Gibson Hummingbird Guitar

Gibson Hummingbird (1960-present)

Gibson hummingbird guitars were Gibson's first square shoulder dreadnought guitars  although the guitar was a little pricy when it was introduced in 1960 it was an immediate success.

The Hummingbird "was and is" an eye catcher and plays exceptionally well (rich tone), it opened and paved the way for other household named flat top Gibson acoustic guitars with square shoulders such as the dove custom guitar, country western and the Gibson heritage. 

Many collectors debate on whether this guitar is truly collectible because of its square shoulders , in my opinion the hummingbird is a significant part of Gibsons' history and according to the trend its price value keeps on going up year after year. 

From 1960 till present there was no drastic changes to the hummingbird accept for minor features. In 1960 the hummingbird was 16 .25" wide , it had a rosewood bridge , mahogany body back and sides, engraved hummingbird on pick guard, bound body and neck, gold tuners, double parallel-a-gram fingerboard inlays, and were made in cherry sunburst . 

In 1963 some hummingbirds were made with maple back and sides ( which was optional ) , and pick guards were a little smaller, in 1965 Gibson added hummingbirds made in natural finishes , some pick guards were attached with screws in late 60s. 

In 1970 the hummingbird had non adjustable bridge saddles, and a 3 piece mahogany neck . In 73 they started making them with block inlays on the fingerboard , during the early 80s parallel-a-gram fingerboard inlays were reintroduced. 

Note : Pre 65 models are very difficult to find and were made in limited quantities. Prices below are according to 4 different vintage guitar price guides and rounded off to the nearest dollar. 

> View used and vintage Gibson Hummingbirds guitars for sale..

Gibson Hummingbird Price Guide (Updated April-18-2021)
  • 1960 - 1960 > $5000 to $6000 (Cherry Sunburst)
  • 1961 - 1965 > $4500 to $6000 (Sunburst & Natural Was Introduced In 1963)
  • 1966 - 1966 > $3000 to $4000
  • 1967 - 1969 > $2800 to $3500 (Screwed Guard Was Added)
  • 1970 - 1971 > $2000 to $2800 
  • 1972 - 1979 > $2000 to $2800 (Double X Block Markers)
  • 1980 - 1985 > $1700 to $2300
  • 1985 - 1988 > $1500 to $1900 (Single X)
  • 1989 - 1989 > $1800 to $2500 (25 1/2" Scale)
  • 1993 - 1994 > $2500 to $3000 (Hummingbird Limited Edition - Only 30 Made)
  • 1994 - 1994 > $1800 to $2400 (100 Year Anniversary Limited)
  • 1990 - 2019 > $1700 to $2300
  • 2019 - 2019 > $2500 to $3000 (Black)
  • 2005 - 2006 > $1900 to $2500 (Historic Collection - Vintage Honey Burst)
  • 2010 - 2012 > $3500 to $4000 (200 made with "50th Anniversary" On Truss Rod Cover)
  • 2005 - 2011 > $2000 to $2500 (Hummingbird 12 String)
  • 2004 - 2009 - 2018 > $3500 to $4000 (Hummingbird Custom Koa)
  • 2009 - 2009 > $3500 to $4000 (Hummingbird Madagascar Honey Burst)
  • 2010 - 2012 > $1700 to $2500 (Hummingbird Modern Classic - Active Pickup System)
  • 2007 - 2013 > $2500 to $3000 (Hummingbird Custom Shop Quilt Series)
  • 2007 - 2013 > $2500 to $3500 (True Vintage With Sitka Spruce Top)
  • 2019 - 2021 > $1300 to $1800 (Hummingbird Studio - Walnut Or Natural)
  • 2020 - 2021 > $3500 to $4000 (Gibson Hummingbird Original)
  • Various New Models Are Available Today, Check With Your Local Music Store.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    just acquired a 68 bird a 7 in condition pu non adjustable bone saddle on neckbow up at body joint corrected by filing frets some bow in soundboard normal for x bracing aged guiars that are resonating correctly the good part lightas afeather and full sound even volume on lows mids highs really has a sound of correct authority for acoustic purpose 2150 cost a real nobrainer keeper if you can get one DO

    1. I have a 68 bird (about a 7) with the adjustable wood saddle, screwed pick guard etc... I went in to a shop to buy a J-45 which I had played for years but when I picked up this old bird it just felt and sounded right. It sounds great and plays like a dream. Congrats to anyone who has one of these special guitars.

    2. I have a 68 bird (about a 7) with the adjustable wood saddle, screwed pick guard etc... I went in to a shop to buy a J-45 which I had played for years but when I picked up this old bird it just felt and sounded right. It sounds great and plays like a dream. Congrats to anyone who has one of these special guitars.

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM

    awesome post , luv your site ...thnx

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I have a 63.. Fabulous

    Important to add that this guitar was made famous by the Rolling Stones; Keith Richards and Brian Jones were playing with the Hummingbird.
    Mick Jagger joined them later. Still today the Stones uses the Hummingbird.

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    after reading this post theres no way im selling my 65 hummingbird .. ( lol ).. thnx

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    There are also other famous guitar players that play the hummingbird ... its a great guitar thats underated in todays market. In my opinion these guitars will be worth double in a few years from now.

  6. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I've got a '60 that I inherited from my great grandfather upon his death. Plays like a dream- warmest tone I've heard from just about any acoustic. Mine is a little lighter color than the pics I've seen though- but maybe that's just the pics.

  7. Anybody know what year a 108877 is?

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM


  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    What year would serial# 163549 Be

  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    serial numbers on hummingbirds made from 152990 to 174222 were made in 1964

  11. Dad recently passed away and mom could use some cash. He left behind a Hummingbird "Made in Kalamazoo" square-shouldered dreadnought in a cherryburst finish. On the entire back, running down the center, is fine inlay only about 1/8" wide. Stamped on the headstock is A407295 and no "Made in the USA" below it. Can someone please place a model type, year, and approximate value on this beautiful guitar?

  12. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Dad recently passed away and mom could use some cash. He left behind a Hummingbird "Made in Kalamazoo" square-shouldered dreadnought in a cherryburst finish. On the entire back, running down the center, is fine inlay only about 1/8" wide. Stamped on the headstock is A407295 and no "Made in the USA" below it. Can someone please place a model type, year, and approximate value on this beautiful guitar?

  13. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I jusy acquired a 1961 Hummingbird, truly a special guitar.

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    these are beautiful guitars

  15. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I just bought a hummingbird with serial 563047, what year would that be? Found the serial on the back of the headstock ( paper inside soundhole missing ) Thanks dannobir

  16. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Need to know year of manufacture of a Hummingbird s/n 218688 very good original condition.

  17. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I have a 63 and I love it! Good blog!

    Just a tip, I purchased mine through Used Hummingbird Guitars here.

    Keep up the good work!

  18. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "Many collectors debate on whether this guitar is truly collectible because of its square shoulders"

    Probably got that off of and couldn't be more untrue. The square shoulder line up is just as desired if not more than the round shoulders and jumbos. You'll see more Gibson square shoulder dreads being the choice of mainstream pop/rock artists than others. Bottom line, they sound fantastic and look amazing.

  19. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I have recently acquired a Hummingbird, my dream guitar, but know nothing about the year made. The serial # is on an orange oval card #22583 and also impressed on the back of the headstock. Does anyone know what year this guitar was made? Please Help!

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      1962, February, 583 made

  20. I have a Gibson Hummingbird that has been passed thru my family. Not sure what year it is or its value? The serial # is 34826. Made in Kalamazoo. Anybody have any input?

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      should be 1963, April, 826 made

  21. Charles, you'll find the info regarding the vintage of your Hummingbird on this site -

    Serial numbers near the bottom of the page.

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Mine's a '61 Hummingbird which I've had for 30 years...what a friend. She just gets better and better. While it doesn't have the volume of an old Martin D-28, it's tone is second to none. Recording engineers I've worked with constantly comment on its beautiful tone...a great guitar to record with. I'm playing it through a Phil Jones Acoustic 100 Cub amp....which does the ol' Bird justice.....glad to see other Birds are bringing so much joy.

  23. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Have just acquired a '65, it is amazingly BEAUTIFUL - exceeded my wildest expectations. Out of curiosity I had a play on a brand new model today in a guitar shop, interesting to hear the difference in sound between a new one and an old one - ain't no sustitute for time. I've owned my Martin HD28 for 26 years, but lately, I'm a bit of a Gibson convert, if I could afford it I'd happily get myself another Hummingbird - only this time I'd get a sunburst so I could have one of each. I can't say enough good things about this guitar.

  24. I have seen some late sixty Hummingbirds with the bridge reversed. Was there a certain year or reason this was done on some of them? I have seen it on three Hummingbirds and two Country and Westerns.

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    i have an prototype of a gibson hummingbird i was was woundering in what price range it would be in and also its one that the person that i got it from her dad is the one that made the dies for them if you want email me at

  26. Anonymous7:34 PM

    My papa bought a hummingbird in 1963, and it's gorgeous.
    He died last september, and the guitar was left to my mom, and since I play guitar, it now belongs to me (my mom doesn't need it, haha).
    I was just wondering if anybody knew about how much it would be worth. i'd never sell it, but I want to know.
    It's a LITTLE bit roughed up, but still in a good condition.
    There is a spot on the neck where it's worn away from use, and a spot where his ex-girlfriend had stabbed it (about a cm long).

  27. Just spotted a very special 1961 Hummingbird on ebay Australia. Owned by Ray Burton and it's the guitar he wrote "I AM WOMAN" on.

  28. Anonymous6:17 PM

    what year would serial P40045 be? my father bought in in the '50's also has serial 92438012 what year is it? approximate value of each?

  29. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I have a Hummingbird that the bridge seems to be backwards from all the other Hummingbird I've seen. The square part is facing the hole...

  30. Just ran across your site - awsome! I have a '68 Hummingbird that my dad gave to me in '80. I had actually had it in my poseesssion since '73 so I guess it was more like "since you won't bring it back you can have it", and he would ask me every time I saw him if I had "sold it yet". Dad passed away in '06 and the guitar is still tucked away here in it's original case. Due to a hand injury in '74 I seldom play it and consequently it still looks like new. This site has inspired me to open the case a little more often. Thanks

  31. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Does anyone know the year for a Hummingbird with serial number 612386?

  32. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Looking for the age of a Hummingbird serial 109309.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      1961, September, 309 made? Is there an actual 0 between the 1 and the 9 or a space?

  33. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I have a 62 Bird that I bought new in 63. I was playing blues and folk guitar and was hesitant about the cherry sunburst look, but the sound was awesome and has become outstanding over the years. Mine seems to be a custom, since the neck is more narrow and has rectangular inlays, not as wide as my HD 28. I've come to like my Bird the best.

  34. Anonymous8:04 PM

    To the earlier posting about the light coloured bird,it's probably suffering sun burn..due to the tinters and early nitro finnishes guitars that saw a lot of sun light were prone to fade I've seen a cherry red turn to almost blond in 2 years so never leave your guitar in front of a sunny window..

  35. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I've a '69 Hummingbird that's been in and out of pawnshops for years. By the grace of God, she's home again! I vow to never subject her to that type of treatment again. What a fabulous player with tremendous tone.... Not the strongest bluegrass guitar you'll ever hear,(volume is not everything) but, most certainly one of the greatest all-genre tones ever. By the way, it is a natural top model.

  36. George4:06 PM

    Serial # 501719 would anyone what year this Hummingbird was made or how I could find out?

  37. Anonymous12:36 PM

    anybody know what year a 846857 is?

  38. Anonymous12:49 PM

    In 2007 I saw a cherry SB Gibson Hummingbird in a (gasp) pawnshop. I wrote down the serial number, left the store and called Gibson. It was a 68 with a screwed guard. Not only was it in mint condition but it also had the original hardshell case. It has a slim 60s neck and is a cannon. I paid $450 for that incredible guitar!

  39. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anyone know what year an A160739 serial # Gibson Hummingbird was made? I have a new one in original case. Never been played. Came from my father-in-laws store.

  40. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I have a beautiful 1963 Hummingbird that my brother bought new in '64. I bought it from him many years ago. It had the adjustable saddle but the bridge was made out of plastic. Does anyone know why they would have done that? I eventually had it replaced with an ebony bridge to match the black plastic. I couldn't believe how much better it sounded and wished I had done it years earlier. Love my bird!

  41. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I have a 1961 Hummingbird ser # 18355 which I have had for over 46 yrs. If there is a better guitar, I havent seen or heard it yet. It looks great (approx 9 cond), Plays great, & has tone second to none, & volume second to very few. It still has the adjustable bridge, which makes it very easy to set string height to suit hard or soft playing styles. Due to very deep string travel of the bass strings, (which, by the way, is the source of the great tone!) hard playing will get you rattling if strings are too low. It is great for lead or accompniment. Some like to change the bridge, but if it sounded any better, I dont know what I would do with it. My Martin playing pals all look at it in disbelief. Congrats to all you folks who have a Hummingbird. Wayne

  42. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Is anybody know price for models from 1965?
    Thank You

  43. Anonymous8:18 PM

    How much 1965 models sell for?
    Thank You

  44. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I have an unusual custom Hummingbird maybe someone has some info on. Serial# 85454, cherry burst finish, flame maple back/sides, j-160e style p-90 p/u (19 frets instead of 20 to accomodate p/u) J-200 style mustache bridge with gold tune-o-matic saddle, "custom" on truss rod cover. Reputed to have been ordered by Ry Cooder, but, well, sure... Neat guitar, anyone seen similar?

  45. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Need some help you guys. We were given a humming bird guitar from a family friend. It is in wonderful condition. It has an orange tag inside with the numbers 139863 on it. Can anyone help identify the age of the guitar?

  46. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Precursor of the Hummingbird?

    Has everybody on this site forgotten the Gibson SJN, or 'Southerner jumbo natural'. Apart from the scratch guard and nickle plated hardware, this is a (was)a Hummingbird in all but name.

    RAW (I owned one from 1965 to 1971) I now own a '66 or thereabouts Hummingbird

  47. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I have a flat 20 fret sunburst job. Beautiful to say the least but can anybody tell me what year would 90510008 be?

  48. "Dad recently passed away and mom could use some cash. He left behind a Hummingbird "Made in Kalamazoo" square-shouldered dreadnought in a cherryburst finish. On the entire back, running down the center, is fine inlay only about 1/8" wide. Stamped on the headstock is A407295 and no "Made in the USA" below it. Can someone please place a model type, year, and approximate value on this beautiful guitar?"

    - Serial numbers between 406667 to 409670 are from 1966-1968. The A in front of the serial number represents the "A" series from 1947 to 1961 hollow body models. This "Artist" series serial numbers were only used on mid to upper end instruments.
    -So according to this page you should be able to get $2500-$3500

  49. serial #849726 I need to know what year and what it's worth

  50. i have a 1956 j-160E would be interested in selling it for the right price if anybody is interested also have 1974 gibson hummingbird email me at thanks

  51. Anonymous11:35 AM

    What year would serial #B301375.

  52. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I have a old Gibson hummingbird custom guitar but can't seem to find any serial # on it. It is made in kalamozzo,MI.I know nothing about guitars so any help would be appreciated.

  53. Anonymous7:20 PM

    my dad has the 63, bought it new in 63 great guitar hopefully ill have it someday

  54. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Can anyone tell me what year a hummingbird serial number 846418 would be?

  55. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Does anyone know what year a serial #846418 Hummingbird would be?

  56. Anonymous6:02 PM

    got an old Hummingbird with inlay down the center of the back any idea what year ? I know it's pre-75.

  57. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I have a Hummingbird Serial # 151043

    Natural finish on front; reddish on back and sides.

    What year, please?

  58. The Hummingbird is one of my Favorites. I have The 1960 Ser# A35078 it is Amazing today and I have Recorded many Songs. ! It is like Wine! Kindest, Claude Ruston Baker

  59. The Bird#151043 is a 1963 and the Other Bird owner with #846418 is a1966 0r 1969. # B301375 -1975

  60. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Hummingbird with serial 857930. Could someone kindly tell me the year?

  61. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I have a 345498...does anyone know what year this is?

  62. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I have a Hummingbird with the serial number A000983 says made in usa it was my dads and my mom wants to sell can anyone please tell me the year and value.

  63. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I have a 000038.. EXTREMELY rare, one of the first 100 made. It is in pristine condition, whats it worth?

  64. Anonymous5:34 AM

    At Gibson ! There numbers were difficult to scan back to in the early part. I have a 1960 which had 156 made and was the first year, It may help you note: If you dont have an "A" in front of your 5 numbers. It wasn't a first year, but it probably was an early on in the following years and is a Great possession at That!

  65. Anonymous5:38 AM

    BTW I have a Year chart and do Own a 1960 #A35078 I can Help anyone with thier # for sure !

  66. Claude Ruston Baker3:56 PM

    A+5 digits = 1960 thru 61
    000000 6 Digits thru 1969
    000000S 6 Digits with a S on the end of 73'
    A + 6 Digits thru 75'
    B "" thru F"" 1974 & 75
    It is a bit comp but can be figured out!!

  67. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have a hummingbird I bought new in 1977. It's a burgundy/wine color. Not a sunburst. I've never seen one like it. Has anyone else? It's an amazing sounding guitar.

  68. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I have a Gibson Hummingbird with the serial number 00163931 stamped on the neck under it it has "second" stamped it also has made in the usa stamped on it. I would like to sell it, it is in excellent condition. Can someone tell me what year it is and possibly the value of it. If you are interested in it e-mail me at

  69. I hope someone can shed some light I have a Gibson hummingbird 503805 made in Kalamazoo
    Gibson Acoustic Serialization
    Taken from the 11th Edition
    Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars
    501703-502706 1965, 1968
    503010-503109 1968
    (503405-520955 1965, 1968 so my range is here)
    my numbers are closer to 1965 but not sure any help would be appreciated

  70. I have a 1987 (somewhere around that year) Gibson Hummingbird for sale. I put grover tuning keys on it. I also had a pickup put it in but it is missing. I'm selling this for $1800.. if interested visit and contact me.

  71. This informative post has the potent to give precise info about this string instruments that have positive effect on music. Acoustic electric cutaway guitar is also one of the best musical instrument which can bring music in perfect rhythm.


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