

  82. Michael Bloomfield. Michael Bloomfield.

  83. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I have an 1984 2 pup blk beauty lp custom w/ gld hardware and the orig receipt from fosters music new orleans for one thousand bucks flat on 5 17 85 w/case the tuning gears are orig gibsons very rare auto winding fold out tulip shape in 22 yrs ive never seen these again have you ? What would this be worth in good cond?

  84. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Were the humbuckers in a 1985 Les Paul Standard...alnico pickups?

  85. Wow - great site. Tons of excellent info in the comments. Does anyone know if Gibson has discontinued the Les Paul Classic 1960 in a goldtop finish? The GIbson site no longer lists that finish and the major retailers don't seem to have it either. Thanks for any info.

  86. Anonymous2:08 PM

    i have a 1969 les paul that's been refinished (badly). it has a big fat 50's style neck with the smaller peghead and originally had p90's. i do those pickups make this a studio model? did they ever use older necks on newer guitars and just number them according to the year assembled?

  87. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Hi there...I was given a Gibson Les Paul eletric for a fundraising item. I know very little about it, adn it came with no papers just the guitar in a case. The number on the back is 01883458. The guitar has never been played. We are selling it for a charity event. It looks just like the picture of the standard on you main page. I was wondering what we can expect to get from the guitar?

  88. Anonymous1:02 PM

    hi i have gibson les paul studio white .1983 nashville
    please tell me price for sale

  89. Hey Man,
    Awesome Site! I just bought a Les Paul (serial no. 91163730)
    Could you confirm what year this is and possibly a value?


  90. Anonymous5:43 PM


    I am having trouble finding what type of humbuckers that Gibson put in the Les Paul Standards of the mid-1990s. Could you tell me what they are and what type of output that they have relative to the current pickups that Gibson sells? I am considering replacing them with '57 humbuckers, but I would like to make a more informed decision. Thanks so much for your help.

  91. I recently and sadly, inherited my muso brothers Gibson Les Paul Standard, Serial number 81720618, its in xcellent condition only missing the striker plate. Heaps of people have tried to buy it from me and I dont want to get ripped off. He once told me it was worth alot. Can anyone help me? I am happy to provide a photo. you can email me on if interested. HELP!

  92. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Back in 1979, my guitar teacher let me play his 1960 Les Paul standard at a Christmas assembly at my high school. I still have the pictures. It was worth about $8000 back then. I just about crapped myself when I just looked at what it is worth today !!! He also had as 61 Les Paul SG standard. Another nice guitar and he had a real old 100 watt Marshall head with 4 x 12" celestion cabinet.
    Unfortunately I played his 60 Les Paul thru a crappy Lab Series amp at the assemby. ha ha

  93. Does this mean that my model is the same as your teachers? I would like to know so I dont sell it for less than it is worth, if I sell it at all. I do know several people have shown an interest but no-one is talking money yet. I could only sell it to a genuine player, it meant alot to my brother and it does to me to. I am keeping the other guitars, Fender Strat, Fretless Bass etc for my kids.

  94. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I haven't a clue what yours is worth but if it is a Les Paul Standard between the years of 58 1/2 to 60 then it is very valuable.
    Your best bet is to have it appraised by someone who is very familiar with vintage guitars.
    My teachers' was the real deal !
    It was in the original tan coloured case with purple felt lining inside. I can hardly believe that I played a guitar that is worth more than my house is worth !! lol
    I have pictures of me playing it. If you are interested, my email is

  95. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Hi - my dad gave me his guitar as a recent B-day gift, and there is much controversy over its worth. He bought the guitar from Eric Clapton when he was a teenager, and
    he says he thinks it's a 1956 Les Paul Goldtop. I say it's more like a 1968. Either way, I'd like to know more about how to identify what year it is. The gold has worn off over the years, but it's still a beautiful guitar, and the sound is amazing. Still has the original strap and case too! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


  96. I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimate on a mint condition 1990 les paul standard, but in one of the limited color editions. It's not the custom variety that was introduced that year.

    Also, does anyone have experience as to how they play?

  97. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I have a Les Paul I bought ,I think around 71 0r 72. It wasn't new at the time, but in excellent condition. I'm 59 now and pretty sure I'm not gonna be a rock and roller anymore. My question is...
    the serial number 00264. Can anyone tell me if that dates it and what the numbers mean?

    Great site

  98. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hi. Is a 1977 Les Paul Standard in great shape except for the word "second" back of the headstock worth anything? Can't find anything written about the second issues and why they (Gibson) still let them out on the market if it was bad. Please advise

  99. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Can you tell me if an 1984 Les Paul ever had circular inlay in the fret board? I was told it was a Studio Standard, but I can't find enough info. Also, can you tell me how to get the neck off the guitar and if there is a serial number there?

  100. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hi, I am about to buy a 1985 LP standard custom edition in ferarri red. I understand only a very small amount of these were made. Can you give me a price guide on what to offer.

  101. Anonymous5:28 PM

    my buddy had a lp in the early 80'2- natural finish 2 exposed cream colered pickups and a cream pickup guard and pu switch. it was stolen years ago and we are at a loss to determine its age and origin. we always thougth it was a KM, however it had only 2 pu's not three and did not have a the K.M. stamp on the trus rod cover. Any Ideas?


  102. Anonymous1:45 AM

    can anyone help on info of a les paul i have, which i believe is a 1971 custom (1954 re-issue) black beauty, in A+ condition & how you read the serial number LE770169 & what it's value might be, much appreciated.

  103. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Can you tell me what years Tom Murphy worked for Gibson.....I have several LP's that look like they are signed in the P U cavity with either T.M or Murphy and one is signed with Tom Murphy....the one that looks like Murphy is an 83 flametop and I don't think Murphy yet worked for Gibson at the time....The others are a 90 and a 93 reissues....appreciate your input,Thanks

  104. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I have a 1989 Les Paul Standard,Heritage Cherry Sunburst.The pickups are changed for Seymour-Duncans,-59 on the neck and JB on the bridge.I have to say it is best guitar I ever played, the tone is really AWESOME with valve amp.I play mainly blues,and I can´t imagine better guitar for in.It plays like a dream,action is nice and accurate.

  105. Has anyone seen pictures of the LP that is going up for auction this weekend? Here is the link. I think it could be worth some money but it's not in perfect condition. What do you think?

  106. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Volute ? none, some, full? whats the opinion on years/volutes 68-70's ? thanks

  107. According to the site it is a 1974. There are three pictures. I'm not sure else you are asking.

  108. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Great site... Can anyone tell me what a 1954 Custom Art Historic Series Les Paul GoldTop serial # 4-8001 is worth, the inked number's are smaller than the usual size.

  109. Anonymous7:24 PM

    have a les paul standard. serial # 81140056.would like to know more about specs.

  110. Anonymous4:19 PM

    How much do you think a 1989 les paul standard without an original gibson neck would go for?

  111. Anonymous9:42 AM

    hi.A few years ago i bought a Gibson les paul.It is dark cherry-wine red with sparkles(in the sun they sort of glittering a little and make the colour look "deeper")It has two p-90 pick-ups(creme coloured)And the back and neck are dark coloured.The serial nr says - 9 - 9861.On the trussrodcover it says Les Paul Custom,but I think that is wrong.Am I right and so what type of Les Paul it is, and the age of the guitar etc,and the price nowadays?
    Greetings from Amsterdam Holland from Richard a sattisfied Gibson player.

  112. Anonymous9:25 AM

    wonderful guitar ever..

  113. Anonymous2:39 AM

    In response to Rich from Amsterdam the guitar sound's like a reissue Custom/Art Historic Series, as for the serial number the first 9 would stand for the reissue year, in this case 1959, the second 9 would stand for the year it was produced 1999, as for the rest of the number's I believe are the order they were produced, you would have # 861. As for the value of the guitar I would Guesstimate at around $2500 to $3500. And finally a Gibson Les Paul Custom would usually have the inlay marker's start at the first fret. Hope this helped you injoy that badboy R.Gerard from New York

  114. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Hi, is there a way to check the model of the Gibson guitar by looking at the serial no.? Someone is selling his guitar to me but there's no words saying "Standard" or "Classic" n etc at the truss rod cover. The serial no. is 91976448. Thanks!

  115. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Hey guys... Just a cquired a guitar and looking for a liitle more info on it. It seems to be a '57 reissue but im not sure of the true year or value! the model number is LPR-7 and the serial is 7-5061... Any ideas guys? thanks!!! Brasquatch

  116. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Hi - I have a 1969 LP goldtop, sn 537757. I purchased new in 1969. All original,in great condition, probably 9 out of 10, but it has a rectangular Baldwin hard case. Can you give me an idea of it's value and how i would go about selling it?


  117. Hi,
    I have a left handed Gibson Les Paul Standard Gold Top. Mint condition Serial# 73517038

    Did Gibson make many Les Paul left handed guitars.

    What would you value this guitar.

    Thanks in advance.

  118. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I have a Maple cap, maple neck, maple fretboard Les Paul Custom from 1978. I notice Gibson offering something similar, this year. Does anyone know a way to find out when the first of this model was ever made?

    Also, any stats available on Gibson production numbers?

  119. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I've always wanted a les paul and I'm thinking of buying a 59 or 60 reissue. Is the re-issue worth the extra bucks or are the recent LP standards virtually the same from a sound and feel perspective? Are any newer model LP standards built with a slimmer 60s style neck? Are there any mechanical downsides to the slimmer neck (such as tuning or intonation problems)?
    thanks, Rich

  120. Anonymous3:15 PM

    trying to find out the value of a delux with serial # 00129942 tobacco sunburst

  121. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I have a 1982 Candy Apple Red Standard Heritage series with the extra four digit number under the made in usa. I'd say it's about 8/10 condition overall, but the front is near perfect. Creamy binding all original. Anybody got an idea as to it's true value? Plays like butter Sounds amazing!

  122. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Hi, I just purchased a Gibson Les Paul flame top, from an authorized Gibson Guitar store chain. It has 60's style neck of the truss cover and a nine digit serial no: 033261326, impressed into back of the headstock, above the, Made in USA. They told me it was a Studio model, however, when I ran the serial number it comes back as a Standard, made on Nov,28,2006 in Nashville Plant, TN. Production number 26. Could you please help me determine which one it is and why 9 digit serial and not 8? Thanks.

  123. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm looking at a 57 Reissue Goldtop but he doesn't have a Certificate of Authenticity. Aside from the verification problem, how does the lack of the certificate affect it's value?

  124. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Model les paul model # 514886 with a 2 above the model number. I have had this guitar over 35 years and have never been able to find this model ( Les Paul Model is what is printed on the head under Gibson ) in any price guides. Can anyone tell me a valuse or any info. ? Thanks–

  125. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Model les paul model # 514886 with a 2 above the model number. I have had this guitar over 35 years and have never been able to find this model ( Les Paul Model is what is printed on the head under Gibson ) in any price guides. Can anyone tell me a valuse or any info. ? Thanks–CK

  126. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Hi, I'm Mike, I have a LP deluxe w/mini Humbuckers pickups, one has gibson embossed on chrome. My question is what year was it born? Branded into the back of the headstock is the serial #181385 and no "made in USA" is present. According to gibson web site s/n indicates 1964 but s/n's were reused alot. So, the range is from 61' to 69',but deluxes did not go into production until 69' and that was for goldtops, mine is a dark cherry sunburst. I'm confused and would like to know, What year was it born?
    Thanks Mike who's confused.

  127. Anonymous7:08 PM

    i have a 1969 les paul with a bad refin job. i am trying to figure out what the original color might have been. it has p90s, smaller peghead, black witch hat knobs, black rhythm/lead selector ring, white switch top, and all chrome hardware. i thought it might have been a goldtop, but the black appointments are making me doubtful. any idea what color it might have been?

  128. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I have a 1980 "KZ-II" appears to be Melody Maker bod w/SG or LP neck and Dirty Fingers. What is the story with these things? Sounds pretty darn good
    w/ SD hotrodded pups. All I heard from Gibson is "Mahogony body, 3-piece neck and humbuckers". thanks!

  129. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I have a 1985 Les Paul Standard which has an 8-digit serial number ending with '500'. But according to everything I've read regarding this scheme of serial numbers, an ending of '501' would represent the first guitar stamped in the Nashville factory that particular day. So what's up with the '500' ending?


  130. Anonymous5:58 AM

    hi there, i have a 1990 les paul custom with motjer of pearl frets and gold plate fixtures it says display model only on it as well as the usual serial number does this make any difference to it???

  131. Anonymous6:03 PM

    We have a 1952 les paul gold face. There is no serial number, it says pat.pending. It has the original case and is is good shape, except the face has some green discoloration from sweat. It plays good and stays in tune. How much does the discoloring devalue the guitar? What is the approx value. We have had the guitar since 1957 or 58

  132. Anonymous7:29 PM

    i have a 1969 les paul gold top missing the gibson logo on the top everything else is in somewhat good conditon. it sounds fine. what do you think it might be worth.

  133. Anonymous7:30 PM

    i have a 1969 les paul gold top missing the gibson logo on the top everything else is in somewhat good conditon. it sounds fine. what do you think it might be worth.

  134. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I recently emailed Gibson to find out some info about the guitar I purchased and didn't get back any useful info, so I figured I'd give it a shot posting on here. I purchased a left handed 1988 Les Paul standard in heritage Cherry Sunburst finish in very good condition with minor dings and buckle rash but otherwise in excellent condition.I found that rather than having standard Gibson humbuckers, the bridge pickup was an HB L The Original(Bill Lawrence designed pickup) and the neck pickup appears to be an ancient looking Gibson patent number PAF. Any idea how much that may affect how much the guitar may be worth or if it would make it more desirable to collectors? Any input would be great thanks.

  135. Anonymous7:41 PM

    i have a 1959 les paul standard that my dad gave me but i don't think it will sell good because it looks like it has been abused and i think gathered dust in our basement for a long time of my friends only told me that it was worth much do you think this is?

  136. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Hey, Anonymous who said they had a 1978 Artisan in good shape.

    Are you looking to sell?

    If so what would your parting price be?

    email me...

  137. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Is the Gibson USA Slash signature worth buying from a collector's point of view? Do you see the price of it going up?

  138. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Just curious, what did a 1958 Les Paul Standard sell for when they first came out?

  139. Anonymous1:24 PM


  140. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Great information on your site, and very cool for me to find out that I have a special order Les Paul. I'll get the serial number tonight, but a 1972 Les Paul Standard sunburst is really worth $4200 - $5000??? That's what I have, the top is excellent, no fading, non-original tuners, pickups, and the back of the neck is sanded, but I have the original case. How much am I looking at at value? I can take a ton of pics if you can help, thanks.

  141. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Interesting one. I was also in search of some good online guitar repair tips. There are also other helpful sites giving information on guitar repair, guitar design and Custom Guitars.

  142. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Great informative site.
    I bought a 1980 KZ-II. All I got info-wise is "made in Kalamazoo, 1 pc body, 3-piece neck and ( gone now ) Dirty Fingers humbuckers".
    It looks like a cross between an SG and ( old-style )Melody Maker. what's the story? Heard they were spare-parts models. Sounds great.

  143. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Excellent information here. Thank you.
    I have an 83' Les Paul Custom (blk w/ gold hardware) w/ a factory Kahler (w/ Gibson stamp) tremolo. It's in excellent condition, but I had it 'chambered' to reduce the weight, obviously making it no longer "stock". My luthier did an awesome job with it including antiquing the new back bindings to match the tops. The cambering has absolutely no effect on the tone w/ the exception of possibly a touch more sustain.
    Do you have any idea of what the value of it might be?
    Thanx in advance,

  144. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Hi i have an early 70's les paul serial # 123377 no valoute small headstock one peace neck one peace back gokdtop with p90 pu
    can anyone tell me what year it was made and is it standard or deluxe?

  145. Anonymous6:49 AM

    My brother needs to sell his les paul (standard?) with serial # 93196455 w/made in usa under the number and would rather keep it in the family. We would like to determine a fair price. We believe it to be early 70's. It has sunburst finish and has been very little played and all original. can you help? thanks, Rob
    He also has an SG coded 228337 which is well used and customized for better sound but appears to have original finish. early 60's?

  146. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Can anyone tell me what the "MP" and "BNIB" stand for in the following name: Les Paul Standard 50s MP Edition Guitar BNIB?

  147. Anonymous10:59 PM

    how does cracking of the finish on the head stock and worn through finish on the neck affect the value of my 82 cherry sunburst standard?

  148. I have a special made 1971 White Les Paul with #80691583 on the back of the neck. I cannot find any information on where it came from or any documentation or information about it anywhere on the web, there is even initials burned into the inside of the neck if the plate between the neck and the body is unscrewed. Can you give me any insight on this or how much it may be worth?

  149. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Can you say what the general opinion of the 1979 25/50 Anniversary Les Paul is? There seems to be some suggestion that this era was not particularly good; but could have that all wrong.

  150. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I have a 1960 Les Paul Classic reissue. Im trying to determine the value. Its in mint condition and the serial # is 003207

  151. I have a 1960 classic reissue in excellent shape. Tring to find out the value. The SN 003267

  152. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I'm interested in selling a Les Paul Custom 1978 ebony. What is the best way to sell it? Ebay? Find a local guitar store? I live outside Washington DC (1 hr south) and I'd rather not invite people I don't know into my home. I have a rough idea of it's value based on watching ebay auctions and research online. What would you estimate the value?

  153. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I have a 1984 Cream colored Les Paul Standard SN# 81014507 with Slash's autograph. The guitar has never been played in public and is kept in a smoke free environment. What is the approximate value?

  154. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I have a LP Standard, tobacco SB finish, mint condition. SN starts with 419xxx. I purchased it new around 1975 for $580 USD. Based on the SN, year of mfg is 1974. Is there any way to determine Kalamazoo or Nashville? Also, approximate value? Thanks.

  155. Anonymous8:55 AM

    OK, I hear what you are saying about not being able to answer every e-mail, but I am hoping someone with some expertise might chime in. I have an '85 Les Paul Custom with a Kahler Supertune Tremelo . I am the orignial owner and I bought the guitar at Manny's in New York (back when it was still an independent shop). I remember ordering my Les Paul with a Kahler Tremelo, but I assumed it was factory installed. I was told that because it is not stamped with the Gibson logo, it could not have been factory installed. It this true in all cases? My assumption all along was that it had been factory installed. Funny thing, I have NEVER used it. Any thoughts, comments are appreciated.Thanks.

  156. i am interested in a 2001 lp standard original.
    please if you could, tell me what are the original p/u in the unit as well as approx value?

    thank you

  157. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I have a 1978 Suburst Les Paul with P-90's It Says SECOND on the the back of the headstock- Does anyone know what these are worth nowadays and if they are rare as I can not find much info on them.

  158. I have a gibson Les Paul deluxe. serial number is 967533 and it says Made in USA underneatch serial number. I think this is a Kalamzoo made 1970,, 1971, or 1972. any way to find out which of those years from the serial number?

  159. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I have a 1997 Les Paul Double Cutaway Studio, Heritage Cherry Sunburst. in excellent condition. Can anyone provide an approximate value?

  160. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hi was looking for some education, our store recently bought in a 1984 Gibson Les Paul Studio serial #81394557. Extremely nice condition with it's seems to be the Flame top design from info I have found on other sites. Any guess on resale value? I can email pictures if that would help. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  161. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'm about to buy a 77 Les Paul Standard that has a few switches added by the volume and tone controls. Serial Number starts with 06...meaning it's a 77. $1300 sound fair?

  162. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Standard (Tobacco Sunburst) which has the stamped in Serial #109603 on the back of the headstock. It also has the stamped in "Made in America" beneath the Serial Number. It also has the "volute" on the headstock. It has the word "Standard" on the truss rod cover. What would be the most likely year model of the guitar? I've had it since the late 70's.

  163. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hello I am looking at a cherry sunburst Les Paul sn#83435558 question is: it has dots inlay instead of trapizoid. is it real?

  164. Anonymous9:27 PM

    hey i really need some help here! What is the value of a 1961 or 1962 (Unknown) Gibson les paul custom wine red with the white trimming? It has had a headstock repair and the ncks paint is pretty weathered off and there is 1 large (1 inch) place on the front of the body where the paint is gone. Lots of other smaller dings but not on the front. What would you say?

  165. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I have a Gibson les Paul 1960 Sun Burst Standard that I might sell if I can get the right price.It has been appraised by George Gruhn in feb 2008

  166. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I'm making an offer on "An old school 1985 Gibson Les Paul Studio. Black. Comes with its original Gibson hardshell case. Plays and sounds great. Ebony fretboard, carved maple top, made in the USA.

    Can you give me a ballpark on its worth.

  167. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I have a '59 vos. Best Les paul ever!

  168. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I have a 92' Studio with an ebony fretboard, there is a crack running the entire length where the fretboard meets the neck on both sides. It appears (and I hope) it's only in the finish, is this common with the ebony fretboard, does the ebony not expand and contract as well as rosewood?
    Thank you

  169. Anonymous7:08 AM

    My son asked me to research a Les Paul Studio but I'm confused. He said the serial was 94006917. From what I've read the year is "96" but how do we get day 400? Is this possibly a fake?

  170. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Maybe someone can help me?
    I saw a LesPaul Custom 1971 black. Is it possible since the article says that in 1971 to 1975, Les paul guitars were only made in goldtop or sunburst finishes?

  171. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I have a Les Paul Limited Edition with the serial #U7020927. What is its production history and value? thank you.

  172. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Do you have any idea what the current price is for a Murphy aged Dickey Betts goldtop? The serial number is under 20. Also, how about a '84 Les Paul Studio Custom Lite? 9.0 condition.

  173. Anonymous9:38 PM

    looking for a mini humbucker for a early 70"s gold top.

  174. Anonymous9:47 PM

    just recently purchased a les paul studio from a friend, it has its bumps and dings here and there but was wondering the value. the serial number is 90956399, its black with gold trimming. I paid 400 for it so let me know if i got a good deal :)

  175. Anonymous1:15 PM

    What is a 1974 Les Paul Custom Tobacco Sunburst Guitar worth? Changed the Tuneamatic Bridge. Everything else original and in mint condition. Serial #00117239

  176. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Does anone have an idea as to how much a GIBSON LES PAUL STUDIO PLUS FROM 1988 would be worth thanks

  177. Anonymous4:39 AM


    I have a 1983 Les Paul Custom that I purchased brand new. The owner of the store, John Progris described the color as antique sunburst. I've searched high & low for any information about this guitar and have come up short every time. I've seen photos of other sunbursts but none seem to represent mine. I have been unable to locate any information regarding the manufacture of this particular color. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Thanks.


  178. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I have a chance to buy a 1977 LP Standard, honeyburst, left handed in almost mint shape for 2000. Is this a good deal? Was the 77 chambered or solid. I'm asking because i also have a chance to buy a 1991 LP Standard lefty in tobacco in mint shape for 1600.

  179. Anonymous12:19 AM

    my dad gave me his LP when i was 14, its a studio, my dad says he thinks its an 83, but he cant remeber, it has to be an early studio because it has the dots on the frets, please tell me what year SN-82966537

  180. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Hi - trying to figure out model and other background on a Gibson Les Paul MODEL NO LPSTWRGHI 1996


  181. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I bought what i thought was a gibson les paul from an auction the other day on the back there is a paper label with the number 45769 made in the usa next to it.

    Is this a real one fake or what? help as I just want to know if I was ripped off or bagged a bargin!!!!!!!!!!!!

  182. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I have a 81 Les Paul, it has additional serial numbers 80411628, Made in USA 1742. I was told this was a reissue 59, is that correct. Thanks for the time.

  183. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Please I want to find the value of this alpine white custom from 1990 91310560
    Thanx a lot..What are the best Gibson les paul Standards or trad Or Custom With a thinner Neck..Or wich ones too avoid..with a Fat Neck,
    Thanx a lot

  184. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What price am I looking at for a good 2 nd hand les paul?And What is better in the long run The hollow body or chambered or the Full body?
    Wich woods are best for..long use?

  185. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "the paul" was not discontinued in 82 i own an 84 model with the selector switch above the knobs which i cant find on any other gibson les paul model...i also hear "the paul" was only made one year or maybe mine was...any thoughts on that??

  186. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Alright. My uncle has a 1976 Les Paul Deluxe serial no.
    00 130 460. I think the color is called Wine Red. Im pretty sure the 00 means 1976, the 130 means the 130th day that year (May 9th, 1976), and the 460 means it was made in Kalamazoo. I wan tot know if I am correct, and would a Deluxe be worth more than a standard, if so, what is its worth.

  187. Had a bit of good fortune this past April in response to a guitar-for-sale ad. As I was examining the instrument, the woman asked, "And would you like to see the others?" (Others...?). I responded in the affirmative, and she took me upstairs to what appeared to be a spare bedroom which held no furniture, only guitar cases and three amplifiers. Upon further examination, she had for sale, in total, 28 instruments and the three amplifiers; all Gibson products, including the amplifiers. So, I went to look into the possible purchase of a single Les Paul, and, as it turned out, there were 12 Les
    Paul Standards and 6 Les Paul Customs (nothing manufactured later than 1960), and the remaining instruments, 8 Les Paul Deluxes, were made between 1972-1975. She told me that they had all been left to her by her grandfather, and she wanted to sell everything quickly because they were going to be selling the house. We reached an agreement, and the deal was concluded. And, no... I will not say what the purchase price was for all of the instruments and the three amplifiers (as well as a box of supplies; string, picks, etc.), however, I would like to know who to contact regarding appraisals; should I call one of the major vintage stores, or would I be better off contacting an appraiser at a major New York auction house, such as Christie's or Sotheby's?

  188. Anonymous3:57 AM

    i have a black Les Paul classic with case, no scratches at all. SN# 064611. what is it worth?

  189. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Guys, I need some help here...Just saw Gibson Les Paul Standard Goldtop with P-90. The ownder said it is from 1970. Serial no. is 633090 and ther is NO Made is USA" under the serial number. Also, P-90's have got goldish-silver bottom and the other wire has got a lot of think colorful wires (green, red, white..). Pots are changed, but I found red stamp beside it with "FEB 12" and letter "A", too. Can anybody tell me is it original Gibson or some copy and, if it is, what year would be and value, too??? Please, I need the answer ASAP!! THANK YOU!!!!

  190. Anonymous9:32 PM

    the helpful ones that know about Les Paul guitars must have jumped ship.

  191. Anonymous8:24 PM


    Have a friend looking to sell me his les paul standard from 1975. Serial number starts with 99 so I am assuming its a '75. All original except for one pot thats been replaced. What is its worth? it has a couple small body dings, and some wear on the upper backside. Don't want to pay too much for it depending on its worth. Thanks!

  192. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Hello, Please help. What are some ways I can track my stolen paul? It was late 70's or early 80's. Wine colered. I was with my bud when he bought it new. I bought it from him just before he died. Don't know the serial #. Does gibson keep a record of serial #'s to certain retailers? I'd like to put out an A P B on line. Thanks, Mike

  193. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I have a 1978 Les Paul Standard but it has dot inlays instead of strips. Is that significant and does it detract from the price of re-sell?

  194. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Looking for ideas on insurance values for a 1962 SG les paul standard. This guitar has 2 humbuckers with a les paul logo on the truss rod cover. The side -pull vibrato is different from most pictures I see as the handle is NOT a round rod but rather, it is flat folds in half and has a bolt where it is hinged to fold. The cover over the vibrato mechanism has an art deco look to it and is “V” shaped on the side toward the bridge. Of course it is the traditional cherry red finish with the smaller black pick guard. It has mother of pearl trapezoid inlay blocks on the fingerboard.

  195. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I have a black electric guitar. It has a logo of the company name which says Shot with an x in the o. It has dimarzio pickups and flyod rose tremell. does anyone know anything about this guitar? I bought it at a pawn shop 20 years ago. Does anyone have any info on the company or about the guitar? If so email me at Thanks Frank

  196. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I have just bought a Gibson Les Paul. This is a cherry sunburst, made in the USA. The serial number is 80698009. When I typed this in I got the following message - 1988 Kalamazoo Plant, 10th March. This was bought at an auction. Does anyone know what this is worth. It looks brand new and there is still the plastic covering on some of the parts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  197. Austin W.5:47 PM

    I am looking for a 1992 les paul custom. i picked one up @ a guitar center near me, but it was sold recently. If someone could help me find where i could get one, i wuld appereciate it!!

  198. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I have a black custom Les Paul Gibson electric guitar serial number 00116226 any idea what year and the value? thanks

  199. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Looking for some one who is interested in investing in a one of a kind Lp Gibson fifty's vintage guitar. one million six hundred thousand dollars. Not a penny less.In excellent condition, With hard case /strap

  200. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I have a Gibson Les Paul Studio, serial #83323549 (Made in USA). It's in excellent condition and I'm trying to find the value but my endless search is getting my nowhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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