Gibson Country Western Guitar (SJN)

Gibson SJN Country Western ( 1956-1978 ) 

In 1956 Gibson introduced a natural finish version of the Gibson southern jumbo with a mahogany body (flat top) back and sides and called it the Gibson country western guitar, they made them in natural finish and were discontinued in 1978.

From 1956 to 62 the Gibson Country Western acoustic guitar had round shoulders, from mid 1962 and on they had a 3 point pick guards, square shoulders, and were renamed the SJN Country Western

From 1962 to 1968 specs basically stayed the same until 1969 when the guitar was fitted with a bridge below the belly. In 1970 the SJN country western was again renamed the SJN Deluxe Country Western and were produced with minor changes until 1978. 

1970 to 1971, non adjustable saddles were fitted, 1972 to 1973 they had an unbound fingerboard and from 1974 to 1978 (4ply-Binding). The Gibson country western has a powerful tonal response, many guitar players love its deep resonance and its southern authentic appearance.  

In 1991 to present Gibson made several country western guitar models with round shoulders and reintroduced them as the SJ (Southern Jumbo).

Selling Or Buying Advice

Always consult with someone who knows vintage guitars before buying or selling. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you get a guitar price guide with detailed specs that can change the prices dramatically. Knowledge is everything when you are dealing with old and used music instruments.

> View all vintage Gibson Country Western guitars for sale.

Gibson Country Western Guitar Price Guide (Updated April-23-2021)
  • 1956 - 1959 > $5500 to $7000 (Country Western)
  • 1960 - 1962 > $4500 to $5500 (Country Western - Round Shoulders)
  • 1962 - 1964 > $4000 to $5000 (SJN Country Western - Square Shoulders)
  • Note: Seen some sell over $8000 in prestige condition.
  • 1965 - 1968 > $3000 to $4000
  • 1969 - 1969 > $2000 to $2500 (SJN Logo)
  • 1970 - 1978 > $1500 to $2200 (Renamed SJN Deluxe Country Western)


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    how do i find out what year my gibson accoustic flat top is. It is rounded, and i was thinking it was around the early 50's or late 40's the number stamped on the inside is 4692 17.

  2. you probably have a gibson southern jumbo (sj) if its in sunburst finish , these gibson guitars were introduced in 1943 to 1976 ,

    in 1956 they made a natural finish version of the southern jumbo and called it the country western (the guitar above)

    on most flattop gibson guitars from 1942 to 47 the serial number had 3 or 4 digits followed by 2 digits and were ink stamped on the neck bolt .

    From 1947 to 1952 same numbers were stamped on the inside . So you probably have an early 50s gibson flat top guitar .

    From 52 and on they started adding letters .

  3. Anonymous7:57 PM

    can anyone tell me what the list price of one of these was circa 1974-5?

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I have a Gibson Country Western model I bought in 1966, SN 800244. How can I tell the difference between the 1966 and 1967 models (to be sure mine is a '67)?? I see after 1967 the value drops. dbc

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    unfortunately you cant tell the exact year on the country western from the serial # you gave me.

    ser #s from 800000 to 800999 were made in 1966, 1967, 1968 and have the same specs , in 1969 they made a change ( bridge below the belly ).

    Your guitar is worth $2700 to $3200,( spiked in prices ) i will revise the prices above within 24 hours according to the new price guides.

    Come back im sure youll find it quite helpful ...domenic

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Thank you Dominic for the info on my 1966 SJN Country Western guitar. Do you have any tips on how/where to sell this?? I play classical now and would like to upgrade my classical by selling this original Gibson. thanks. denise

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    your best bet would be ebay , ive seen some country werstern guitars for sale at $3000 ( 66-67-68 ),

    Ps : you shouldn't let it go below $2500 unless you have to pay some bills .(lol)

    Keep in mind that by next year these guitars will probably be worth more .

    i have 4 different 2006 price guides and they all price them betwween $2700 to $3300

  8. Anonymous7:09 PM


    I just bought a 56 Gibson Country Western for $3800...did I get taken to the cleaners. I traded in a 63 Epiphone Texan plus some cash.


  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    no actually thats a fairly good deal, round shoulders tend to be more sought after by collectors ,

    they started making the gibson country western GUITARS with square shoulders in 62 .

    You can never loose , and besides its an awesome guitar . I have a 65 .

  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I wrote earlier about the 1965-66 SJN Country Western Guitar. I think the tuners have been changed as they are gold and say "made in W. Germany". I can see where a different tuner was, however, I bought it new and don't remember having this done. Will that affect the value? thanks denise

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    It will affect the value but not by much , it also depends on who is the buyer .

    Collectors seem to be more fussy and want all original parts .

    For the regular enthusiast or guitar player it might not be a big deal .

    Then again , if you have a 1965 -66 sjn country western , why sell it ?

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    i have been looking for months now on info for my fathers gibson guitar..he has had it since for as long is i can remember..and i was born 1961..the only sticker i notice on it is on the inside, when i look in that round hole, its a oval sticker that reads, gibson country western model..also i noticed,when looking inside that hole towards the neck of the guitar,right in the middle,on a block of wood, reads some #'s stamped in was bad, so i couldn't besure of the #'s, looked like maybe eight #'s.. i know this isn't much info..can anyone help me!!! is natural in color and has parallel bar inlays..ok .. i think that is it..please..someone help a guitar thanks

  13. Anonymous7:55 PM

    does it have square shoulders or round shoulders ?
    does it have any serial numbers behind the peghead ?
    What color is the label ?
    Does the #s have a letter ?
    Does it have a pearl crown on the peghead ?

    during the late 50s gibson made a natural version of the southern jumbo and called it the country western .

    It could be the guitar that your father has which is an awesome guitar and worth quite a few dollars ... However ,More info would be helpful .

    Pretty hard to give some info with no serial number and a guitar you cant see .

  14. Anonymous6:36 PM

    hi hi..ty for coming to my rescue!! i have been in a guitar whirlwind..instead of counting sheep at night, i been counting i very much appreciate u taking the time to help i went to me parents a better lite so i cound read the # V5794-19.and there is nother other # anywhere else that i can see..nothing of the back of the peghead..k..the sticker inside that says gibson country western model is oval shape and sort of a off-white color and it has a rope(lasso) that goes around the edge of the oval is round shoulder shape, not square..k..and yes, there is a crown on the peghead, under the gibson logo..i hope i got everything u asked for..i think i did..i am so excited to finally after all these have somekind of an idea what kind of a guitar my dad really has..b4 all i ever said was..he has a gibson..duh..i will b checking back often for a reply..thanks!!

    me..the guitar dumbie!!

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    the numbers you gave me are not serial numbers , they are factory order numbers that are ink stamped on the neck block .

    these numbers were only used from 1952 to 1961 .

    in most cases they had 4 digits followed with 1 or 2 digits and a letter . below are the letters and dates .

    Z = 1952
    Y = 1953
    X = 1954
    W = 1955
    V = 1956 >Your Fathers country western
    U = 1957
    T = 1958
    S = 1959
    R = 1960
    q = 1961

    Oval white labels were used from 1947 to 1955-56

    the pearl crown peghead design replaced the gibson gold silkscreen logo in 1956 .

    According to your description of the guitar its a 1956 gibson country western , this was the first year it was introduced . ( its the natural version of the southern jumbo ), the guitar is valued at $3500 to $4500 , however it can be sold for $5000 if its in good condition.

  16. I have a 1960 Gibson Country and Western case that is in very good condition. Does anybody know what it is worth? I play electric any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  17. Anonymous7:03 PM

    theres no actual price guide for cases , depends on the buyer , if you want to sell it , list it on ebay .. you'll get anywhere from $150 to $250 ... you can even get more if your lucky ....

  18. Thanks, that give me so idea.

  19. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I have a gibson guitar,country western label inside with a rope around it. It has kluson deluxe tuners, mop crown with rectangular mop down the neck. Natural finished front,round shoulders, a 1/4"x1" metal tag on back of head stating Gibson. Bought used in the 1960's with a 5 latch hard leather case Gibson insignia with star. would like more info

  20. Anonymous8:57 AM

    What is the definition of "below belly bridge" for the Gibson SJ?

  21. Anonymous5:07 PM

    gibson guitar ,country western ...

    Whats the serial number would help .

  22. Anonymous6:53 AM

    i read a post by ananymous abouta country western serial number and if he was talking about my guitar there is not a number anywhere on it. I hope he was talking about my guitar any info about it would be appreciated no one seems to know anything about the tag on the head thank you wvgraybeard

  23. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I am looking to SELL my 1958-1959 Gibson Country Western J-35 Southern Jumbo Guitar from what i figiured out the number on inside neck of guitar stamped in ink is the Factor Order Number
    { F O N # S8275 4 J35 }If anyone interested you can contact me @

  24. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I have a Country Western model ser.# 269438 I was told my father bought it in the 1950's the info i've read would suggest a later date. Anyone know when this model would have been made?

  25. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Harrison- I bought a Gibson 56' Counrty western 10 years ago for 250.00. I swear it has songs that just pour out of it! It is beaten and battered but still sings like a bird and stays in tune better than any guitar I have. If you can get one...get it now!

  26. My Gibson Country and Western guitar has the following numbers on the back of the neck: 203870.
    What year was it made, and what is it worth?
    Thanks, Cory

  27. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I have a 1959 gibson country western "round shoulder " that was willed to me. The guitar is in need of brace repair- in fact about 6 of the top and bottom braces need to be reglued.
    The guitar is all orginal with case
    about a 6 to 7 condition -
    You state low end is 3500.00 thanks?

  28. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Thanks for your info. My guitar was purchased in 1967 by my Dad who played it with his C&W band. Its numbers are 880007. Has the 3-pont guard, double tortoise shell inlays and ivory adjusters and bridge. Some face checking has occured--plays beautifully! Looks similar to the Sheryl Crow model.

  29. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I have a 56 Gibson County Western. The headstock is not painted black, like every other Gibson I've ever seen, but rather it's a "natural wood" finish. There are no scratches or marks of any kind to indicate post-production stripping or changes of any kind, but the Gibson logo does have a very narrow black border, like it would be if the entire headstock were the usual black. Is it possible that it came from the factory this way? I've owned it since about 1973.

  30. Anonymous5:53 PM

    If anyone out there could help me out on this it would be gratly appreciated.
    I have a Gibson Country Western Model with serial number 429021 stamped in black ink on the reverse side of tuning head. The guitar is identical in shape to image on this page (i.e. finish, shoulder shape and 3 point pick guard), guitar has ivory tuning pegs with kluson deluxe tuning gears. The sticker inside body under sound hole states "Gibson COUNTRY WESTERN MODEL" and is oval shape with a rope pattern surrounding the text. If anyone could advise year of this guitar and possible value it would be most helpful. Thank you, James. :)

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Have you received any info. on your Gibson C&W. I own a very similar ex with a 6 digit #n on the back of the headstock which starts with a 4. I can't find a similar nummer in any of dating guides.

  31. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hi, i recently recieved a Gibson Country Western, its a natural finish with round shoulders. The serial number, which is stamped inside the guitar under the neck, is a bit worn but it think it reads "W8821 17"

    If anyone could give me some information concerning this guitar or point me in the direction of someone that could i would appreciate it. Im really not interested in selling it, but i would like to know what i have.

  32. Anonymous4:57 AM

    i just puchased a 1967 Country Western for $2750, which seems "about right" from your value indicator. But, i am suspect that it may have had a neck reset in it's past history. She plays superbly, but am concerned if this affects it's value as an investment.Did i pay too much?

  33. Anonymous8:25 PM

    My 8yr. old son was just willed his great grandfather's bigson accoustic flat top. I know nothing re: guitars and my son has just started lessons recently. Only #'s I could find are V5160-27 (?) on the inside neck block? It says Gibson Country Western Model in a beige colored sticker inside. It is also equipped for electric. I would appreciate info on what year?

  34. I have a ~65 Hummingbird (according to the serial number), natural finish, with a narrower neck than other Hummingbirds. Someone once mentioned that the CW necks had the same inlay but were narrower. True?

  35. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I recently bought a 63 country western and i'm going to get a pickup installed. the luthier recommended replacing the adjustable saddle bridge, but said that it would sound "different." Should I be concerned about this? The guitar plays great, but I hear that pickups work better with a standard bridge.

  36. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I replaced the adjustable bridge on my hummingbird (65) when I installed a pick-up. It never sounded better. The mass of the metal in the adjustable bridge was deadening the sound. Go for it.

  37. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I have a gibson acoustic country western model with the #862319 on the neck, it looks just like the one in the picture, does anyone know the year and what its worth

  38. Anonymous10:34 PM

    i have a gibson acoustic country western model with the #862319 it looks just like the picture, does anyone know the year and value of the guitar.

  39. Anonymous4:24 PM

    My grandfather has a gibson country western s/n is 173480...i would like to know more about it if possible (year & price)

  40. Anonymous10:40 AM

    i have a gibson country western with the s # 949609 - does anyone know what year this was made? and what the approx price might be?

  41. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I have a Gibson C&W 56-61 model that I inherhited from my dad and it is by far my favorite to play The sound is better than any other I have ever heard and I love it!

  42. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I have a gibson country western
    shoulder 3 point pick guard bridge above belly natual top
    no is 907096
    I cant find the year can you help

    Bernie England

  43. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Hi Pickers.
    My grandpa is giving me his old Gibson guitar when I see him in April I have pics of him playing it in 1964 or 65., Not a great pic I know it has a suburst (redish) finish and after looking thru all the info I think it's a Country and Western, However the pick guard is full sized meaning it is on the top and bottom of the sound hole i'm not sure if the shoulders would be considered square the square to me but the pick guard is not mentioned any place. he is a bit old so getting info might be tuff 2500 miles away but can anyone help direct me so I know the best way to get it home.
    thanx, Gar

  44. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I have a Gibson SJN with round pick gaurd 1968 in mint contition what is it worth?

  45. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Have no idea who will get this but I have a 1960 Gibson blonde acoustic round shoulder guitar..I have had it checked by an antique dealer and he says it's in Mint condition..Serial # is R7226 29 Gibson Country Western Model..I think I'm going E-bay with it unless I get a good offer from someone else..I have several good pictures that I could e-mail anyone that is really interested..I'm thinking in the price range of $3700 to $4800 at least that's the price I see on guitars like mine..Is anyone interested and am I out of line on the price. Roz

  46. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I have a Gibson C&W with serial # 167482 on headstock...I believe it's a 1964 model. Would that be a correct assumption?

  47. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Help please. I have a J.45 gibson i think a southern jumbo country & western The # is 1001 stamped on the neck block I got this guitar used in 1956 I would like to no about how old it is.It's not for sale Thank you for your help

  48. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I bought my Gibson Country Western brand spanking new in Pittsburgh in the spring of 1967 so assume it is either a '66 or '67 model. The serial number is 329782. It looks identical to the one played by Cheryl Crow. It shows some wear and tear but remains a real beauty in that it sounds as wonderful today as it did the very day I bought it. Many guitar afficionados have admired it over the years. I will probably never sell's like one of my children now....but I hope to pass it on to my real children one day....if I could just get them to learn to play and love it as I have. Any idea of its market value today??

  49. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I have my Dads Gibson Country Western Guitar I learned to play on this Guitar one point pick guard rounded shoulders No SSN on inside block oval sticker as described in other posts only it is not white age? could of been a light tan color Only SSN is on the very top of the back of the head stock 74155 Thanks for any help.

  50. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I have a 1958 couontry and western with a pointed cut away and original pickup inside body. cant find anything on it can you help?

  51. I have a wonderfull 1959 Gibson SJ that I want to sell, bought it in 1962, I only play my Arion (Washburn) parlor guitar now, because of the size issue, and I like the wider neck, but I loved the Gibson for many years. It has no label inside, is this normal? I don't remember ever seeing one, there may have been SJ inked inside on back center strip, but can't see it now.
    The Thin Man

  52. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I Think I have a 1960 Gibson Country Western model. The plate under the neck is numbered R8298 5. I was looking for some info on it. Any help would be great!! Duke,.

  53. Anonymous5:40 PM

    My dad got a Gibson C&W from a friend. It was in bad condition. We gave it to this guy to repair and never heard from him. What to do...?

  54. Anonymous7:02 PM

    i have this model guitar i got from my dad the serial is 092416 any idea what year this guitar was made that is all the info i have.

  55. Roman1:44 AM

    I'm searching for a Gibson "country and western"
    if you like to make an offer.please send a mail to.:
    thank you

  56. I have a 'Country Western Model' with serial number 101236. How do I determine if it's a '63 or '67?

  57. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Hey there, can you help me with some info? I'm researching a guitar with the serial number 907279 on the back of the headstock? The seller says it's a 1968 model? The sticker inside is either beige or light green with dark writing and says 'gibson country western model'. Any info would be so much appreciated, is it really a '68? Thanks so much for your time, Craig.

  58. Anonymous4:36 AM

    HELP! anyone that can help me identify (year) my guitar and the specs it would be greatly appreciated.

    i have a vintage SJN - I think late 60's (this is what I'm trying to determine)
    color: natural (not sunburst)
    definitely rosewood sides and back
    this is a big mystery - all specs I can find say SJ's were made with mahogany for the back and sides - rosewood was only used for a brief time early early.
    My SJN also has an adjustable bridge saddle (this is a clue as to te year I thought I had read that in 1970 they went back to NO adjustable bridge saddle) the original saddle is rosewood which I have

    - almost certain that it ha s a spruce top (not sure)
    only markings are a ser.# in back of head stock
    ser# 956254 and under is MADE IN USA
    no stamp or label inside

    came with new grover tuners (90's) and a crappy martin pick-guard. you could see the shadow of the original 3-point pick-guard. Gibson-Nashville was nice enough to send me a PG that they said should match the original perfectly. (PG that was being put on the Sheryl Crow model at that time)
    I bought Gibson vintage style tuners mostly for the look but the headstock did have the shadow of the distinct points on these tuners.

    my questions;
    ~ what year is it?
    ~ what type of rosewood?
    ~ why does my SJN have rosewood?
    ~ what tuners were on it originally?
    ~ what PG was on it originally?
    ~ does anyone know the original wood specs and is this Brazilian rosewood? what is the top?
    ~ any other facts that anyone knows based on the
    ser# 956254

  59. Anonymous11:37 AM

    also looking for help researching my guitar. serial number 956254 - has MADE IN USA below - on the back of the headstock? HAS adjustable bridge saddle. also has rosewood back and sides.(I've checked this so I know) it was sold to me as a 1971 SJN. no sticker inside. Any info would be so much appreciated, Thanks for any help, Craig.

  60. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Hi there I was wondering if someone could tell me what a 1953 Gibson southern jumbo go's for. The number inside my guitar reads Y 4393 31 so does that mean it's a 1953?

  61. Anonymous10:21 AM

    How many C&W Gibson's were made in 1959 ?? I have one that my Dad gave me in 1961 that he paid $50 for !!! Dewey

  62. Anonymous6:53 AM

    You are correct in your statement about the Southern Jumbo name change to Country & Western in 1956, however, the first natural finish southern jumbo guitars actually entered the scene in 1954. There were 15 natural finish southern jumbo guitars made in 1954 and I have one. They were referred to as the SJN at the time and then later in 1956 were called the Country & Western southern jumbo.

  63. Anonymous6:34 AM

    hello i bought a c&w gibson the guy told me it was a 1948 model. he told me they had changed the keys and it now as the chrome keys on it. but everything else is original.i was trying to find out what is was has the oval sticker inside the hole off white or tan in color that says gibson country western model it has a rope on it to.looks like a gold crown on the head,on the inside stamped in ink it has v7382-1 it also has like double bars pearl inlays down the neck of it. do you believe that it could be a 1948and can you tell me what it might be worth im passing it down to my son and i was wanting to know what i could tell him thanks so much

  64. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Looking for value of 1955-56 Gibson Acoustic Flatop guitar. Number Inside on block of wood under fret bar. #5621-27

    Thanks , Terry

  65. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I have a gibson flat top j-45 with the # 84172 stamped on the peg of my guitar ,does anyone know what year it would be ?

  66. I have just found a GIBSON CONTRY AND WESTERN guitar at a yard sell they said it was an 1961 model. I want to paint it black , does anyone know what kind of paint i should use?

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      how much did you pay? wow...that is worth thousands andthousands, i wouldn't paint it! goandbuy ablack guitar and leavethat one.

  67. Hi, I have a Gibson Country Western Model guitar with round shoulders and a natural finish. The serial number is 55910 and is on the back of the headstock. It has a round sticker on the inside of the guitar that says Gibson Country Western Model. It is in excellent playing condition and has a great sound. Can anyone tell me what year it was made? Thanks in advance for any help.

  68. Anonymous9:50 AM

    wow I always wanted to know more about this guitar my uncle gave me. I knew it was old but had no idea it was one of these thanks to the details you included about which years models had which features I could figure out the year my country western was made. Great info. Thanks

  69. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Hi, I have a 1963 Gibson Country Western *acoustic* for sale /serial number 137639 -it's been played from day one by my grandfater, so lots of wear and tear. you can view images of the guitar at . Final image in folder shows that he's holding the exact guitar on one of his gospel 7"s. No Made in USA stamp located under serial which indicates the guitars production before 1970/coinciding with year/sn guide. Taking offers;email me @ if interested. Vintage guitar guides have it placed @ 2400 - 3700 but I know it's not in grade A condition however is a super rare acoustic-

  70. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I was looking to see what a J35 1953 Gibson Guitar flat top is worth? In very good condition.

  71. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I have found the number for the J35 1953 Gibson Guitar Flat top
    02395 35

    Looking to see it's value ?

  72. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I have a 1962 gibson country and western serial no. 82669 could you tell me what it is worth. It is in good shape

  73. Anonymous7:35 AM

    According to what I've read here, I have a 1957 Gibson Country Western Model. The serial number stamped on the neck block is "U2392 23". It has a crazed finish and the pick guard is separating from the body all around the outside edges. There are no obvious signs of repair or replacement of any parts. It needs a new nut -- the slots are too low on several strings, though it appears to be the original nut.

    I can do functional repairs on guitars, but I'm not a pro and I know that I lack the skill to keep instruments "authentic" for collectors, and I realize that this instrument is probably rare enough that collectors should have a shot at it.

    It has a deep, rich tone and a kind of soft, responsive feel that is difficult to describe. It makes you want to play it softly just to feel the music as much as hear it.

    I'd like to sell it. My wife believes that I own too many guitars. This is the one I consider myself to deserve the least.

    Advice is appreciated.

  74. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I have Gibson Flat Top Guitar NUMBERS ARE T5216 24 Think it is a 1958 LG1 if so what might the value be. Thanks

  75. Anonymous6:43 AM

    i have a gibson country and western with number v6293-1? it has a white oval label that read country and western model on it. it has pearl markers on it. it is not in bad condition, but it is worn. it has round body

  76. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I have a gibson country and western guitar with serial number S1314.15 could you tell me what it is worth and when it was made. I think it was made around 1959 but not really sure.

  77. Anonymous9:37 PM

    If you are looking to find out how old your guitar is go to this link. The site tells you the prewar info, postwar info, fpo info, and serial number info. I hope it helps.

    One note: The Country Western guitar doesn't always have a serial number depending on the year it was made.

  78. Can anybody tell me how much my Gibson SJN c/w guitar cost me in 1964!! I bought it brand new from a guitar shop near londons Denmark st(tin pan ally)It sounds great and I dont want to sell it. people ask me and I just can't remember In pounds please

  79. "PLEASE HELP!" I just picked up a Gibson Country Western Acoustic. I need help identifying the year and specs if possible. On the inside there is only an oval sticker that says Gibson Country Western and is has a rope design round the edges of the oval sticker like a cow rope. There are NO numbers on the inside at all. The only number I can find is on the back of the head stock and it reads can email me or post here THANKS!!!!

  80. These days people are as extremely pleased of their metres as they are of their home decorations. A relaxing outside setting can be a wonderful thing until it is disappointed by noisy and frustrating environmental disturbance. Woofing pets, noisy others who live nearby, traffic, teaches, pickups, equipment, lawnmowers, foliage blowers, air conditioning, these are just some of the outside disturbance resources which can cause limitless disappointment, stress and even discomfort. This is an precise article which quickly gets to the heart of outside soundproofing.
    noise complaint.

  81. Hello, I have a 1958 Gibson Country Western in fantastic condition with the number T 5209 17 ink stamped inside the guitar and also behind the neck up above the tuning keys. I keep getting conflicting stories about the number being there as well. Can anyone clear that up for me?

  82. looking for a 63 SJN CW for a friend whose husbands was blown away in a was his originally as a teenager and had tons of memories attached to it. anyone know of where to get one or has one for sale? Thanks!

  83. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I just received a very road worn country western, with square shoulders, adjustable bridge, three point pickguard, serial number 322982, and label in soundhole states Gibson Country Western Model.
    The rosette around the sound hole looks much simpler than any of the Country Westerns I see online. It has just one circle about a 1/4 inch outside of the soundhole, where other CW guitars all seem to have several concentric circles around the sound hole.
    Anyone have an idea of what year this could be?

  84. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Hello all. I have a 1956 Country Western that I am interested in selling. I inherited this guitar from my grandfather in 2010. It was purchased new by him around 1956 and has been in the family since. Please email me at with any questions. Thanks!


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