Gibson J-45 Guitar

Gibson J-45 Guitar (1942-2021)

When guitar players think of Gibson electric guitars automatically Gibson Les Paul guitars come to mind, because it became a Gibson trademark, just like Fender Stratocasters and Telecasters. When people think of Gibson acoustic guitars its the Gibson J-45 that seems to stand out. 

When the Gibson J-35 jumbo discontinued in late 1942, it was replaced by the Gibson J45 . There was not much difference between the 2 guitars accept for the pick guard, fancier Gibson logos in gold and minor changes to the peg heads.

Both guitars sound awesome warm fat tone however, the gibson j-45 became a huge success because they were not expensive and they sounded really good, that explains why they are still in production 'til this day.

In 1942 the Gibson J-45 were dreadnought flat top guitars, made with mahogany wood (back and sides), they had a teardrop fire-stripe pick guard unlike the J-35 which had a pick guard that followed the body contours. 

The J45 had rectangular bridge, w/b/w top and back binding, 19 fret fingerboard, fancy Gibson gold logo with a banner" only a Gibson is good enough " (see 3rd pic above).

In 1943 they replaced the pick guard with a tortoise shell celluloid teardrop pick guard, several J-45 models were made also in maple wood back and sides, and some guitars had no truss rods,

in 1945 truss rods were implemented in all J-45 guitars .

In late 1946 the "only a Gibson is good enough" banner is gone, belly bridge was added. In 1947 they made a blonde version (natural) and called it the Gibson J-50 ( same guitar but with a different finish).

1949-50 an upper belly bridge was added with a triple bound top, in 1955 a larger pick guard was added with an extra fret making it a 20 fret fingerboard.

From 1956 to 1968 the J-45 went through some minor changes such as various similar sunburst colors , slightly larger frets in 1959. Gibson logos were added to the pick guards in 1966 and rosewood bridges were used on and off.

In 1968 some J-45 guitars had white pick guards (screwed-down).

In 1969 the J-45 guitars were made with square shoulders and black teardrop pick guards with no logo. Very minor changes were made until they were discontinued in 1982 .

In 1983 the Gibson J-45 celebrity acoustic guitar was introduced to commemorate Gibson's 90th anniversary (only 90 were made).

In 1984 Gibson reintroduced the original model of the J45 with round shoulders, tortoise shell teardrop pick guard, triple bound top, single bound back, unbound fingerboard (rosewood) with dot inlays, and were made in sunburst, natural and ebony finish .

Throughout the 90s Gibson continued production on gibson j-45 guitars with different related names such as the J-45 Western, J-45 Yamano, J-45 Custom, J-45 Rosewood and the Gibson J-45 Buddy Holly limited edition.

Note : The Gibson J45 is not a highly collectable guitar because they made them in mass quantities and they are fairly easy to find accept for the 1940s and 50s era, however it doesn't diminish the quality and craftsmanship of the guitar as a matter of fact its actually a good thing for us guitar players who want a great acoustic guitar at a reasonable price.

Selling Or Buying Advice

Always consult with someone who knows vintage guitars before buying or selling. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you get a guitar price guide with detailed specs that can change the prices dramatically. Knowledge is everything when you are dealing with old and used music instruments.

Gibson J-45 Price Guide (Updated April-22-2021)
  • 1942 - 1945 > $8000 to $10 000 (Banner Logo - Adirondack)
  • 1942 - 1945 > $7000 to $9000 (Banner Logo - Mahogany)
  • 1945 - 1948 > $6000 to $8000 (Banner Or Script Logo - Sitka)
  • 1949 - 1954 > $5500 to $7000 (Small Guard)
  • 1955 - 1959 > $4500 to $6000 (Big Guard)
  • 1960 - 1964 > $3800 to $4200 (Round Shoulders)
  • 1965 - 1967 > $2500 to $4000 (Early 65' had wide nut *worth more*)
  • 1968 - 1968 > $4000 to $5000 (Blue & Green Colors can be worth up to $6500)
  • 1968 - 1969 > $2000 to $2900 (Gibson Guard - Sunburst)
  • 1969 - 1970 > $1500 to $2500 (Square, Sunburst)
  • 1971 - 2019 > $1300 to $1700 (Various Colors)
  • J-45 Reissues & Special Edition Models
  • 2006 - 2014 > $3500 to $4100 (J45 1942 Legend)
  • 2004 - 2007 > $1500 to $1700 (J45 1968 Reissue)
  • 2010 - 2016 > $2200 to $2800 (J45 Brad Parsley)
  • 1995 - 1996 > $2200 to $2800 (J45 Buddy Holly)
  • 1985 - 1985 > $1500 to $1800 (J45 Celebrity)
  • 1999 - 2021 > $2000 to $3000 (J45 Custom)
  • 1999 - 2010 > $2500 to $3200 (J45 Custom Vine)
  • 2014 - 2014 > $2000 to $2500 (J45 Elite Mystic)
  • 2004 - 2004 > $3000 to $3500 (Heart Of Texas Rosewood)
  • 2005 - 2005 > $1500 to $2000 (Historic Limited Edition)
  • 2010 - 2011 > $2200 to $2800 (John Hiatt Model)
  • 2009 - 2009 > $2000 to $2500 (Anniversary Limited Edition)
  • 2007 - 2007 > $2200 to $2800 (Red Spruce Edition)
  • 2007 - 2019 > $2000 to $2500 (J-45 True Vintage)


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I am looking for a 1955 J45 in good to excellent condition. I would also be interested in any from 1950-1955.

    Please contact me if you have one for sale.

    415.713.1791 cell #

  2. Do you have any idea of the value of the 1977 Gibson J-45/50? There doesn't seem to be any information anywhere on it.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    1977 j-50 and j-45 models are valued at $1000 to $1200 . prices may vary a little according to specs ... but not much .

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Could you give me some info on my 1953 J45?

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    what kind of info are you looking for ? price value ? specs ? whats the serial number of your guitar ? some features would be nice too .

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    any good deals under 2K for a J45 new

  7. What are the diffecences between the new J-45s and J-50s?


  8. Anonymous5:47 PM

    j-50 is the blonde version of the j-45.. in other words its the same guitar in natural finish .

  9. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I am looking for a J-45 from '55-'57 in good shape. Please email if you have one for sale.


  10. i'm looking hi&lo for a 1947 gibson j-50. if you have or know of one...please email me at:

  11. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I have a 1944/45 J-45, maple back and sides, banner logo. There is no serial number on the neck block. Do you know what would be the reason for that ?

  12. Anonymous2:37 PM

    During what years did Gibson produce the J-45 in a "rare" cherry red finish with a white/cream pickguard? What would these models roughly be valued at? Thanks.

  13. i have a 1954 J-45 - its in good shape. The guitar was checked out by a Luthier and they said it was a "friday guitar", meaning that when the bridge was set at the factory, they set it just the slightest bit off. I am selling it and wondering how much that effect value. I know what the guitar is worth, contact me at:

  14. Anonymous9:20 PM

    if the guitar gets detuned after playing on it, it can decrease the value quite a bit // buyer would have to see it and play on it .

  15. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I'm looking for a '60s J-50 or J-45 with a clean history as far as repairs/mods. Please let me know at devinbaty /at/ yahoo /dot/ com


  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I have a 1947 J-45 my father bought at Parker Music Company in downtown Houston in 1947. It is in great condition considering its age and has a beautiful tone. It had one dime size dent in the wood on the bottom-side and the tuners were replaced with Grover tuners when it was lovingly restored by Strait Music Company in Austin around 1985. Paid $500 for the restoration. On the fingerboard, there are inlaid off-rectangular double "stripes" which appear to be pearl, instead of the usual "dots". The finish in very rich despite the usual marks from wear and tear. I am considering selling this guitar and would like input as to the probable value (although I have a good idea) as well as more info about the guitar itself and why the fingerboard is different. Perhaps it is the "deluxe" model? I also have the original velvet lined hardshell case in good condition. The back of the head of the guitar, opposite side of the original Gibson decal is, there is the a decal that reads "Parker Music Company, Houston, TX". Inside the lid of the case is a torn label that reads "Parker Music Company, 916 Caroline" "Everything For The Band"
    I can be contacted at:
    Thanks in advance for your help!!

  17. I have a J50 from late '60's which has been converted to lefty with a different bridge. I'm wondering if it would be worth my while to convert it back to righty before selling? I don't like the narrow neck these days.

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I saw a 1974 J-45 for sale. It had three screws holding down the truss rod cover. I had never seen more than two used. Can it be a true Gibson?

  19. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I am wondering the value of my guitar. It has a 5 # serial number on the back of the headstock. I inherited it from my grandfather and was told by him that it was a 1945 J-45. It matches the pictures on this sight from 1942 to '47. It also has an adjustable bridge. It has finish cracks on the face surface and that is it. Bridge is in great condition and fully attached to the body. The neck is as straight as the new larrivee I just purchased and hardly any wear on the back of the neck. Thanks!


  20. Anonymous3:21 PM

    hi folks. i'm STILL looking for a 1947 Gibson J-50 flat top. if you have any sort of line on one of them please email me at:

  21. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I have a red 1968 J45 Gibson with a white pickguard. 500872 is the serial number. It is in real good condition with just a few dings. Really nice low action. I would like to know how much it is worth and would like to know something about it like what kind of wood it is made of.

  22. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I'm looking for a 1956 Gibson J-45 in excellent condition, and in black color.
    Please contact me at

    Thanks a lot

  23. I have a Gibson J-45 adj, with serial number 905538 on the neck.
    I bought it used around 1970-74.
    I just wanted to know the year it was actually made. It has the big pick guard with that "logo" that has the centipede looking legs, or curvy marks near the "G" of Gibson.
    It sounds great, and people always want to buy it off me.
    It has the skinny neck. I bought it when I was young because I could manage it with small hands. I've travelled with it and had it repaired a few times but the sound is perfect for Delta Blues.
    I recently bought one of these Martin "golden era 1937" guitars and it is bright and big, rich too, but it doesn't have the moaning sound my gibson does.
    Thanks for any ideas you have on the year it was made. PS I see a lot of people trashing the j45adj on the internet but tha is not my experience. I wonder if they've ever lived with one?
    Thanks for any ideas you have on the year it was made.

  24. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I have a 1952 J-45,with alligator case,and gibson pick--given to a friend in Orlando, Elvis Presley. Supposedly played ONLY by Elvis. Any thoughts?

  25. Anonymous5:05 PM


    I'm looking for a Banner Headstock J-45. Please email at

  26. Anonymous11:04 AM

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  27. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Is 1000 dollars a good price for a 1967 J-45 that plays fine with average cosmetic issues? Action is buzz anywhere, neck is straight, tuners are good. does anyone know?

  28. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Is 1000 dollars a good price for a 1967 J-45 with average cosmetic issues. The guitar plays great, low action, straight neck, no buzz anywhere. Any comments?

  29. I own a 1944 J45, it has been put back together and plays like a dream, looks like an alley tom-cat that just got thrown out of the bar and has all the sounds to prove it. I won't part with it for it has a sound that is priceless.

  30. Anonymous12:54 PM

    i have a old gibson guitar my grandfather left me he said he bought it in 1932 from a pawn shop its in great condition in side on the neck block is the #902 i think its a FON # from 1910 but the head stock says only a gibson is good enuff ? mabe the neck was swaped out that logo is from j45's from the 40s any body know what i got.

  31. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I have a Gibson acoustic with serial number 500800 on the back of the headstock and J-45ADJ stamped inside the body. The guitar is all cherry red with a white pick guard (no logo, just plain white). The guitar is in near excellent condition with a only a few minor scratches. Can you tell more about this guitar, PLEASE?

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I have a 1967 Gibson J45-adj Cherry Sunburst. I had the bridge replaced and the tuners were changed by the original owner whom I bought it from some 20 years ago. It has playing wear and a couple of nicks and lots of neck wear on the back of the neck as well as cracking finish showing its age. Other tahn that it plays and sounds great. Any idea what price range this would be in? Does the replaced bridge effect the value a lot? Thanks for your help.

  33. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I have a 1945..its awwsome. It was in my dads familey .I had the bridge replaced, is was cracked.other than that its in beautiful shape,I play it all the time its so kool. But it is

  34. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I have a "player" Gibson J45 that's about 30+ years of and still sounds great and keeps tune. I wqant to sell if but have no idea what it is worth or how to get a good price. Any help in these tough times would be appreciated

  35. Anonymous9:31 PM

    What is the value of the 1976 Hybrid J45/50 model.?

  36. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I just bought a 1993 J 45 sunburst. The label says that it is a VS model. any know what that means? The turners are pale green. Awesome sound!

  37. Anonymous11:07 AM

    i have a j-50 1947 gibson. i want to know how is the value of it today...

    please let me know. tanx

  38. hi there,

    I have a J-45, I think from 1943, maple back & sides to sell.
    It's a cannon! Sounds really great throughout the whole spectrum. Had the neck reset recently at California Vintage Guitars (Sherman Oaks).

    I wanted to know if you could give me an estimate about it's value.

    By the way, your site is excellent! Really great job!

    Thanks for all your help (including all those past years I was studying your site!)


  39. Gibson j-45 guitar is a one of the most gibson vintage guitar.. and I'ts very beautiful aciustic guitar.

    If anybody want to buy gibson j-45 guitar U can see at:

  40. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I have a 1955 j45 acoustic Gibson guitar.
    the color is tennessee tobacco sunburst, it has
    tortoise trim and pickguard. It's in good shape.
    Was wondering if anyone knows an accurate value
    for this particular guitar.
    My name is Greg. you can email me at Would appreciate any advice.

  41. Anonymous9:47 AM

    My boyfriend is selling a 1957 Gibson J45 guitar with case (not sure if the case is original). He's asking $3,500. Email me for pics or more info:

  42. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I recently came to own my grandfather's guitar. it is either a 1964 or 1956 Gibson J-45 Adj Bridge. Im almost positive its a 64. The Pickgaurd has been removed and finish is rubbed from wear and tear. Any idea what you think i could get for this hunk of junk? It sounds beautiful to me but compared to my 1955 J-45 this isnt the same. Looking for a price range.

  43. Anonymous2:43 PM

    J-45 1969 SN-540108 in mint condition. I bought it new in 1969. Contact me at Serious offers entertained in the 5K range. Pictures available.

  44. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Wondering if anyone has information on this serial number?

    Southern Jumbo or J-45: SN: 2909
    Sunburst color and serial number is located under the neck stamped on the support block you can see through the sound hole. 2909 is followed by a faded pencil mark that seems to read "lf".

    Thanks guys!

  45. Anonymous2:15 PM

    re: price for 1976 j45/50.
    at the present time seems to be about
    $ 1,250

    nov. 2009


  46. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I have a 1967 j-45 adjustable bridge, what is the adjustable bridge for?

  47. I love jazz, and most of them jazz guitar players, wearing Gibson.
    Gibson was created to make jazz music more beautiful

  48. Anonymous9:52 AM

    FS or Trade:

    51 J45

    Serious offers only or trade for black beauty les paul custom with bigsby


    tikirocker13 at roadrunner dot com

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I have a J45 that I believe is a 1954. The # on the Neck Block is X8896 35
    It's in good condition(not bad or great).

    If anyone is interested contact me. I have pics available.

    jgreer3746 At

  50. This is one great guitar. I had one, but someone stole it

  51. I happen to agree that the J45 stands out. It's something a little warmer and sweeter than an archtop. It is almost like an aged wood, Guitar sound.


    Archtop Guitar Sale

  52. It’s great to see good information being shared and also to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.

  53. Anonymous6:03 AM

    have a j45 bought in early 60 can not remember what year
    for sure vin 063937 like to know year for sure

  54. Hey thanks for this info! I will keep a link to this page as a reference. I have (I think..) a 1964 Gibson J-45, and it plays aand sounds wonderful!

  55. Hi

    While looking for the potential link partners, I came across your website and thus sending you this requesting mail. I feel that exchanging links (Non-Reciprocal) would be beneficial for both of us in order to get better rankings in SERP's and traffic as well.
    If you like my offer then please feel free to revert me back in the same mail.
    I will be waiting for your positive response asap.

  56. Can someone give me more info about the J45/50 guitar. So not the J45, or J50 but the hybrid J45/50. I can't find any info on the web...

  57. Anonymous10:06 PM

    My grandfather left me a J45ADJ number 363792. How do I find out what year it is from and the current price for it? I have the original case.

  58. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I was hoping you could answer a quick question..been thinking of buying this guy's Gibson, but I'm suspect of the serial number and the fact that it's stamped:
    I've never heard of that before. He states it's a 1976.
    Have you?

  59. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'm selling a 1977 J-45 Deluxe in good condition. Asking $1200.

    Email me at for pictures etc.


  60. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Hi can anyone help me with identifying this Gibson Acoustic Guitar?

    This is the neck and head stock:

    And this is the body:


  61. Anonymous5:52 PM

    We are thinking about selling my dad's Gibson J-45 Sunburst Acoustic that he purchased in 1952. Also includes the original soft case. Have pictures if interested. You can contact me at:

  62. Anonymous12:02 PM

    If you find a '2' on the headstock & the serial inside, it's a factory second.FYI

  63. Anonymous11:07 AM

    is there a "bad" year for J-45s? was thinking about getting a new one (so as not to have to travel w my late 60's J-50) but found a 1980 J-45 for under a grand....just didn't want to end up w a lemon, if there is such a thing when it comes to J-45s....

  64. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Many years ago my sister bought a house and found a gibson acoustic in the attic. This guitar was in very bad shape, with deep scratches and pits throughout. The guitar has an absolutely beautiful, deep rich tone. I refinished the guitar, even stripping the gibson logo off the headstock. I am interested in learning the year and model of this guitar. The only identifier is the # 7861-27 on the inside neck block. Any info on this guitar would be greatly appreciated.

  65. Anonymous8:09 PM

    HELLO ,


  66. I have a 1964 accoustic J-45 Gibson Guitar with its original case. It's in great condition. It was bought for me in 1971 like new from the originl owner.
    I dont play and never did much. This guitar has only been played a few times in the 39 years I've had it by true musitians who highly complimented it's sound and playability. It has been a pleasure to own and listen to as well as to play. I am interested in selling it to a buyer who appreciates the quality of this fine guitar. If you would like to be the new owner contact me at

  67. I have a 1964 acoustic J-45 Gibson Guitar with its original case. It was bought for me in 1971 like new. I dont play and never did much. This guitar has only been played a few times by true musitians who highly complimented its sound and playability. It has been a pleasure to own and listen to as well as play. I am interested in selling to a buyer who appreciates the quality of this fine guitar. If you would like to be its new owner contact me at

  68. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I have a 1947 J-45 Jumbo Gibson Acoustic it is in very good shape,plays very well with new tuners. Sounds great it could be posted here for sale. Only serious inquiries only. Would like too no it's worth? posted by E.L.

  69. Anonymous1:26 PM


  70. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I have my dads Gibson 1943 J45 that ha bought new in 43
    can anyone tell me what it's worth is.

  71. brakeman11:10 PM

    My J-45 isn't old but it's an absolute gem. I recently (11/2010) got a 2005 Historic on a trade and I'm happy as can be. It's all I ever wanted in a guitar. I had all but sworn off modern Gibsons but this one made me make an exception. I still generally wouldn't recommend new ones but you'll want to find a good one regardless of its age.

    I fell in love with a Bourgeois Slope D in 2000 but couldn't afford it. I bought a Martin HD-28LSV and while it was a bluegrass weapon, it wasn't the most versatile. Then I heard Bill Frisell play Lee Townsend's 1961 J-45 and I started keeping my eyes out for one. Perhaps I'll own an older one in the future but for now, this one is quite good enough.

  72. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I have a 1945-1946 Gibson J-45 in good condition and I am the original owner. The guitar has a number stamped inside (8895 20) I purchased it in 1946 wondering what it may be worth also have original case. please email me at;

    Thanks and keep on pickin'

  73. Hi

    I have a roundshoulder j 50 with the seriel number 433266 its not to be found in the list of serielnumber from gibson

    any idea

  74. hi can anyone tell me why the serial number 433246 on my j50 is not to be found on the list

  75. hi can anyone telle me why the serial number on my roundshoulder j 50 : 433246 is not to be found on the list of serial numbers

  76. Michael10:08 PM

    I am interested in a Gibson J45 Left Handed vintage. Pre-1960. If you've got one and want to sell it, please ping me at; LEFT HANDED factory only please. Many thanks...

    Actually, any pre-1960 Gibson left handed is of interest to this deprived left handed player...

  77. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I have a Gibson J50-ADJ. The serial number is 862816. I beleive it is an 1967, not positive, Its in good condition with its original case. Doesnt need any repairs, has slight wear to the finish. Could anyone give me an idea of what its worth?

  78. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I have a 1942 j45 with the logo Only a Gibson is good enough,that I am looking to sale. it has had a pretty rough life but it is pretty cool.

  79. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I am selling a 1942 j45 Gibson ( ONLY A GIBSON IS GOOD ENOUGH)

  80. Brett5:39 PM

    1947 Gibson J50 for sale. Contact

  81. Can someone tell me what model a Gibson 6 string acoustic, Ser. #71578003 is. Im pretty sure its a 1978, but thats about all i know about it. Value? Any info would be appreciated.

  82. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I have a J-45 Style AT that I am looking to purchase. S#:90613020. It is in very good condition with a Gibson Case. What is a fair price for this guitar?

  83. Anonymous6:47 PM

    i got a 1955 non electric Gibson guitar t6098 32 is the numbers in side. any idea the value?

  84. Thanks for posting these valuable news! Hope that you will continue doing lovely article like this. I will be one of your devoted reader if you maintain this type of

  85. Anonymous1:47 PM

    my husband bought a guitar by gibson in the 60's while in viet nam serial number is 434403 is in pretty good shape plays great. We are looking to find out about how much it is worth, anyone know? email me at

  86. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I have a j45 Gibson that is one of the two prototypes for the reissue of the model a little torn and frayed but a great guitar and I am curious as to its value the # is 93060001 beautiful sunburst my e-mail is

  87. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I have a J-45 Gibson guitar from 1942-43 flat top. It only has a few surface scratches from playing the guitar, how much would this guitar be worth. The wood is perfect on it. Please email my answer to

  88. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I have an accoustic 1963 J-50,I am the first owner and have had it for many years and have enjoyed it's beautiful sound, however I never play it anymore and would like to sell it to someone who appreciates it's sound and value and who could enjoy it. Only serious inquiries please.

  89. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I have a beautiful 1963 J-50 Gibson, accoustic for sale. I have been the only owner and am interested in selling it to someone who will appreciate it's sound.If you are seriously interested, please email me a

  90. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hi! I have a 1994 Gibson centennial limited model called Chicago 35. It is very similar, if not same to J45, spruce, mahogany back and side. It has the vintage Gibson logo on the headstock. It's in very good condition. Just looking for how much it would be valued for. thanks!

  91. Anonymous12:15 PM

    for sale 1957 model j45 looks real good, plays great enjoy playing my blueridge more. contact me at

  92. Anonymous3:01 PM

    i have a banner stock 1945 southern flat top for sale if intrested call me at 6018705100

  93. Anonymous3:27 PM


  94. Pamela10:26 PM

    WANTED TO BUY J45 Sunburst (50s - 60s) I parted w/ a few years ago. This is my childhood guitar and is distinguished by my name burnt into wood/brace just inside the soundhole reads: "Pam Love" then covered w/ an advert. sticker. There is tiny holes on both sides And both ends of the lower bridge (to secure it during a reglue)
    I used to scrape the player side of the neck w/pick so finish was mighty thin there. Lots of scratches ans dings If anyone knows where this instrument is I would appreciate any and all help relocating it. email:
    or cell 815-541-2297 Thank You !!

  95. Pamela10:34 PM

    WANTED TO BUY j45 sunburst 50s-60s This is my childhood guitar I parted w/ a few yrs. ago it is distinguished by my name burnt into the wood/brace just inside the soundhole then covered w/ an advert. sticker. There are tiny holes on either sides AND ends of the lower bridge made during a reglue. I used to scrape the player side of the neck w/ pick so the finish was thin there. Lots of scratches/dings . . Id appreciate any and all help in relocating this instrument. via cell 815-541-2297 or email: Thank You !!

  96. Anonymous12:26 PM

    can anyone help i.d. a year on a j-50 left handed ser. # 90249055? thanks!

  97. I have a j-45 either from the late 40's or early 50's my grandfather bought it used in 1955 from a pawn shop in Texas. I would like to sell the guitar if anyone is interested thanks.

  98. I have a j-45 from the late 40's or early 50's that I would like to sell. My grandfather bought it used from a pawn shop in Texas in 1955 it's in great condition. Contact me at

  99. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Your guitar was made at the
    Bozeman Plant , MA, USA
    January 24th, 1999
    Production Number: 55

  100. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I have 4 Gibson's a Blonde 2005 J45, a LP Studio, SG Standard and a Traditional Standard Flame top LP, my Epiphone Standard LP says Gibson on the TR cover but it's Nipon Gaki so I don't count it..
    I am always looking up stuff, the link at the top has useful info like serial number search and links, hope it useful

  101. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Hi Scott, Is your guitar and electric? is most likely and SG (Bon Scott)

    Ser. #71578003
    Kalamazoo Plant, USA
    June 6th, 1978
    Production Number: 3

  102. I have a red j45 that my dad bought brand new in 1966. It has been played and played. It sounds better today than it did brand new. Never had any work of any kind done to it. I strongly recommend the j45.

  103. My friend has a '53 J-45 he calls "The Magic Guitar". He shows off its battle scars in this video:

  104. My friend has a '53 J-45 he calls "The Magic Guitar". He goes through its battle scars in this video:

  105. My friend has a '53 J-45 he calls "The Magic Guitar". He shows off its battle scars in this video:

  106. Amazing post. Nice information. I have recently bought an electronic guitar online from This is a great place to buy best quality branded musical instruments with affordable price. Thanks for sharing this post with us.


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